Chapter 47 Coincidence
She was already thin and weak, and this ragged padded jacket was left over from Du Fanghui's wear, so it was still a bit empty in her usual clothes.Now wrapping the paper around the waist and belly, it is just right to wear a padded jacket, and it does not look bloated at all.

She just walked back and bought a meat bun on the side of the road, and ate it as she walked.

This morning, Mrs. Chen still made breakfast in the cowshed. She only ate a bowl of white rice porridge and a few pieces of pickles. By this time, her stomach was already rumbling.She was used to three meals a day in modern times, but in ancient times she had to eat two bowls of porridge every morning and evening. She really couldn't bear it.

She wanted to buy one for each of Chen Shi and the three sisters, but the goal was too big, and it was no joke for Niu Shi to find out.And about her selling the storybook, Chen was worried that Du Fangling and Du Fanghui were not strict with their mouths, and told her not to tell her sisters, so it would be difficult to explain where the money for the buns came from, so she simply didn't buy them.

Anyway, under her plan, the family separation should not be far away, and there will be plenty of good days in the future, and eating good food will not be contested for a while.

When a meat bun was almost finished, she had already walked close to the gate of the city.

"Huh." Seeing a familiar figure from behind, Du Jinning was taken aback, quickly dodged into the alley, and then stretched out his head to look outside.

If it had been a few days earlier, she would not have recognized Du Yunnian.Although there is such a person in the memory of the original owner, but usually there is little time to meet each other, and the memory is also vague.

But she had a meal with Du Yunian last night, so she naturally recognized Du Yunian at a glance.

At this time, Du Yunnian looked a little embarrassed: the padded jacket that was usually neat and clean was torn a hole, exposing the cotton wool inside, and there were a few mud marks on it; the hair tied with a hair tie on his head was now all loose , was blown all sorts of messy by the cold wind.

At this time, his right hand was covering his left hand, and he ran out limping, followed by several men with fierce looks, and the leader grabbed him one by one, and then slapped Du Yun Nian slapped several times.

"Brother Biao, stop beating, please stop beating. I will definitely pay back the money, I will definitely pay back." Du Yunnian was beaten to the ground, begging repeatedly.

"Will you pay it back?" The man named Brother Biao looked angry, "Who will believe you when you say nothing? Just because of your character of wanting to sneak away after losing money, how dare we believe your words?"

"Then, what does Brother Na Biao think?"

Brother Biao took a piece of paper from a skinny man behind, and slapped it in front of Du Yunian: "Come on, mark it with your fingerprint."

Although Du Yunnian said that if he is not good at writing, he will not be good at martial arts, but at least he has studied in a private school for several years.He took the paper and looked at it, raised his head in surprise and asked, "Is it wrong? I obviously only owe you 15 taels of silver."

"Hmph, 15 taels? If you paid back the money honestly just now, 15 taels would be 15 taels. But who told you that you wanted to sneak away just now? It's so bad that our brothers chased us desperately. Who do we ask for this debt? ? Now it’s twice as big as yours, and it’s still light. If I write 100 taels of silver on it, how dare you not press your fingerprint?"

Du Yunnian knew that he had been killed today.

He usually doesn't do anything at home, he just picks up a load of vegetables to sell in the city from time to time.The money for selling vegetables every day has to be handed over to Niu, but a little can always be deducted.With money in hand, I would occasionally eat a meat bun in the city, or even go to a tavern to drink a couple of drinks.

After going back and forth, he got to know the idlers in the city.These idlers only chatted and bragged with him at first, and then lured him into the casino to gamble with some small money.

Those who run casinos have their own way of attracting gamblers.Like Du Yunnian, although the clothes on his body are not silk, they are made of fine cloth and have no patches.The idle man is also a babysitter raised by a casino. During the chat, he found out Du Yunnian's family background clearly. He knew that his family had a small fortune, and he didn't have much backing or background. He was just an ordinary villager in a nearby village. The object of the best pit.

So the casino tricked him little by little, first by making him lose two games and win three or four games, hooking up his gambling addiction, and then making him gamble more and more, and finally, when he was red-eyed after losing, let Toto The excitement caused him to owe a large sum of money to the casino.

It is also fortunate that Du Yunnian has a stingy and fierce mother like Niu Shi. Niu Shi can do anything for money. Du Yunnian is worried that he owes a heavy debt, so his mother is angry and calls her natal nephew to beat him up. Now, there is a fear in my heart, when I hesitated when placing a bet, I did not dare to borrow 50 taels of silver, but only borrowed 15 taels.

This is how Du Jinning saw the scene.

Du Yunnian knew very well that if he didn't press this fingerprint today, he would not be able to return home safely.Gritting his teeth, he pressed his fingerprint on the paper, and then limped away.

Brother Biao also yelled at his back: "Five days, I give you five days to raise money, otherwise we will come to the door to ask for money. By then, the whole village will know about it, so don't blame us. "

Du Yunnian staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Du Jinning hid in the alley until he saw that Du Yunnian had gone far away and disappeared, and Brother Biao and others had also returned to the casino, then he got up and left.

In order to separate the family, she already had a plan.Now seeing that Du Yunian owed someone a gambling debt, the matter was more secure, and he couldn't help but feel very happy.

In order not to meet Du Yunian, she didn't look for Zheng Lin's mule cart, but walked home directly.

She was vigilant all the way, and when she heard mule carts and carriages in the distance, she hurriedly hid in the bushes beside the road. When she saw that Lin Yunnian was indeed returning home in Zheng Lin's mule cart, the mule cart was getting farther and farther away. When she left, she breathed a sigh of relief.

With that meat bun at the bottom, Du Jinning walked much faster this time.In less than half an hour, she returned to the village.

It was almost evening at this time, when Du Jinning returned home, he found that Mrs. Chen and the others hadn't come back yet. Du Jinshou had already left school, dumped his schoolbag and ran outside.When Du Jinning came in, he didn't dare to provoke him anymore, he just snorted and passed Du Jinning as if flying.

Before Du Jinning entered his room, he paid special attention to the movement in Du Yunnian's room next door.I could hear soft voices inside, saying something that she couldn't hear clearly outside.Without stopping, she opened the door and entered the house.

That night, Xiao Sanfang's family still went to Shangfang for dinner, and the dinner was still cooked by Yao.This time, whether it was the men's table or the women's table, they ate white rice.Except for an extra plate of meat dishes on the male table, everything else is the same.Du Jinning did not refuse Du Chensheng's invitation this time, and went directly to the men's table for dinner.

"Where's the second uncle? Why don't you see him come to eat?" Du Jinning asked without seeing Du Yunian.

She wanted to know how Du Yunnian explained his injuries.

PS: Thank you Xianshang Ting Chunqiu for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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