
Chapter 331 It's A Little Weird

Chapter 331 It's A Little Weird

The carriage drove towards the Lu residence at a leisurely pace, but Lu Zhen remained silent with a dark face.

"Eat it all, and you can't spit it out, can you?" Mu Xiang took out the box from the hidden compartment and put it in Lu Zhen's hand, opened it, and said with a smile: "You have a plum to relieve the tiredness."

"I'm not tired." Lu Zhen said angrily: "The cooks in the Hou's Mansion are serious about cooking. The combination of meat and vegetables is just right."

So she unknowingly ate too much.

Really!Where did you find the cook?How much is a month?Now that she has a salary, she should be able to afford to hire a cook home, right?
Mu Xiang closed the saving box, "Then you rest your mind and you will be home after a while."

Lu Zhen puffed her cheeks and closed her eyes, still muttering, "Next time, I have to be careful, I can't have fun. Since you are pretending to die, you have to pretend to be decent."

"Yes, yes. What you said is correct." Mu Xiang suppressed a smile, and with her eyes signaled the snail essence to put the box away, and took out the thin blanket by the way.

The snail spirit hastened to do so.Mu Xiang took the blanket from the snail spirit, nodded appreciatively, "It's becoming more and more like a house elf."

Hearing this, the snail essence pursed her lips and snickered.Although it is hard work, it still prefers to be a house elf than a wild elf.

Seeing that the carriage would soon arrive at Mingshifang, the driver suddenly reined in the reins and slowly stopped it.

Mu Xiang opened the curtain, poked her head out, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

The coachman swallowed his saliva, and replied in a lower voice than Mu Xiang: "That...Wu Dewei..."

Isn't the girl also Wu Dewei?What's so scary?Mu Xiang followed the coachman's gaze and looked forward, and saw a young man sitting on a tall horse, "Xiao Lu!" He shouted loudly, "My lord, I invite you to eat pork head meat!"

Before leaving, Ake told Tite that all adults should use code words to find Xiao Lu——pork head meat.The young man lowered his eyes and sighed. He obviously had lunch, but...why are you hungry again?
Mu Xiang nodded knowingly, this person should have passed the message on behalf of Master Ake.

That's it... not as smart and sensible as Ake.Originally, Wu Dewei was conspicuous enough, and he spoke so loudly.As if no one else could hear you.

Lao Gao is back?There is only uncle left in Suzhou, can you calm down the situation?After all, Lao Gao is a bit scary when he is not smiling.Compared with him, the uncle is a frail scholar.Lu Zhen frowned worriedly.

Mu Xiang nodded slightly at the man on the horse, and turned to look at Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen nodded, "Go." She raised her eyes and told the snail spirit, "Pass me a plum. I'll be sour first, and I have to eat meat later."

Isn't it impossible to eat more if you pretend to be dead?The snail spirit sighed.Anyway, that's how people are.One change at a time.Unlike them goblins, they have a single tendon from beginning to end.He ran all the way to the dark, hit the south wall without looking back, dug a hole and continued to move forward.

The snail spirit sat on her knees in the corner, exhaling slowly.It is a good fairy who only recognizes one master.


Gao Tang squeezed the corners of his eyes and closed them tiredly.Go through the events of these days one by one in my mind.Before he knew it, he thought of Lu Zhen who was begging for pension money for Xiao Hei.The suave brows were tightly wrinkled.

Xiao Lu really didn't worry at all.Taoist Qingjing was arrested within two days after returning to the capital.After that, the side hall of Changchun Palace collapsed.Looking at Xiao Lu again, he didn't panic, opened his eyes and talked nonsense, turning bad things into taboos that no one in the court dared to mention.Anyone who refuted Xiao Lu's rhetoric would be treasonous.Especially when Liangzhou is not peaceful.

If he didn't come back again, he didn't know what trouble Xiao Lu could cause him.Gao Tang's brows furrowed deeper, and his slightly closed eyelids trembled again and again.

Before leaving, Lao Lu invited him to drink.During the period, he expressly and implicitly asked him to take care of Xiao Lu more.Who is free to help the Lu family take care of the children?

Gao Tang suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and slapped the table heavily, and hummed, "It's so annoying!"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the door opened, "Sir, what can I bring...cough cough cough..."

A burst of violent coughing sounded outside the door, Gao Tang followed the prestige, and Lu Zhen, who was wrapped in a big woolen dress, held an oiled paper bag in one hand, covered her mouth with the other hand, arched her waist and coughed non-stop.

Why no one communicated?It's getting more and more unruly!Gao Tang was full of displeasure, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Zhen who was coughing to the end, "Come in."

There was some concern in the voice, "Have you passed the winter so early? Your big woolen clothes don't seem to help. When you go back to hunt, I'll get you a bear skin. It's warm and majestic enough to wear."

One sentence scared Lu Zhen out of her mouth, she quickly stopped coughing, she shook her hands and declined politely, "You should keep the good stuff. I'm still young, so I can't afford it." As she spoke, she stepped across the threshold, "I'll bring it to you Five-spice dried tofu, if you treat me to meat, I will treat you to dry."

eat meat?What kind of meat do you eat?Gao Tang was confused.Lu Zhen glanced at the desk full of official documents, and the corners of her lips twitched.

No meat at all!

It's a sour mouth to eat words for nothing.

Lu Zhen unhappily put down the greased paper bag and opened it, the salty aroma was mouth-watering.

"You didn't say a word when you came back. I just finished eating noodles at the Marquis of Linchuan. If I knew it, I would have taken you with me." Lu Zhen sat down opposite Gao Tang, "Look at your eyes are black and blue How about... I will give you a heart-cleaning talisman?"

Every time she said a word, Gao Tang's complexion darkened.Hearing the words "Qingxinfu", it turned black into carbon.

"Is it Tong Jijiu Tete who made Pianfu's Qingxin Talisman?"

Lu Zhen sighed, and nodded slowly, "What Tong Jijiu wrote is not a fu, it's clearly a sacrificial oration written for me, Xiao Lu."

Gao Tang lowered his face, and reprimanded in a low voice: "How can a little child talk so frustratingly? The salary and silver are all paid for you, so you should eat and drink."

Hearing this, Lu Zhen sighed again, "My lord, I don't know how dedicated I am to my errands when you're not in the capital, and Xiao Hei also worked hard..."

When Gao Tang heard the word Xiao Hei, his mind was buzzing, "Okay, okay. Put the other side aside for now." He picked up a piece of spiced tofu and put it in his mouth, chewing while nodding in praise, "Wei Er It’s not bad. It’s from Zheng Zizi’s family, right? It’s a time-honored brand.”

Gao Tang deliberately changed the tone of the conversation, Lu Zhen pursed her lips into a single word, and murmured.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Gao Tang secretly heaved a sigh of relief.Finally, he covered up Xiao Hei's troubles.

If you don't have some rambling skills, you really can't be Xiao Lu's Shangfeng.Gao Tang sighed softly, and continued: "I will go to the palace to meet Your Majesty, and Your Majesty will praise you for your dedication to your duties, your brains are vivid, and you are a talent."

Yeah?Lu Zhen was skeptical.

Gao Tang lowered his eyes, took another piece of dried tofu and put it in his mouth.His Majesty indeed praised Xiao Lu a few words.But... Gao Tang seriously recalled Yuan Hedi's demeanor and tone at that time, and he felt an indescribably weird feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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