After traveling with the villa, she fights for interstellar hegemony

Chapter 117 Research and Development of Vaccines

"I want to understand you. But I can't get past myself. I want to live in the most beautiful moment forever. Do you understand?"

Lingering sick bed, described as haggard.

Don't want to, don't want to.Xiao Ming Yueguang almost collapsed when she thought about it, she absolutely didn't want to do that.

No matter how Xiao Shixing tried to persuade her, Xiao Mingyue's mind had been made up.Losing two relatives for a while, the Xiao family was gloomy and gloomy.

How could Zhu Qinghong have time to pay attention to others, the prospecting robot sent back a message.Unexpectedly, mineral veins were discovered in the underground of Zifeng Country.

The robot dug a hole and the space door opened.The moment Zhu Qinghong walked out, the protective cover automatically unfolded.

Ono immediately detects the surrounding environment.

A wet cave is naturally formed in front, and the ground is covered with colorful flowers and plants.No signs of animals, so safe to look at.

But Zhu Qinghong's own defenses were actively opened, which shows that this place is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

【Master, this space is full of parasitic monsters.The flowers and plants on the ground are breeding grounds for monsters. 】

No wonder the shield opens by itself.

There are parasitic monsters all over the cave, like dust invisible to the naked eye, penetrating everywhere.

The ground is the lair of monsters, and it is not surprising that the ground has fallen.The robot led the way, and Zhu Qinghong went to see the ore.

The color of the mine in the cave is very similar to the flowers and plants on the side, if you don't look carefully, you may miss it.Ono extracted the ore for inspection, and the results were immediately available.

[The ore is full of strength and excellent in appearance.It was originally a very common ore, but it changed qualitatively after being covered by the excrement of parasitic monsters.Master, it is not for nothing to win Zifeng Country.Captive parasitic monsters, we can make this kind of ore a renewable resource. 】

"The idea is a good one, but it's risky now. Unless a vaccine can be developed." Zhu Qinghong was moved. Who wouldn't want to have mines?
[The substances extracted from flowers, plants and ores have an inhibitory effect on parasitic monsters.Develop a vaccine now. 】

With the vaccine, the damage caused by parasitic monsters to ordinary people is greatly reduced.

The issue of captivity is a big deal.

"As soon as possible." Zhu Qinghong went back first.The development of vaccines requires experimental subjects, preferably two males and one female.

She set her sights on Xiao's house and got straight to the point.

A brother of the Xiao family volunteered to be an experimental subject, but the female relatives were worried and unwilling.

Xiao Shixing suggested Xiao Mingyue.Zhu Qinghong went into the palace to inquire, Xiao Mingyue considered for a long time and agreed.

With the experimental body in place, Ono continued to experiment.Zhu Qinghong placed a robot with a changeable appearance to act as Xiao Mingyue.

As long as the emperor does not come, there will be no gang.

Vaccine development is in full swing.

Tianchong City.

The number of people confirmed to be parasitized suddenly skyrocketed, and the hospital couldn't accommodate them.

After discussing with Yuanyou and others, several streets were drawn out to isolate them.All patients are sent here and live in private houses.The common people check every day, if it wasn’t yesterday, it might be today.

Su Rui has a headache. If there is no good way to stop the spread, the people of the whole country may not be spared.

"Fortunately, we are far away from the demon's lair. The people are only slightly parasitized. We will get through it."

"Are you sure they are only slightly parasitic?" Su Rui frowned.

Parasitic demons can spread through humans and demons. The country of Zifeng was originally a slave country, but it was changed a few years ago.Slaves, I don't know how many people have dispersed.

How many people entered the Yunhong Dynasty.

In recent years, the common people have not had many opportunities to come into contact with demons.Those who are responsible for exterminating and cleaning up the corpses of monsters are all registered.

Su Rui projected a map: "Zifeng Country is indeed far away from us. There are many countries in between. But don't forget, we have collected many small countries in recent years. The slaves flowing out of Zifeng Country were transported to various cities .One word is passed on..."

Air transmission, not one by one, but one by one.

A city will soon fall.

Even if the slaves were confiscated, hasn't he encountered demons patrolling the city?No matter which side, there will always be a trick.

Yuan You frowned: "I'm afraid that all the cities on the land inside the monster wall will be invaded by parasitic monsters."

"Report—a large number of demons have been found on the border. They are surrounded outside the protection, and seem to have the intention of attacking." A soldier came in to report.

"How could it be..." Su Rui immediately contacted the twelve guards patrolling the border.

Lu Yaoye sent a video to show them the situation on the border.A large number of monsters gathered in front of the protection, panting heavily and very irritable.

"We have seen many scenes of the demon army. But this time is different. My intuition tells me that things are not that simple."

Su Rui thought of something, and immediately sent a message to ask Zhu Qinghong: "Sister, do parasitic monsters have the ability to corrode?"

As soon as the news came out, the projection on the border changed dramatically.The monsters surrounded in front of the protection suddenly exploded one by one, without blood and blood, just like an empty shell bursting.Thousands of monsters exploded together, strange and frightening.

All the dregs of demons outside the protection were not left, and disappeared completely.

That's what makes it all the more tricky.

How to deal with an enemy that is too small to be seen or touched?Yuanyou stood up in shock, can the protection stop the parasitic demon?

The defenses weren't breached, or so it seemed.

However, a soldier on the city wall suddenly grabbed his neck.

Something was moving in his flesh, his eyes were bloodshot.The next moment, the soldiers exploded like fireworks, leaving only tattered clothes.

