Chapter 267

After the elders of the competition announced the start of the third round of competition, in the competition seats, the personnel of the advanced colleges from various empires quickly gathered together to discuss which of the advanced students in the empire would take on the important task of guarding the competition.

The time for discussion is only a quarter of an hour, and after a quarter of an hour, the guards from all empires must come to the stage.

In the area where the Yunzhong Empire is located, Shangguantang and the others also met with the other two academies of the Yunzhong Empire that had advanced to the third round.

A total of five students from Yunzhong Empire entered the third round, namely Sheng Zifu and Chi Yunzhi from Yunling College, Song Wenjing and Lan Yian from Huangcheng College, and Qiu Fei from Yawang College.

Once the three academies meet, it is inevitable to exchange some simple greetings and introduce the advanced students in the academies.

After greetings and introductions, Dean Shen of Imperial City College looked at Sheng Zifu and Chi Yunzhi who were standing quietly behind Shangguantang and the two sect masters, and said with a smile: "This year's national college competition, Yunling College has produced two good seedlings, ha ha."

"Where is it?" Shangguantang smiled humbly, "The students trained by the Imperial City Academy are truly outstanding, and they can win the top three places in every national academy competition, which makes us old guys really envious."

"That's right." Dean Tao of Yawang Academy echoed: "In the last National Academy Competition, only one student from Huangcheng Academy entered the third round of the finals and won the second place. This time there are two students. Could it be that they want to take all the first and second places?"

"Hahahaha, you two old fellows." Dean Shen shook his head with a joyful smile, and said, "Don't try to hide your shame in front of this old man. I also watched the competitions of the students in your academy. Dean Tao, Qiu Yatou, who was promoted in your academy, has a body skill and spiritual skill that I only think is exquisite. Coupled with her own wind attribute spiritual power, I am afraid that none of the 136 students who have been promoted this time can match her. The competition was a lot of work.”

"And Dean Shangguan, where on earth did you find such two good seedlings, you old fellow? One is proficient in spiritual arts, and the other is an extremely talented puppeteer. The cultivation base of the mere seven condensed return to the spirit realm can make a puppet that is half a step down to the ground, and it is also equipped with a spirit of heaven and earth such as the spirit of the wooden mother. I really don't know how many people I want to envy. I'm afraid that after the competition is over, those big families and big sects will fight for their heads."

Dean Shen couldn't help showing envy as he spoke.

"I'm ashamed to say it." Shangguantang couldn't help straightening his back even more, "The two principals also know that my Yunling Academy has never recruited students, and these students came here by themselves, haha."

Dean Shen: ...

Dean Tao: ...

Standing behind Shangguantang and the two sect masters, Sheng Zifu and Chi Yunzhi looked at each other, then lowered their heads silently.

And the students of the other two colleges were also either looking up at the sky or looking down at their insteps, obviously feeling a little speechless and helpless with this kind of friendly comparison between their adults.

"That's all, I'll save these pleasantries and we old fellows will talk slowly after the competition is over. The most important thing now is to select a student to defend the ring. According to the two deans, who is more suitable for it?" Dean Shen said.

(End of this chapter)

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