Chapter 349
It turned out that his father-in-law was out of food, and his wife wanted him to send a few bags of food to his father-in-law. Before he could decide how many bags to give, his brother-in-law came the next day with an ox cart.

The brother-in-law became greedy when he saw that his family had more than a dozen bags of grain, and insisted that he give them half of the grain.

These are the money left to him by No. [-]'s parents, how could he give half of it to his father-in-law?Besides, there is a famine now, and even the rich can't buy food. Who knows how long this situation will last?One doesn't want to starve to death.

So No. [-] rejected the request of my brother-in-law and his wife, and only gave them five bags of grain.

No. [-] underestimated his brother-in-law's greed, and the rascal ran to his warehouse to grab it while his wife stopped him.

Number One was completely enraged, and drove the man out with a big broom, along with his wife, and finally he bolted the back door.

After calming down his anger, he found that the clothes hadn't been washed, so he went to do the laundry by himself.

But as soon as he soaked the clothes, he remembered that his wife usually did this, and then the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't wash it anymore, and even looking at the clothes and water in the basin was an eyesore.

No. [-] felt very uncomfortable, and planned to pour the water. He was not sure if his brother-in-law and his wife outside the door had left, so he simply poured water towards the corner of the wall.

It seemed clear who the suspect was, but Zheng Wenxuan asked one more question, "Can your brother-in-law climb such a high wall?"

"Yes!" No. [-] answered quickly this time, "He jumped over the wall and ran out to play since he was a child. The wall of my father-in-law's house is much higher than the wall in my backyard!"

This time, Zheng Wenxuan didn't need to ask again, the county magistrate understood. He immediately asked No. [-] to call the old father-in-law's family over. If someone said that he had slipped up halfway and the old father-in-law's family didn't listen to No. [-], they followed.

The father-in-law of No. [-] lives in a village not far away. When they passed by, the brother-in-law of No. [-] was squatting at the door of the house with a dog's tail grass in his mouth. He behaved like a loafing bachelor.

Seeing the county magistrate and his party, the brother-in-law changed his face instantly, and he ran home without forgetting to lock the door inside.

This reaction is not just a ghost in my heart.

The magistrate of the county was furious, strode over, and slammed on the door, "I! The magistrate of Yingyang County! Open the door! Otherwise, I will have you all arrested and beaten!"

People watching the fun: "..."

Did their county magistrate use these thirty boards as tokens?

But I have to say that the deterrence of the "thirty big boards" is still very effective. The old man on the [-]st ran out of the house and opened the door for the county magistrate like a dog's leg. He even ordered his son to move out. A chair was placed in front of the magistrate.

"My lord, we are all good citizens and have not violated the law! Don't arrest us!"

Before the magistrate said anything, the old man with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes brought his whole family to kneel in front of him and began to sell miserably.

"My lord, we can't even afford to eat. We stay at home all day and have no time to go out and cause trouble. You must have found the wrong person..."

Speaking of the issue of not being able to afford food, the county magistrate became angry and shouted loudly, "Is it my lord who made you unable to afford food?! I'm still too worried! It's okay, don't say anything, I ask you, where did your son go this morning?"

The old man subconsciously raised his head to look at the county magistrate, he glanced at the son-in-law next to him from the corner of his eye, and as soon as he rolled his eyes, he hugged the magistrate's leg and began to cry.

"My lord, my son went to his brother-in-law's house in the morning to pick up his sister and stay here for two days. He did nothing wrong! Please learn from me, my lord!"

The magistrate pulled his leg out and said solemnly, "Don't play tricks with me! Use evidence to speak for everything, let your son come with me!"

"Ah?" The old man panicked, "My lord, my son really didn't do anything, please don't arrest him and put him in jail..."

The county magistrate is speechless, going to jail?What the hell is the difference between going to prison in this era of food shortage and eating and drinking for free in the county government!He begged him and he was still not happy!
"The four of you are all suspects, so go with me! If you are really innocent, I won't wrong you!"

The brother-in-law on the [-]st had a guilty expression on his face. When he heard this, he immediately got up from the ground and wanted to run towards the wall.

He was smart, the door was blocked by people, it was impossible for him to run out, so he went directly to climb over the wall.

"Stop!" No. [-] wanted to chase after him, but was held back by his wife. He turned around, couldn't hold it anymore, and yelled at her, "You are a picky eater! Let go of me!" !"

The county magistrate didn't expect that kid to be so bold, how dare he run in front of him?
"Which one of you, let me catch him, I will reward you a lot!"

As soon as they heard that there was a reward, everyone's eyes lit up, and they flocked to it.

People No. [-] was originally standing in front of the crowd. He ran the fastest and was the most agile. Looking at his thin appearance, he was quite strong. After the boy climbed up the wall, he grabbed the boy's legs. Pulled him down abruptly.

Since you don't listen to good words, you can only "invite" them to go.

People No. [-] grabbed the brother-in-law who was still struggling, and escorted him to No. [-]'s house.

A large group of people came back and saw that the magistrate personally compared the shoes and mud prints of brother-in-law No. [-], and there was no doubt that it was the boy who stepped on them.

The boy saw that the matter had come to this point, and he heard someone said that he would torture to extract a confession, so he was so frightened that he immediately recruited.

After being kicked out by his brother-in-law, he didn't leave at all. Instead, he quietly climbed over the wall and came in after hearing that there was no movement at home. Originally, he wanted to take some valuables and left. gone.

He threw the rice outside first, and then climbed over the wall to get out.

Probably because No. [-]'s house was relatively large, and the noise of the kid throwing the bag of rice didn't reach the front yard at all, so when No. [-] came out, the person had already walked away carrying the rice.

The prisoner has pleaded guilty, and now there is one last piece of physical evidence left. After the evidence is conclusive, the case will be over.

Today the officials in the county yamen went to maintain law and order, and the magistrate of the county had no one available, so he asked No. [-] to escort No. [-]’s brother-in-law back to the county government to collect the reward. He asked the master and No. [-] to go to the old man’s house to collect evidence. As for Zheng Wenxuan, The county magistrate specially invited him to have a gathering at his house in the evening.

After explaining clearly, the county magistrate returned to the county government office to formally try the case.

After the magistrate left, Zheng Wenxuan also left, but he didn't take two steps. When he heard footsteps behind him, he turned around and looked at the three of them, "Is there something wrong, Your Excellency?"

The question was for Helian Han.

He Lianhan cupped his hands, "That's abrupt, my surname is Xiao, my name is Qinghan, I'm from Ningpu County, and I brought... my sister-in-law and my family members passing by here, and I'm fortunate enough to see your wisdom, and I admire you very much, so I want to get acquainted with you. "

Looking at his demeanor, Zheng Wenxuan thought that he was also a scholar, and seeing that he was full of sincerity, he immediately liked him, so he told him his name.

Knowing that the three of He Lianhan were about to leave, Zheng Wenxuan asked to stay, "Brother Xiao, it's rare for you to come here, why don't you go to the humble house for a while, take a rest and then set off?"

He Lianhan said apologetically, "It stands to reason that you shouldn't disappoint Brother Zheng's kindness, but the elders in the family are worried about it, so we can't delay it. If I have time, I will definitely come to meet Brother Zheng."

Zheng Wenxuan nodded regretfully, and after saying goodbye to him, he watched them leave.

 A little knowledge: the word "bachelor" means hooligans in ancient times.

  Cough cough, this is the first time I wrote the plot of the case, I don’t know if there are any loopholes, if you think something is wrong, you can point it out~
  The two updates are over today, good night guys~
(End of this chapter)

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