Jiang Ying pondered for a moment, and felt that it was still impossible to return to the ice. The ice layer was not suitable for them to fight. Once the battle was too intense, the ice layer might break and the car would sink. The RV seems to be very convenient now. Jiang Ying was reluctant to let it enter the water.

"How about this, let's walk along the river beach first, go wherever we can, try to stay away from where we were just now"

Jiang Ying looked up at the sky, and sure enough, after 02:30, the sky began to darken again, the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker, and the car started to drive slowly again.

"Boss, there is no way ahead"

The river beach is getting narrower and narrower, and the river beaches on both sides have been replaced by steep rock walls. That is to say, they can only abandon their cars here and enter the forest; or they can turn to the ice and continue to find the exit.

The fog at this location has lingered around several cars, and the visible range is only a few meters away from the surrounding area.

"I can't go, let's rest here tonight."

Chen Chen looked at the ice layer: "What if we took advantage of the fog and went back to the ice to find the exit?"

"No, the sky is getting darker and darker. You can't see your fingers in the fog. There are too many unknown dangers. There is no need to take this risk. We will dive back tomorrow morning before the fog clears."

In fact, the most important point Jiang Ying didn’t say is that since the sky darkened again after 02:30, the fog that appeared contained an unknown energy, which was different from the ability. Shielding effect, whether it is mental power or his own ice ability.

When I first discovered it, it was when I was running away on the ice. I wanted to use my mental power to explore the way, but suddenly found that my mental power had failed, and I couldn’t perceive any situation. Later, when the fog appeared, my mental power was even more direct. Unable to penetrate the mist, the spiritual power he emitted seemed to sink into the sea.

Then I opened the window at that time, and secretly tested whether the ice ability can still be used normally, but found that it was also invalid.

That's why Jiang Ying tried his best to hide the panic in his heart, and led everyone to drive the car to the river beach. No matter how bad it was, he still had a large number of weapons in his own space, so that he would not be helpless in case of danger.

It can't go on like this...

Jiang Ying called Yuan Bao out: "Yuan Bao, you are a natural spiritual body, is there a method in your inheritance memory that can control others to be used by me, but the other party has self-consciousness and is just trying to do what is right to me?" Is there a constraint when something is unfavorable?"

Yuan Bao tilted his head and thought for a while: "Sister, there is a kind of fruit on the hill in the space called mother fruit, as long as you eat the mother fruit, you can control those who eat the child fruit when you want to control the child fruit." People, they will completely obey the orders of the mother fruit.

If you don't control it, then they will act according to their original consciousness. "

Space is really your biggest golden finger! ! !Even such a magical thing actually exists!Jiang Ying originally asked his doubts with the idea of ​​trying it out, but he didn't expect it to be true!

In this way, even if they abandon the car and walk, they don't have to worry too much about revealing their spatial abilities, and they don't have to be in the same dilemma as they are now.

Jiang Ying called several people to the RV.

"Let me ask you one last time, are you sure you want to follow me voluntarily? You still have a chance to go back on your word. If you miss it...and do something to betray me later, I won't be merciful."

"Of course." Mo Yao tightly held her son's hand and said nervously, for fear that Jiang Ying might have other ideas. The two days with Jiang Ying were the most peaceful two days since her husband left.

"The two of us are also sure." Chen Lingling directly expressed the common aspirations of the two on behalf of her husband.

Hearing that several people were firm in their choice, Jiang Ying took out a few fruits.

"In this case, you can eat these few fruits."

Jiang Ying thought that someone would ask what kind of fruit it was, but no one asked about it. Seeing that Jiang Ying had given the order, they all picked up the fruit and put it in their mouths without hesitation.

The fruit was very small, about the size of an ordinary strawberry, and it melted in the mouth. Several people felt that the rush of the past few days suddenly disappeared, and their bodies seemed to be full of energy. Even the empty and dry stomach felt a little better .

Regardless of adults or children, the joy on their faces was beyond words, and at the same time they looked at Jiang Ying gratefully.

It was really sold and returned to count the money, but seeing the obvious improvement in the faces of several people, Jiang Ying is not going to say more, after all, it is the fruit produced by the space, and the aura is so abundant, no matter what the effect is, there are some advantages. Certainly.

It's already around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky has darkened a lot. Jiang Ying doesn't need to be too wary after these people have eaten the mother-of-pearl fruit.

"It's getting dark, go and get your dry food and cook it here. Everyone hasn't eaten hot food during the two-day journey. Let's take a rest today."

Talking and walking to the kitchen of the RV: "The water in the faucet here is clean domestic water. I specially store it in the water tank. This is an induction cooker. You should know how to use it."

"This...will it affect you if we cook here?"

Gang Jiangying shook his head: "Don't worry, I have ready-made rice in the thermos, you can cook it here, there is a restaurant here, and you can go back to the car to sleep after the meal is finished at night."

Not waiting for a few people to answer, Jiang Ying came again: "I'm a little tired, I'll go in and rest for a while! The safety protection system is on the outside of the car. If you are inside, as long as you don't come from the back, you can come here yourself."

"Thank you boss, then we're welcome."

It can be seen that the newly married Chen Lingling is a lively and lovely girl, and her husband is also a calm and resolute young man.

As for Aunt Mo, she is more careful and gentle.

Jiang Ying returned to the room to rest after handing over the kitchen to them. Jiang Ying wanted to take stock of the weapons in the space that were suitable for current use.

At this time, the polar bear, which was still running wildly, gradually lost its way in the fog.Those two-legged beasts were gone now, Xiong Xiong couldn't find where they were at all.

Xiong Xiong blinked and blinked his confused little eyes, carefully sniffed the scent of Twolegs remaining in the air with his nose, and finally found a trace. This is the innate talent of their polar bear family, and their sense of smell is very sensitive.

The surrounding fog was getting thicker and thicker, and the bear followed the scent to the river bank. Now the fog has reached the point where you can't see your fingers. The polar bear stretched out its two bear claws while walking and groping forward.

Suddenly, there was a cold feeling in the claw, and the polar bear moved closer to his claw, and walked around the object under the claw, and found that it was one of the iron boxes he had just chased.

One big box and two small boxes, Xiong Xiong can see clearly, it seems that Twolegs is trapped in this iron box.

The polar bear took a deep breath, raised his fists and said to himself, "Don't be afraid, Xiong Xiong is here to save you."

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