The white snow all over the ground has turned blood-red, countless soldiers were killed and injured, and densely packed corpses were lying around.

However, she is well aware of a truth, behind the war is the exchange of interests.

As long as it is profitable, there is room for negotiation.

She blurted out: "You don't need a good reputation, but His Royal Highness needs it."

In order to become the crown prince, Li Yingyu worked hard for many years, even at the expense of framing her mentor, and did so many shameful and nasty things. Such a villain's behavior has gained a good reputation outside, and even Aunt Jingshu was arrested before she died. He was in the dark.

He was only one step away from the throne, how could he not be careful and proper in everything.

"Now that His Majesty is old, suspicions are becoming more and more intense. As the Crown Prince, His Highness the Crown Prince is naturally cautious in everything. If there is a slight mistake, the success will fall short. The young master is so smart, and he will not fail to understand the stakes."

Zhao Wuling stared at her gloomyly, she couldn't read the emotion in his eyes, and didn't care.

At the foot of the mountain, Liu Yongkang screamed, and she hurried forward to check. Liu Yongkang had become the defeat of her senior brother, fell to the ground covered in injuries, and kept shrinking back in horror.

She jumped down and stopped in front of Liu Yongkang, Chu Zhijiang approached suddenly, the sword stabbed at her chest, his expression changed suddenly, he hurriedly retracted the sword, and pulled her to him to check if she was injured.

"I'm fine," she said.

Chu Zhijiang kept his face tense, afraid that she might hurt even the slightest bit, she patted his arm, turned around and said to Liu Yongkang, "Liu Yongkang, if you change your ways and return to our dynasty, General Chu will spare you."

Hearing this, Chu Zhijiang understood her intentions.

Murder can also be meritorious, but if it is persuading the opponent's general to surrender, the merit is even greater.

Liu Yongkang spat and scolded her: "You dead prisoner, how dare you cooperate with Lou Yuan to deceive Lao Tzu, and now you are talking to Lao Tzu hypocritically, bah, kill as you want, what nonsense you are talking about, ah."

Amidst the astonishment of the crowd, Liu Yongkang soared into the air, unable to move no matter what he did.

"Let go of me, you lowly slave!"

"What did you say?"

She raised her hand slightly, and Liu Yongkang was level with the tall tree, and the cry was even more tragic.

"I was wrong, wrong."

Chu Zhijiang's eyes were full of light, and he looked at her in disbelief. She smiled calmly, and suddenly stopped with her right hand. Liu Yongkang suddenly fell to the ground, his spine was broken, and he couldn't move anymore.

Seeing Xiao Yu approaching, the murderous intent in his eyes was horrifying. Fear struck like a stormy sea. He hurriedly begged for mercy, with a trembling voice: "I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me. I surrender, surrender"

"It's good to be early."

She curled her lips in disdain, and when she turned to face Chu Zhijiang, the murderous intent in her eyes was hidden.

Chu Zhijiang was very pleasantly surprised: "I wanted to ask you last time, when did your tendons open up?"

She said: "That day my grandfather got through for me."


He couldn't believe it at all. His grandfather clearly said it was useless that day. Could it be that his grandfather lied to him?

He came back to his senses and looked into her burning eyes: "What's wrong?"

She pouted behind him: "General Tao is here."

Tao Huan shouted to the rebels in a loud voice: "His Royal Highness has an order that anyone who surrenders will be exempted from the death penalty, and each family will be given one mu of land. You can go home and live a good life. If you have ambitions, you can join the general Under his command, serve the imperial court."

The rebels looked at each other in blank dismay, put down their swords one after another, and surrendered to the court.

Tao Huan looked at the person standing shoulder to shoulder with General Chu, and nodded slightly. Xiao Yu bowed deeply, and Tao Huan understood that Huang Jiu was thanking him for not killing the rebels.

Ordinary soldiers who choose to follow Hu Ziyan are mostly people who live at the bottom, and they have no choice but to choose this path because they can’t eat enough. Now that the court promises to grant them land, they will have a home, and they will no longer live a life of homelessness and worry. days of fear.

