She and Mr. Gu

Chapter 739

Chapter 739

When she saw Yoko Sasaki, she had already woken up.

The family members must have seen it for a while. There was no one in the ward. She just leaned on the pillow and stared out the window blankly.

When she came, the doctor told about Yoko Sasaki's condition. She was fine. As soon as she woke up, her condition would improve. She was lying in bed as a vegetable for nearly two years. Her body functions were atrophied normally, and she needed some time to recover.

When Tang Chi saw Daiko Sasaki, his stomach puffed out, and he called out in surprise, "Daiko."

Yoko Sasaki turned her head, her pale face was still bloodless, but she was a little surprised when she saw the person at the door.

The girl in my memory seems to have lost more of her greenness, but her liveliness is still as vivid as ever.

The most noticeable thing is that she has a pregnant belly, and beside her is the wife of the Gu family.

Sasaki Yoko sat up straight with his hands propped up in surprise, looked at Tang Chi who came in from outside the ward, and said dryly, "Are you pregnant?"

It hasn't been long since she woke up, and she's not used to speaking, and it's still words, so what she speaks is even less smooth than before, but it can barely be understood.

"Well, I'm half a year pregnant."

Tang Chi and Gu's mother walked over. Seeing Sasaki Daiko's appearance, Gu's mother felt distressed and moved: "Good boy, just wake up."

It was her misfortune to have a background like the Sasaki family.

But it's lucky to be able to wake up now that something happened.

Daiko Sasaki nodded towards Mother Gu, "Aunt Gu."

Mother Gu put the recovery gift brought to Yoko Sasaki by her bedside, "Just wake up, a lot of things happened during your coma."

She smiled and pointed at Tang Chi, "Chichi has also won the UKG championship now."

Sasaki Yoko smiled: "I know, the people from the foundation told me when I woke up."

After all, it is a matter of such a large amount of property, and the foundation will definitely inform everything in time.

But there is a problem, the contract that she fulfilled at the beginning, the money that the Foundation took can no longer get it back.

The foundation is also afraid that Yoko Sasaki will go back on his word and file a lawsuit with them.

But Yoko Sasaki never thought about getting the money back.

She looked at Tang Chi with gentle and introverted eyes, with some inexplicable envy: "You have achieved your goal and lived your life."

Tang Chi has a husband who loves her, and she has achieved the goal she wanted. She is lucky.

And Yoko Sasaki just woke up, still feeling a little melancholy about how to let go of the family.

Tang Chi looked at her, sighed inwardly, and said, "Daizi, now that you've woken up, I also have something to tell you."

She asked everyone around her to go out, leaving only one Gu mother: "The money you gave me, the foundation transfers to my account every month, but I didn't use it. I originally planned, if you really If you can't wake up...then donate the money, but now that you're awake, I plan to return the money to you, and you can ask the foundation to suspend the execution of the rest, right?"

Yoko Sasaki's eyes widened: "Why?"

"No reason, how could I take your money for granted, now that you are awake, of course I will return the money to you."

(End of this chapter)

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