
Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Really, Lao Gao, they are all brothers of Wu Dewei, why pretend?If you want to eavesdrop, just say it, she has all the skills in her body, so what is such a trivial matter?
"In the future, just tell me what you have to do." Lu Zhen took out a piece of talisman paper, and folded it into a bird shape with her fingers. "Our Xiao Hei can go anywhere, and he can listen to anyone." Blow, Xiao Hei The bird flapped its wings and flew towards the palace.

I feel more and more that Xiao Lu is a baby.Gao Tang suddenly noticed that the corners of his lips were curled up unconsciously, he quickly suppressed the smile on his lips, and said in a deep voice: "You are a good seedling, don't grow crooked."

"With you watching, it can't be crooked." Seeing that Gao Tang was in a good mood, Lu Zhen touched his arm with her elbow, "My lord, do you want to know when I scored twice? I'll count it for you." Forget it?"

Gao Tang glanced at her, "Don't let Wu Dewei's brothers see each other, including me! Have you forgotten?"

She is also kind.Daddy and the princess have become a young couple.Lao Gao alone is very pitiful.Besides, it was really not easy for him to raise three children by himself, and to be both a father and a mother.If there is someone who knows the cold and hot in front of him, Lao Gao will not worry about letting her wear a new gown all day long.

Lu Zhen smiled helplessly, "I won't force you if you don't want to." She stared at the gate of King Wu's Mansion with her hands in her sleeves and sighed.


Song Xiao was playing with a smooth white jade cicada in his hand, but his expression was extremely solemn, "Why did Yuyang Temple suddenly encounter disasters? Who were the Taoists hurt by?"

Mao Zhifu's hand holding the tea trembled slightly, "The Yuyang Temple has always been very fragrant. This year, Taoist Hua Xiao was lucky enough to be selected by the God Machine Division, and the Yuyang Temple has become more and more respected. The thieves robbed all the money and silver offered by the believers. Shang There are 42 Taoists who are missing." Putting down the teacup, he took out a handkerchief to imprint his forehead, Mao Zhifu forced a smile, "The lower officials have already investigated thoroughly, and they will definitely catch all the thieves. Give back to the common people Peace the world."

Song Xiao hummed noncommittally, and slowly stroked Bai Yuchan with his slender fingers.

Prefect Mao couldn't sit still.If it weren't for King Wu's recommendation, he should still be the county magistrate in a small county that doesn't shit.He respected and feared King Wu.Now that such a shocking case has occurred in the place under his jurisdiction, if His Majesty blames it, he will definitely lose his black yarn.

Unless...the lord speaks a word or two for his Majesty.This is also the reason why he rushed to the palace to meet King Wu in a hurry.

"This matter..." Song Xiao raised his eyebrows and looked at Mao Zhifu, "It's not all your fault."

Prefect Mao opened his mouth and took a deep breath as if he had received an amnesty, and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your compassion."

Song Xiao put Bai Yuchan on the table, "Catch the bandit leader as soon as possible, so that I can have an explanation for the wronged soul."

"What the lord said is very true." Mao Zhifu nodded his head, "I will remember it in my heart."

Song Xiao hummed again noncommittally, "Go back and take care of the funerals of the Taoists. Do a ritual to save the souls of the dead. As for those whose whereabouts are unknown... just ask people to visit them unannounced, and don't disturb the people."

Mao Zhifu repeatedly said yes, seeing that Song Xiao was a little impatient, he quickly took out two portraits from his sleeve pockets, "These are sent by Wu Dewei, and they are felons who escaped from the capital." Pointing to one of them One said: "This is an accomplice who helped a repeat offender get away."

The two faces on the portrait are Miaoyuan and Penglai Sanren.Taking a quick glance at the portrait, Song Xiao said with a smile: "Isn't Wu Dewei omnipotent? Can two criminals be caught?"

The prince has never liked Wu Dewei.Therefore, Wu Dewei's government office in Suzhou had to enter the courtyard a little bit.They also don't have as much authority as Wu Dewei in the capital.

After thinking about it for a moment, Mao Zhifu understood the deep meaning of Song Xiao's words.

"The case of Yuyangguan is very important. The government really can't mobilize manpower to investigate the felon who escaped from the capital." He raised his face and looked at Song Xiao for a moment, then hurriedly avoided, "I will be released within three days I will give an explanation to the Taoists who died in Yuyang Temple."

Song Xiao smiled slightly, "How can it be three days? Ten days and a half months don't feel rushed. Anyway, you can do it yourself."

Prefect Mao nodded yes.


"Prefect Mao is gone?" Lu Zhen shook her head and said, "Why doesn't your lord keep food? How uncomfortable it is to travel hungry."

"Even if he stays, he won't have enough to eat." Gao Tang mocked, "He is a dog raised by King Wu."

Lu Zhen turned her head to look at Gao Tang and said nothing.Suzhou Wu Dewei seems not to be in harmony with the magistrate's yamen.Lao Gao is fine walking sideways in the capital.In Suzhou, however, they had to keep their tails between their legs and dare not make mistakes.How could he stand such restraint?

Tsk tsk, Lao Gao is suffering.She has to be more sensible and not make things difficult for Lao Gao.

"Take Xiao Hei away, listen to what they both have to say." Gao Tang pinched his waist with one hand, "I will meet the prince later, so I can have a good idea in my heart."

Lu Zhen chanted the mantra, and the little black bird flapped its wings and flew out from the study window in the front yard.To Gao Tang's and Lu Zhen's surprise, the little black bird flew into the air and suddenly turned into a cloud of ashes and fell down. The wind blew and disappeared without a trace.

Gao Tang was horrified, and the first thought that flashed through his mind was: It's broken!Xiao Lu had to ask him for compensation money again.

No, no!Gao Tang rubbed his forehead, and asked: "Why is this happening? Did your Xiao Hei hear too many people's words?"

Lu Zhen pursed her lips and stared at Gao Tang for a moment, sniffed her nose, and said in a deep voice, "My lord, why are you doing this? Xiao Hei was obviously martyred in the line of duty! You just watched Xiao Hei turn into ashes, the compensation money must be Can't afford it."

Sure enough, he guessed it right.

Three sentences are inseparable from pension money.Gao Tang took a deep breath, "Don't talk about what's there and what's not. Why did your Xiao Hei die?"

Lu Zhen frowned and looked at Prince Wu's Mansion, and said two words concisely, "Boundary."

Enchantment?Gao Tang was quite surprised, "I never heard that the king of Wu raised a warlock." A light flashed in his eyes, "His Majesty has raised a good son."

"This barrier is very cleverly set up. Xiao Hei can get in, but can't get out." Lu Zhen looked solemn and murmured, "I didn't notice it just now."

"Sometimes you miss it." Gao Tang comforted: "The dead bird is gone, don't be too sad. You are sad and hurt yourself, why bother?"

"My lord is so right." Lu Zhen nodded slowly, "If the compensation money is generous, I won't be sad."

"There is no compensation silver for talisman papers." Gao Tang impatiently stretched out his finger to Prince Wu's mansion, "Will King Wu be aware of Xiao Hei's turning into ashes?"

Lu Zhen corrected her complexion and replied solemnly: "It depends on who set up this enchantment. If it was set up by the King of Wu, you must know it if you feel it. If it is another magician, and this person is in the Palace of King Wu, you will know it too. "

Gao Tang nodded, "If that person isn't here, wouldn't he know?"

(End of this chapter)

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