
Chapter 167

Chapter 167
Her father was also generous in the past, but it is different from the generous one now.How it was different, she couldn't say.Anyway, ever since her father had a son-in-law, everything was wrong.

"There are some things that I can't say, let alone manage." Lu Zhen smiled wryly, "To be a junior, you have to act like a junior, don't you think?"

"I understand, you have your difficulties." It was rare for Gao Tang to be considerate, "Just relax. I don't think she is a fool."

A Her Royal Highness, and an unknown male daughter-in-law.Isn't that crazy enough?
If Her Highness the Princess finds out that her father is hanging on both ends, she will definitely be furious.She casually said a few things about the Lu family in front of His Majesty, it was enough for them to suffer.

I hope daddy will act more carefully, so that Wu Dewei or His Royal Highness don't find out about the male and female daughter-in-law.

Lu Zhen felt more bitter than Huang Lian in her heart, she cupped her fists and waved perfunctorily, "My lord, I'll go back first." After that, she got up to leave.

Gao Tang hummed, and said lightly: "Follow me to Suzhou in a few days. Let's fly there."

No riding this time.Let Xiao Lu take him to fly.Go quickly and go back quickly.

Lao Gao can trust her?When Lu Zhen was surprised, Gao Tang asked, "How many days will it take to fly there?"

Lu Zhen pinched her fingers and calculated, "I don't need it for half a day. I can catch up with lunch in Suzhou when I leave before dawn."

Gao Tang smiled with satisfaction, "Okay! Just fly away."


Lin Mei watched the magpie jumping up and down on the branch through the open window, curled her lips and smiled.

"It's so lively." Lin Mei simply picked up the wolf pen at hand, just a few pens, and the vivid magpie leaped onto the paper.He stood up, took two steps back and looked at it for a while, and added a few strokes to the magpie's tail. After looking at it, he smiled and said to himself: "It's beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

Ever since Miss Lu Wu ordered some for him, he felt extremely happy.From morning to night, nothing but happiness is happiness.

There is nothing more satisfying than being alive.

Lin Mei swung the wolf hairs in the water bowl and hung them on the pen stand. Her eyes fell on the water bowl again, and she curled up her lips and smiled.

Shabu-shabu is like a painting.

beautiful, so beautiful!
Suddenly hearing the sound of footsteps outside the door, Lin Mei followed the prestige, and the clerk was sweating, stepped across the threshold, and hurriedly said: "My lord, my lord! The drum master delivered a letter, saying that someone was beating the Dengwen drum. Tell Lord Tang Zhaotang."

Lin Mei's heart tightened, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "What crime do you accuse him of?"

The Yachai wiped the sweat off his face, "If the case is unclear, human life is ignored."

Lin Mei narrowed her eyes slightly, exhaled a foul breath, and said, "Go to the drum department!"


The person in charge of the drums is none other than Jin Xichun's apprentice, Jin Xiaoze.He is said to be an apprentice, but in fact he is a adopted son.But in front of people, the two of them never referred to each other as father and son.

The drummer can be said to be an idler, and ordinary people don't play Dengwen drums for no reason.Once the drums sound, it's a big deal.

Only the palm of Jin Xiaoze's hand serving the tea was warm, and his fingertips were already completely cold.

The descendants of the Ning family in Ruizhou played the Dengwen drum.The one he sued was none other than Tang Zhao, who was the magistrate of Ruizhou at the time.Today, Tang Zhao has been promoted to the chief envoy of Jiangsu.

Big case!

Jin Xiaoze lowered his head and took a sip of his saliva, he had to stabilize first.Wait for Lin Fu Yin to come and ask Ning Wendong together.He claimed to be Ning Ziyue, the son of Lu Jian's concubine Ning's brother.

He carefully compared the passing guide and the photo post.It can be preliminarily determined that the person who came was Ning Wendong.If you want to be safe, you have to send someone to the household department to check the yellow book.

