Ancient Imperial Examination Daily

Chapter 15 Let's Make Some Money First

Chapter 15 Let's Make Some Money First

PS: The second update today, hehe.Thank you leader Zixue for your reward, and thank you friends for helping to catch bugs.The old eyes are dizzy and the words are wrongly coded, and I will take the time to change them, everyone~
Du Jinning looked back, and saw Niu standing at the door with a dark face.

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Chen said hurriedly, picked up the bedroll in her hand, and walked out first.

Niu cast a cold glance at Du Jinning and Du Fangfei, turned around and left, and went straight to the West Wing.

Du Fangling was surprised, looked at Du Fangfei, and whispered, "Since when did grandma have such a good temper?"

"Hush..." Du Fangfei signaled Du Fangling not to speak, went outside and picked up another bed, "Hurry up and leave."

Fearing that Niu would take the opportunity to scold others, Du Fangling and the others did not dare to delay, and trotted to follow.

The room in the west wing is very spacious, about [-] to [-] square meters, rectangular, with a large carved wooden window in the east and west directions. It was actually not too late at this time, and it was about four or five o'clock in modern times. The cowshed Because of the low beams and only one small window over there, it is difficult to see the situation in the house clearly, but the west wing is still very bright and the light is very good.Du Fangling was very happy when he saw this situation, but he didn't dare to cheer because Niu was here.

"Mother..." Du Jinning tugged at Chen's skirt and asked her, "Where do I live?"

If she was a boy, it would be fine to live with Du Jinshou.Anyway, she's not a softie, and Du Jinshou is only a nine-and-a-half-year-old child, and he doesn't know who is bullying whom when they live together.It's just that her true identity is a daughter. Even if she is careful not to be discovered, she can live in the same room with Du Jinshou without incident, but women in ancient times valued chastity. The matter of living in the same house will be brought out, and the reputation of Du Fangfei and the sisters may be implicated, so it is better to avoid this situation.

As an ancient woman, Chen could only think more deeply about this matter.She glanced at Niu Shi who had already returned to the house, and comforted Du Jinning, "When you went to the big house just now, I went to ask your grandmother. Brother Shou is used to living in a room by himself, so I don't want to be with you Anyway, this room is big enough, we use a curtain to separate the inside and the outside, separate a room, and let you live alone in the future. Your grandmother didn't say anything, just said to let us, when the time comes don't Just say she treated us badly."

Only then did Du Jinning feel relieved.But she looked around the room for a week, worried: "How do you sleep here?"

This room was originally Du Jincheng's residence. There were not many things in it, only a bed about 1.5 meters wide, a table and a chair.There are a total of five people in their third room, and no matter what, they can't sleep in such a bed.

"It's okay, mother find a way." Chen smiled softly, and told Du Fangfei and Du Fangling to move the bed to the side near the west window, put it in the corner, and moved the table to the side of the bed, and then put her and Du Jinning's bedroll was unrolled, and Du Jinning said, "Go to bed and lie down quickly, don't catch the cold." He then told Du Fanghui, "Sister Hui, go and bring the porridge to my brother, let him eat and go to bed first. Tonight I have only been ill for a while, so I dare not make any fuss."

Seeing Chen's loving but unquestionable expression, Du Jinning had no choice but to take off his cotton trousers, climbed onto the bed and lay down.Du Fanghui went to get porridge from the stove in the cowshed.

Only then did Mrs. Chen greet Du Fangfei and the two sisters: "Go over and tear down the bed and move it here."

Mrs. Chen and her sisters were all used to doing farm work, and they had a lot of strength on their bodies. After a while, they knocked down the bed over there, and brought a few benches and bed boards for the bed boards. A big bunk was put together on the side near the east window, and the four of them could sleep upright.

Mrs. Chen looked at Du Jinning who was sitting obediently on the bed and drinking porridge, and said, "Tomorrow, let's go to the mountain and cut some logs, ask the carpenter at the east end of the village to saw them into planks, and separate the middle and this side by a plank, and it will be finished." We already have two rooms, and the outer room can still be used as the main room..."

"No!" Du Fangling snorted coldly, interrupting Chen's words, "Sawing boards requires money, where do we have money? Don't go up the mountain to carry logs for wages. The only ones who carry logs are men, mother, some time ago You also said that your back hurts, how can you carry the wood? Anyway, I won’t allow you to go.” As he spoke, he pouted and sat on the bunk, his eyes were a little red.

Du Jinning paused while drinking the porridge, and looked at Mrs. Chen.

Since Mrs. Chen doesn't have any money, she can only trade for work if she needs anything.She is not tall, but only 1.5 meters tall. Her body is thin due to long-term malnutrition, and her skin is rough and yellow.With such stature and body, how can he bear the same job as a group of men?Furthermore, Mrs. Chen is also in her 30s, and forcing her to work as a coolie at such an age will only consume her lifespan.

"Mother, there's no rush, we'll talk about it after the elder sister's marriage is retired." Du Jinning said.

Since she came here, she would naturally not let Mrs. Chen do such tiring work again.Now, the only way to delay the attack is to hold off the Chen family first, and then find a way.Fortunately, Du Yinsheng gave her the Four Treasures of the Study. She wrote a short story and sold it in the county, maybe she could make a fortune.

Seeing that Du Fangfei and Du Fanghui didn't agree, Mrs. Chen reluctantly agreed: "Okay, let's take it easy, and wait until Sister Fei resigns and the weather warms up in spring."

Afraid of disturbing the rest of the two elders in the main house and causing Niu's beating and scolding, they didn't dare to delay any longer, hurried to the cowshed to eat something, and then fell asleep in the west wing.

When Du Jinning woke up the next day, she was the only one left in the room, and the porridge and pickles were still on the table.After washing up and having breakfast, she closed the door tightly and closed the windows on both sides. Then she took out the Four Treasures of the Study that she brought back in her bosom last night, and began to think about what novel to write.

She definitely can't write a long story. First, it takes a long time. Second, she doesn't have so much paper and ink. Third, she doesn't have word of mouth. Those who buy the story will not buy it if they haven't seen the rest of it.Therefore, you have to choose short stories.

Thinking of short stories, she hesitated for a moment, finally sighed, and decided to be a copywriter.Although she was also an online novel writer in her previous life, she is a woman after all, and the angle of writing stories is inevitably feminine.Besides, she didn't have the confidence to compare her talent with those great writers in history.With Chen's body involved, she couldn't be hypocritical, she didn't have to write a good article by herself.

"Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" is the best ancient short story, the stories in it are full of twists and turns, and the length is short, which is most suitable for her.In her previous life, she had a very good memory. Although she couldn't memorize all the novels she had read, the general plot was still clear.Moreover, she still doesn't know much about this era. Although everyone's clothes don't look like the Qing Dynasty, so they won't crash into a car, but she won't copy them all because of caution.Slightly change the names of the characters and the plot, and then write it out in vernacular. I think there should be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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