
Chapter 320 Why is she here?

Chapter 320 Why is she here?

Lu Zhen didn't want her things for nothing.He took off the purse at his waist and presented it to Princess Xue with both hands, "There are three dates inside. Taking it will make His Royal Highness healthy."

Lu Wu's face was pale, as if his life was not long.It's hard for her to miss others.Concubine Xue was slightly taken aback, "Such a good thing, why don't you keep it for yourself."

"It's not right, it's useless to eat." Lu Zhen's eyes were red, her words choked with sobs, "His Royal Highness's cold cake is also ready." Saying that, she untied another purse and stacked it on top of the purse with green dates, " Pair it with a bowl of scallion and white porridge in the morning and evening, and His Highness the Crown Prince will definitely be happy."

That would be great.Princess Xue took the purse with both hands, and said solemnly: "Thank you Miss Lu Wu."

Lu Zhen covered her lips and coughed lightly and shook her head slowly. After coughing three or five times, her cheeks flushed.

Mu Xiang, who had been standing by the side all the time, possessed her body and asked, "Maidservant, bring your big woolen clothes to wear?"

Lu Zhen glanced at Mu Xiang resentfully, and coughed even worse.

Mu Xiang straightened her waist, and said apologetically to Princess Xue: "Our girl was afraid of scaring you, so she left the big woolen clothes on the car. It must be freezing right now."

Lu Zhen stopped in a low voice, "Mu Xiang, stop talking nonsense!" Before she finished speaking, she coughed violently again.

Wearing woolen clothes now, then... what to do in the middle of winter?

Concubine Xue sent Gong'e to pick up the winter coat she had just made, and turned to Lu Zhen, "You are about the same size as me, so just wear it first. Don't go to the car to pick it up. Going back and forth will waste time."

Lu Zhen declined, " can I afford it?"

"What can you say that you can afford it?" Princess Xue sighed softly, "You saved His Highness the Crown Prince's life. This kindness will never end even if it lasts a lifetime."

Lu Zhen finally stopped coughing, panting slightly, and said, "Everything has a definite order, and this fate should be fulfilled."

Concubine Xue nodded her head slowly in agreement, "" I wanted to ask if there is a clue to the culprit who put a poison on Song Yi, but seeing Lu Zhen frowning sickly, she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart. He swallowed again.After thinking for a moment, he turned to say: "Ah Chen is on business in Ruizhou, thanks to your help."

Miss Lu Wu is really a noble person in their family.Princess Xue looked at Lu Zhen and sighed with emotion.Miss Lu Wu's Taoism is so high, but she can't tune herself with the Taoist talisman.

Maybe he can heal but not heal himself.It's embarrassing to think about it.

What should be said is said, what should be given is given, and what should be installed is also installed.Lu Zhen felt it was time to say some polite words and hurried home.As soon as the lips were opened, a group of ladies in the palace came in one after another holding trays, on which were placed exquisitely crafted woolen clothes.

Lu Zhen took a rough look, and they were all in very calm colors.Suitable for Princess Xue but not for her.

But... if not, will Princess Xue be unhappy?After all, people have a heart.

While thinking about it, Concubine Xue had already ordered Gong'e to pick one to put on Lu Zhen, and put the rest in a box and carry them to the carriage of the Lu residence waiting outside the palace.

Coming here is like moving house.Those bad guys who are jealous and hate her can't be greedy?Lu Zhen secretly clicked her tongue.Let them starve to death!

"The materials are all good materials." Princess Xue was afraid that Lu Zhen would dislike her old-fashioned look, she joked with a smile, "Save it for you to wear after you leave the court."

Lu Zhen curled her lips and smiled slightly.Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Huangmen came in and reported: "Chan Concubine Ruan asks to see you."

"Why is she here?" Princess Xue muttered in a low voice, and waved her hand impatiently, "No, let her go back."

Xiao Huangmen was obviously accustomed to the attitude of Princess Xue, and bowed to take orders to go out to spread the word.

Princess Xue concealed the fleeting disgust in her eyes with a smile, and said softly to Lu Zhen: "I like quietness, so there are very few people who come to visit the East Palace except for the New Year's Eve."

The implication is that Concubine Ruan came at the wrong time, not that Princess Xue intended to embarrass her.

Lu Zhen followed Princess Xue's words and said, "It's good to be quiet and nourish your heart."

"That's right." Princess Xue was very satisfied with Lu Zhen's intelligence, so she simply chatted with her about ways to keep in good health.This is what Lu Zhen is best at.He spoke eloquently, neither coughing nor panting.

(End of this chapter)

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