Kim Hyo-taek took a deep breath.It has been proved that he is Ning Wendong. After reviewing the evidence, it is time to report to His Majesty.

Jingzhao Mansion is not far from the Drum Division, Lin Mei walked in a hurry, bean-sized beads of sweat oozed from her temples and slid down her chin.He took out his handkerchief and wiped it casually, then stepped into the room, "Master Jin." He called out in a deep voice.

Jin Xiaoze quickly put down the teacup and stood up to greet him, "Master Lin, you came so soon."

"It's a big case." The implication is that if you don't go quickly, you're sorry for such a case. Looking around, you asked, "Where's the drummer?"

"I ordered someone to take him to a secluded courtyard first." Jin Xiaoze made a gesture of invitation, motioning Lin Mei to sit down, "This matter will be known to everyone within two hours. If something goes wrong, we will Who can bear the responsibility?"

Lin Mei nodded understandingly, "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years."

"That's right, that's the reason." Jin Xiaoze took out Ning Wendong's certificate, "Look at this."

Lin Mei took it over, carefully read it word by word, brushed up her beard while reading, nodded and praised: "Good words, good words."

His heart was up and down, and he didn't know where to go.Mr. Lin actually still has such a sense of elegance.Kim Hyo-taek sighed secretly.Do the business first and then praise, okay?

After reading the testimonial, Lin Mei looked solemn.

According to the pleadings, Tang Zhao is simply a beast in clothes.Not only wronged Ning Ziyue's Yurou Township and occupied the fertile land, but also insulted Ning Ziyue's eldest daughter, causing her to hang herself.All the fields of the Ning family were occupied by Tang Zhao.

If it is true, Tang Zhao is not only unclear about the case, but also disregarding human life?It would be light to sentence him to a death sentence.

Jin Xiaoze didn't urge him, he rubbed his cold fingers and breathed a long sigh of relief.When he just read the testimonial, he was just like Mr. Lin, sitting there in a daze, the blood all over his body was frozen.

It can be seen that it is not that he has little knowledge.But... the case is too big.

Not only Tang Zhao was involved in the case.The magistrates, judges, magistrates, and even local rascals who worked for him below.Ning Wendong listed them one by one, and there were as many as 37 people with names and surnames alone.

Lin Mei thought over and over again, and said to Jin Xiaoze: "Let someone invite Cao Shangshu and Liu Shangshu."

Jin Xiaoze hurriedly ordered someone to invite him.

After about two cups of tea, Cao Zhen and Lu Guan arrived one after another.

Lin Mei was a little surprised why Liu Shangshu didn't come.Before he could ask, Lu Guan said, "His Majesty Xuanliu Shangshu has entered the palace."

Recently, Liangzhou is not peaceful, and Emperor Yuanhe often summons ministers to discuss matters.Lin Mei was not surprised, nodded and said, "It's the same with Lu Shilang."

After exchanging pleasantries, they all sat down.

"Someone sounded the Dengwen drum just now." Jin Xiaoze opened his mouth first, and gave Lin Mei his eyes. Lin Mei continued, "You two still remember the Ning family, right?"

Lu Guan thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "It's...that Ning family?"

Lu Jian's concubine Ning has a nickname: Sai Daji.

One can imagine how outstanding Ning's appearance is.At that time, some people in the court spread gossip in private, saying that Lu Jianfu was so weak that he couldn't bear such a beauty.

Jin Xiaoze nodded again and again, "That's right, that's the Ning family."

"Ning's nephew came to defend his father." Lin Mei handed the pleading paper to Cao Zhen, "You can take a look."

Cao Zhen only glanced at it, and couldn't help but praise: "Good words, good words."

This is called the hero sees the same. "That's right, you also think it's good." Lin Mei didn't hesitate to praise her words, "The brushwork is amazing, and the bones are straight. Good! It's really good!"

(End of this chapter)

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