Chapter 13

PS: The new week is here, everyone vote for Lingshui.I am so happy to see many familiar IDs, thank you for remembering Lingshui, hugs~
Thank you very much for Tang Bibimbap, Kang Xiaobai, Millennium Book Yitong, He Ruiwen, Wan Ru for the first time, Luozhi Miaomi, ~Oops~, Listening to Spring and Autumn on Strings, Tea in the Evening, Zhou Dan, Huajiang, and Xinqiao for playing Reward, okay~
Niu didn't come to discuss this with them. After finishing the long speech, he pointed to the room and said, "Move quickly, don't move in the middle of the night, making people unable to live safely." gone.

After hearing the words, Du Fangling and the sisters all looked at Chen, waiting for her to show, but found that Chen's gaze was on Du Jinning.

"Don't move." Du Jinning tugged on the sleeve of Du Fangfei, who looked sad, "Eldest sister, you carry me to my uncle's house."

Du Fangfei looked at Chen Shi.

"Listen to your younger brother." Chen Shi said, after thinking for a while, he added, "From now on, I will always listen to your younger brother."

Last night, she suddenly discovered that Du Jinning has grown up and has his own ideas and opinions, which is stronger than her.Although she knew in her heart that Du Jinning was a girl, she had been telling the outside world that it was a boy for a long time, and she subconsciously regarded Du Jinning as a boy.In a family, isn't the man the backbone?In two years, Du Jinning will be able to establish a household and become the head of the household.They should listen to the head of the household.

Du Fangfei hesitated for a moment, knelt down, carried Du Jinning on his back and went out.

Mrs. Niu was still standing under the porch of the main house. When she saw Du Fangfei and her brother coming out, they were not heading towards the West Wing, but the gate. Said: "You two bastards, where are you going?"

Du Jinning patted Du Fangfei on the back and urged her: "Don't stop, go quickly." I was very grateful for my wise decision to ask Du Fangfei to carry her instead of supporting her.Although she can also walk fast, but in this way, she will reveal her secrets. The consequences of revealing her secrets are too serious, so it is better to be careful.

The cowshed was very close to the gate, Du Fangfei walked out of the gate in a few steps, and Niu's yelling and cursing stopped abruptly inside the gate.There was a riot in the Du family yesterday, and she didn't dare to beat and scold the third bedroom of the Du family in front of others.

Entering Du Yinsheng's house, Du Yinsheng's family was having dinner. When they saw two siblings, Du Jinning was still being carried on Du Fangfei's back. Du Yinsheng was surprised, stood up and came out of the main room, and asked, "Where are you going?" What happened? Did your grandfather beat you again?"

"No." Du Jinning signaled Du Fangfei to put her down, stood in the yard, looked up at Du Yinsheng who was standing on the steps: "Uncle, you can eat first, I have something to talk to you about after dinner .”

Seeing the seriousness on Du Jinning's palm-sized face, Du Yinsheng was astonished and fell silent for a moment: "Okay. You come in first and have a seat."

Du Fangfei was about to squat down to carry Du Jinning on her back, but she gently pushed her away, and she said, "Just help me go."

For some reason, Du Fangfei suddenly felt that the person in front of her was not the Du Jinning she had brought up since childhood.She seems to have changed, she has become calm and assertive, and she is calm and composed when facing Niu Shi and Du Yinsheng, and she exudes an aura of superiority, which makes people unconsciously listen to her and obey her. she.

She looked at Du Jinning, helped her up the steps step by step, and entered the main room of Du Yinsheng's house.

Du Yinsheng and his wife Mengshi had three sons, but the first two failed. Mengshi also injured his body when he gave birth to his second son, and he took care of him for several years before giving birth to his only son, Du Yunchang.So although Du Yinsheng is the eldest, his son is younger than Du Chensheng's children, only 28 years old this year.Due to his poor health, Du Yunchang couldn't do farm work, so his only way out was to study.He can also be regarded as promising. He just got selected as a scholar last year, which can be regarded as living up to his father's high expectations. Even if he can't continue to study in the future, he can still sit in the library and teach for a living.

Du Yunchang has been married for many years, and he only has a daughter and a son under his knees. The daughter is nine years old this year, and the son is only five years old. Their names are Du Fangsu and Du Jinfu respectively.Seeing Du Fangfei and Du Jinning come in, the two children stood up and called out, "Eldest sister, fourth brother." Then they sat down to eat, obviously well-bred.

Du Fangfei and Du Jinning also called a group of people, and refused the offer of food from Mengshi and Du Yunchang's wife Zhangshi, and said straight: "I've eaten." Then they sat down on the small stool next to them.

Farmhouse hospitality is not so particular. The main room is not only a place for hospitality, but also a place for the host to eat, talk and work.It is common for people from the village to rush to the host's house for dinner, and the host talks to the guests while eating, and they don't feel embarrassed about each other.

Du Yinsheng was not in the mood to eat, he casually cleaned up the rice in the bowl, and said to Du Jinning, "Come in."

Seeing Du Jinning standing up, Du Fangfei hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should go in with him.Du Jinning gave her a tug: "Sister, let's go together."

Seeing that Du Yinsheng did not object, Du Fangfei helped Du Jinning and followed them into Du Yinsheng's bedroom.

Du Yinsheng sat down on the bed by himself, pointed to the two chairs in front of the wall, told them to sit down, and then asked Du Jinning: "What's the matter?"

"Uncle, I know it's not for you to meddle in my family's affairs, but I have nothing to do, so I'm begging you. Can you tell my grandfather to let him cancel my sister's marriage?" Du Jinning cut to the chase typical.

Hearing this, Du Yinsheng frowned and didn't speak immediately.

Du Fangfei thought he was in trouble, and said, "Uncle, if this makes you difficult, then forget it."

Du Yinsheng waved his hand: "It's not embarrassing, nor is it difficult to intervene. I told your grandfather about this matter yesterday, and told him to let you move the house, give you food, and cancel this marriage."

He raised his eyes: "He didn't do the same?"

Du Jinning nodded: "I did two things. I gave us two catties of rice last night and told us to move to the West Wing tonight. However, they refused to return my sister's marriage. I asked my grandmother, she And scolded us."

"This old lady." Du Yinsheng cursed in a low voice, and comforted him, "It's okay, I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Then I will trouble my uncle." Du Jinning stood up and bowed, "Jinning will never forget my uncle's great kindness. When I grow up, I will definitely repay my uncle's kindness."

Du Fangfei hurriedly got up and saluted.

"You child, what are you talking about?" Du Yinsheng saw that Du Jinning's eyes were clear and his attitude was very sincere, and that a child who had never studied yet behaved well and spoke in a leisurely, orderly, calm and calm manner. He has his own opinion, and he turned out to be an excellent kid. His face softened, and he became more and more pleasant to Du Jinning, "I am your uncle and grandfather, shouldn't I help you?"

He paused and asked, "Brother Ning, let me ask you, your grandparents have treated you, your mother and your sister all these years, do you have any resentment towards them?"

(End of this chapter)

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