Thanks to the "traitor" Lou Yuan, the battle was won with complete victory, and the enemy was defeated without a fight.

She and Lou Yuan were in the camp of captives, and Chu Zhijiang was in charge of bringing them back to Fucheng. Hu Sheng turned his head to look at the back from time to time, and asked in a low voice: "General, that fellow of yours is so good, why is he always wearing a human skin?" A mask to disguise yourself?"

Chu Zhijiang suddenly sternly warned him: "Shut your mouth, if you dare to speak nonsense, I won't spare you!"

"Yes, yes, the subordinate must keep his mouth shut and never utter a word."

Chu Zhijiang couldn't help looking back, the smile on his brows was so strong that it couldn't dissipate, Hu Sheng was shocked when he saw it, the general's smile really looked like a cycad tree blooming.


Since she left to return to the city, Lou Yuan didn't say a word, she didn't have time to think about what he was thinking, her eyes searched for Zhao Wuling's whereabouts.

This person is really elusive, and I don't know where he is hiding now.

Gradually, she got closer and closer to the city of Verde, and the corpses of the rebels behind her were covered in heavy snow, and their appearance became more and more blurred.

After entering the city, the soldiers who surrendered were detained in a centralized manner, and the lieutenants and above were guarded separately. After a while, Han Yi came to pick them up. Everyone watched the military division's prisoners being taken away and whispered.

Only Lou Yuan remained silent, staring bitterly at her leaving back.

Ever since discovering her true identity, Han Yi has mixed feelings in his heart. He is afraid of approaching her, but he can't help but look at her. Now that he sees her again in Vermont, he realizes that she is different from before.

Xiao Yu didn't speak the whole time until he saw Zhao Wuling.

She stood at the door and untied her cloak for a long time, Lou Yuan was tied with a knot, her hands were too stiff from the cold, it was really troublesome to untie, she always felt that her fingers were uncontrollable and hard to use.

Zhao Wuling looked at her sideways, she was concentrating on taking off the cloak, her brows were wrinkled in earnest, she bit her lower lip and sighed from time to time.

He looked away and said with a smile, "Come in."

She sighed heavily, and entered the room wearing two thick cloaks. The room was very warm with a charcoal fire, and she couldn't help shivering, shaking off the chill.

Zhao Wuling raised his eyes: "Sit down."

He never stopped his hands, and she didn't pay much attention. Even after sitting down, she was still concentrating on taking off her cloak.

A cup of hot tea was moved in front of her, she thanked casually, lowered her head and continued the movement in her hand, the heat became more and more intense, coupled with the impatience in her heart, a fine thin layer of sweat covered her forehead.

Zhao Wuling sat opposite her, drinking tea, waiting for her calmly.

I don't know how Lou Yuan is tied, the knot is very strong, she couldn't untie it with all her efforts, when she was about to take out the dagger and cut it open, but she heard Zhao Wuling's enlightened words: "Why don't you try to remove it from your head?" .”

She was stunned for a moment, looked at the lace she was holding in her hand, and took it out on her head. The cloak fell behind her, and she immediately felt comfortable physically and mentally.

He took off his cloak, put it aside, and took a big sip from the teacup.

It was really stupid to act like that just now, but it made him see a joke again, it was extremely embarrassing!

How could Zhao Wuling not see her embarrassment, just pretending nothing happened, poured another cup of tea, looked at the clothes on her body, and asked: "Now, do you still feel cold?"

She replied: "It's not cold."

She was already dressed a lot, and with the charcoal fire in the house, it was too late for her to get warm.

Zhao Wuling let out a "hmm", got up and walked to the window, half opened the window, the wind and snow blew in, but she only felt refreshed.

He stood by the window, his face dark and unclear: "You are so nervous, is it because you are afraid that the Marquis will pursue you for trespassing the city gate, or because you are panicked because your identity is exposed?"

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