She and Mr. Gu

Chapter 732 Chi Chi, My Stomach Hurts

Chapter 732 Chi Chi, My Stomach Hurts

In the following days, Tang Chi was indeed busy with interviews and preparations for his retirement.

She has been sought after unprecedentedly in the country, and when she won the championship, she did something that made people dumbfounded.

She used her tuba to publicly @a few prominent hackers on Weibo and set up several FLAG accounts.

Even if she changed her name, she couldn't escape the siege of her fans who have been paying attention to her all the time, and she was finally publicly executed by @出来.

Tang Chi V: Hurry up, live broadcast Ridian fans! !

When he was talking nonsense back then, his mouth was more excited than his brain, but now that it has become true, Tang Chi hung it up and immediately became a hot search.

A few people apologized in embarrassment, while some would rather bear it to death, log off Weibo and leave it alone.

Naturally, Tang Chi wouldn't make such a big fuss over these few people, she just wanted these people to have a taste of how painful it was to be slapped in the face.

After winning the championship, there was another embarrassing thing, that is, Sasaki Yoko’s foundation came to the door, and they had to fulfill their promise, because Sasaki Yoko hadn’t woken up yet, and her fund had to be handled according to her orders .

And Tang Chi has already fulfilled the above requirements and successfully won the UKG championship. The foundation will naturally start to implement the requirements of this contract.

Tang Chi couldn't help it, and Gu Linzheng asked her to accept it for the time being. The Qian Foundation could call every month, but Tang Chi could choose not to.

After all, she is not short of money now, so the money can be kept there. Regardless of whether Yoko Sasaki wakes up in the future, she can find a suitable opportunity to make a unified charitable donation.

So Tang Chi finally agreed to the foundation's request.

Adding in the tens of millions from playing the game, as well as the rewards from the club and the country, Tang Chi relied on this wave of success to reach the pinnacle of his life.

Although she announced her retirement in the next few days, which caused a global uproar, most fans can understand her.

Winning the most important UKG championship is no longer his pursuit. Moreover, Tang Chi is already in his 20s, his golden age is about to pass, and he is getting married. Maybe he has to prepare for other things, such as having a child?
"It's too late...I feel sick to my stomach these days."

Tang Chi is now living a life of laying corpses at home after the game. It has not been a month since the game, and now Tang Chi is not afraid to go out. The main reason is that she won the championship and has never had an influence. Huge, countless crazy fans chased and blocked her every day, which allowed Tang Chi to enjoy the treatment of a superstar, and also scared her too much to go out.

So she is always at home either playing black games with Feng Shuman, or playing mahjong with her parents and mother Gu...

Life can be described as quite depraved and happy.

One day, while sitting on the sofa and playing games, Sai Wenwen over there came over with a strange expression on her face. She seemed to say this unconsciously to Tang Chi with a sense of ignorance.

I have been with Gu Linye for so long, so Sai Wenwen basically lived in Gu's house during this time, and usually accompanied Tang Chi who became bored after the game. She said this suddenly, Tang Chi Turning his attention away from the game, he was a little dazed: "Ah, where is it uncomfortable?"

Sai Wenwen pointed to his stomach, "In just these two days, I will feel a pain in my stomach."

(End of this chapter)

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