"Rewind! It's different from the previous parasitic monsters!" Su Rui shouted.

Different breeds have different strengths.

Lu Yaoye and the others immediately put on their mechas and told those who were still alive to retreat quickly.There was a crackling sound after another, and the soldiers died one by one.

While reporting to Zhu Qinghong, Su Rui ordered to abandon the city.Anyone who can run will run, and those who cannot escape will accept their fate.

The people in the projection are like punctured balloons.When it broke, it disappeared.

Then there was a tough battle, Zhang Wenrong and Wei Xuanyu allocated grain.

Su Rui contacted various places to inquire about the latest situation.Yuan You quickly informed, and everyone stayed at home.

At the time of desperation, two people in protective clothing accompanied the nurse hat robot to come in.

The people in the room were taken aback.

[Zhang Wenrong, Wei Xuanyu.You are confirmed to be parasitized.Please cooperate with us and go to the hospital for treatment. 】

Shocked, Su Rui and Yuan You regained consciousness immediately.

They immediately handed over the affairs in their hands and continued to issue various orders.

Zhang Wenrong and Wei Xuanyu were taken away.The relatives and friends of the two gradually confirmed that they were parasitized.

Finally meet at the hospital.


Everyone stares.

Make fun of bitterness and make fun of it.After speaking in silence, it is inevitable to worry about his own life.

Can you survive?

After a few days of isolation, they became more and more anxious and anxious.Can they really win this battle...

Zhu Qinghong of Zifeng Country received the news and immediately went to the border to catch the experimental subjects.The new parasitic monsters have a short incubation period, and they will explode upon contact.

It's like a very hungry beast, eating delicious food when it sees it.Within half a day, the whole city was like locusts passing through.

Looking at the deserted city, the spacious streets are empty.Zhu Qinghong was burning with anger, her city, her people...

The mechanical arm stretched out and waved a few times in the air with a transparent glass cylinder.

Put it back on and take it back for experimentation.

Zhu Qinghong clicked on the call and sent Su Rui the latest protective clothing.It is necessary to speed up the production of protective clothing to ensure the survival of more people.

Ono digs ore from the mine and makes protective clothing day and night.Put it on the soldiers first, and then distribute it to the people.

When all the people put on protective clothing, the parasitic demons had captured two cities.

The building remains, and no one survives.

Zhu Qinghong walked on the quiet street, burning with anger.The monsters have leaders, and so do the parasitic monsters.

She clenched her fist and sent countless detection robots to find it.It took five days to find a trace underground.

Ants have queens, and parasitic demons have queens.The space door opened, and Zhu Qinghong with cold eyes walked out.

The stench here is incomparable, and not a single grass grows in the dry cave.The ores of different colors are dazzling, and a pure white giant squirms its body.

Every time it squirmed, it let out a stinky fart, and the scattered eggs filled the entire cave.

Float out through a small channel.

Float to the ground, or land on the monsters who also live underground.Inhaled, enters the heart and takes root to absorb nutrients.

There are countless large palm passages in this cave, which were drilled out by unknown animals.

Now it's convenient for the queen.

【Master, the ore here is more pure and powerful.It's a pity to destroy it.Raise it up, raise it up. 】

"Block the cave and capture the demon leader." Zhu Qinghong, whose interests are paramount, was reluctant to part with renewable ores.

[Start space blockade.Activate the pet cage.Area...temperature...everything is in place and ready to catch. 】

Two thick mechanical arms emerged, several times larger than usual.The mechanical arm approached the queen, and steel needles appeared all over her body, like a hedgehog.

Not caring about the steel needle, the mechanical arm moved forward according to the calculated trajectory.The steel needle is broken when touched.

The queen twisted crazily, and the colors in her body changed.

It farted several times in a row, spewing out a dozen or so monsters of different colors.

Those monsters are strange in shape, some are like balls, and some are square.They rushed towards the mechanical arm fiercely, trying to bite.

The mechanical arms are so hard that even if they crush their teeth, they can't move an inch.The monsters watched the mechanical arms getting closer, tearing and roaring.

It was useless, the mechanical arm pressed the head and tail of the queen, and shot out a thread like silk.

The thread wraps the demon queen layer by layer, turning it into a cocoon.The monsters lost the power supply of the queen, and gradually withered, turning into smoke of various colors that burst and dissipated.

A needle tube popped out of the palm of the mechanical arm and plunged into the cocoon.The cocoon shook violently.

After one injection, switch to another needle tube and continue until the cocoon calms down.

The capture progress appeared in front of Zhu Qinghong.

The various data of the queen are displayed.She saw the dissection diagram of the bug inside and out, which was ugly but useful.

Leave this to Ono.Once the queen struggled, she would not hesitate to give a needle.Once fully tamed, it will be able to spit eggs to death for providing ore.

Before dying, the worms will give birth to the next generation of queens.Zhu Qinghong can continue to squeeze and never stop.

The development of the vaccine is going well.When the vaccine against the two demons comes out, a group of people are called to test it first.

After confirming that it is useful, send it in large quantities.With the vaccine, it is necessary to develop specific drugs.After all, the vaccine is aimed at people who have not been parasitized, and there are still many people who are parasitized.

Ono hurriedly developed it.

For this reason, many members of the Xiao family became experimental subjects, lying on the operating table every day without a moment of sobriety.

Zhu Qinghong made a contribution to the Xiao family.

She will never treat anyone who contributes to the country.

Everyone in the Xiao family will have good results.

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