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Chapter 768 The Underwater Shadow (1)

Chapter 768 The Underwater Shadow (1)

Just as Jin Yuanbao and the others were entangled by the ghost vines, the blackwater crocodile also moved.

They kept approaching and surrounded everyone.

Suddenly, a black water crocodile in the front opened its huge mouth full of fangs, swung its tail and rushed over, biting Taihao's legs hard!

That bloody mouth is full of sharp fangs, once it bites, Taihao is bound to be dragged into the water, becoming a delicious meal for the blackwater crocodiles to compete for.


"Hurry up, don't let it bite you!"

Tong Potian and Qin Shou spoke out almost at the same time, and deliberately lowered their voices for fear that others would hear them.

Tai Hao looked coldly at the biting blackwater crocodile, swung his stick in his hand, and hit it heavily on the top of its head: "Bang!"

After a loud noise, the oncoming blackwater crocodile fell into the water again, sank quickly, and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the other crocodiles were visibly apprehensive and did not dare to scramble to come over.

But their icy vertical pupils still stared straight at the people on the token, unwilling to give up this hard-won delicious meal.

Su Yunliang saw it, and raised his hands expressionlessly.

She wore a pair of bracelets on her wrist, which looked like white jade, but had a pearl-like luster.

Gradually, the pearly luster became more and more obvious, and the whole bracelet seemed to be emitting warm fluorescence.

Indeed, they do glow.

It's just that the light is too weak, and it's broad daylight, so it's not very conspicuous.

Only those with extraordinary eyesight would realize that countless transparent silk threads shot out from the pair of bracelets, hitting the eyes of the blackwater crocodile directly.

The eyesight of the blackwater crocodile is mediocre, but the skin all over its body has a very good defense, and it cannot be easily damaged.

If you want to deal with them, you have to start with the eyes or the mouth.

However, blackwater crocodiles know how to protect their eyes, and their eyelids are so thick that once they fall in love, even a knife cannot penetrate them.

Su Yunliang's weapons are these transparent silk threads, clearly to bully these black water crocodiles with poor eyesight.

These silk threads are not only transparent, but also very thin, even the naked eye may not be able to detect them, let alone these black water crocodiles with poor eyesight?
Not long after the silk thread was shot out, seven or eight blackwater crocodiles writhed in pain.

Perhaps it was too painful, but these blackwater crocodiles writhed extraordinarily violently, causing large waves of water.

When the water waves hit, the blackwater crocodiles around them were miserable. The originally neat team became chaotic in an instant, and even their attacks were affected.

It turned out that Su Yunliang deliberately chose the black water crocodile in the middle to attack. In this way, even if they toss in the water, it will only affect the other crocodiles around them, and it will not be like before. Token overturned.

Tong Potian and the others were not stupid, seeing this was an opportunity, they immediately took the opportunity to make a move.

Shen Qinghong controlled the ghost vine to open the way underwater, Su Yunliang brought down a few crocodiles from time to time, Tong Potian and the others were responsible for dealing with those crocodiles who wanted to hit the token.

Everyone cooperated tacitly, and quickly opened up a bloody path surrounded by blackwater crocodiles.

The huge token floated on the water, and it was killed little by little from the siege of the blackwater crocodile. The surviving blackwater crocodile followed unwillingly, and looked coldly at the people on the token with vertical pupils exposed on the water.

Suddenly, as if they sensed something, they sank silently and completely disappeared on the water.

(End of this chapter)

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