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Chapter 687 Shocking Bad News

Chapter 687 Shocking Bad News

It was already late at night, but the Yun family was in chaos.

Just now, a bad news suddenly came out from the Hall of Medicine Spirit, which instantly alarmed the entire Yun family.

Not long after Yunkui and Yunxuan lay on the bed, they were in a daze when they were called up.

Then, an astonishingly bad news hit them on the head - the most powerful ancestor of the Yun family, his life card was shattered!
Yun Kui couldn't bear the blow at all, staggered and almost fell: "What did you just say? Say it again? What broke?"

The ordinary person was startled by her appearance, lowered his head and said in pain: "It is the fate card of Patriarch Yunjing that has been broken."

"Old Ancestor Yunjing? No, it's impossible!" Yunkui screamed in dismay, and suddenly fell to the side. If she hadn't pulled the door at the last moment, she might have fallen to the ground.

Yun Kui didn't care about her own embarrassment, she was completely stunned by the news in front of her.

Patriarch Yunjing's fate card actually shattered?
How can this be?

That man was at the pinnacle of Lingshuai!
Only one step away, you can break through to become a spirit king!
Although Yunjing has not been able to take this step for many years, but he has devoted himself to cultivation, not only his cultivation is advanced, but his strength is also the strongest.

Who can kill him?

Could it be that her previous guess came true?Su Yunliang is really protected by the Spirit King?

Thinking of this possibility, Yunkui's entire face twisted together.

How could she accept such a "fact"?
She and Su Yunliang are already at the end of endless death. I thought that even if Su Yunliang was protected by someone, at most he would be a handsome high-ranking man.

Who knew, the reality gave her a blow in the head!
After she offended Su Yunliang more and more, she actually told her that Su Yunliang was protected by the Spirit King!
She can't accept it anyway!

No, she never believed it was true, something must be wrong!

Where is it?
Yun Kui frowned stubbornly and remained silent.

At this moment, Yun Xuan, who also got the news, rushed over in a panic: "Mom! I just heard that the man's life card was broken."

She obviously had time to come out, and she didn't even have time to put on her clothes, only a cloak over her head.

Walking in a hurry, the cloak was spread out, and you could see that you were only wearing a lotus root pink middle coat.

Yun Xuan was devastated. Although she didn't think highly of Yun Jing and felt that she would go further than him in the future, she also knew the importance of Yun Jing to the Yun family in the imperial capital.

Which big force does not need a master to sit in charge?
In particular, the Yun family is still a family of alchemists, with many elixirs and prescriptions, and there is also a daughter of the Yun family who makes people dream of.

If there were no masters in charge, how would the Yun family be as prosperous as it is today?

Even if other forces would be wary of the descendants of the Sky Continent, there are always people in the world who dare to risk themselves!
It can be said that the Yun family in the imperial capital lost a master like Yun Jing, which can be said to have suffered a heavy loss.

Although besides Yun Jing, the Yun Family also had four handsome and high-ranking patriarchs, but compared with Yun Jing, those people's strength was still much weaker.

What makes Yunxuan even more uneasy is that what happened after Yunjing went to kill Su Yunliang.

In other words, Su Yunliang has a master by his side, and that person's strength is even higher than Yunjing's!
Compared with Yun Jing's death, this is the worse news.

Yun Jing, the most powerful member of the Yun family in the imperial capital, died, but offended someone stronger than Yun Jing, what should they do?
"Mother, it's Su Yunliang, isn't it?" Yun Xuan murmured, her teeth gnashing, and the jealousy in her heart spread wildly and flooded.

 Another chapter to come, love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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