Chapter 276 The Principle of Paper Airplanes
The second game is the famous traditional game - paper airplane.

The rules of the competition are even simpler: mothers and children fold paper airplanes by themselves, and then start from the same starting point, whoever flies the paper airplane the farthest wins.

Before the competition, Lin Yanxi asked casually: "Paper airplanes are a very common and simple game. Does anyone know the scientific principles of paper airplanes?"

Several children were eager to try and raised their hands one after another:

"I know!"

"I know!"

Lin Yanxi called the names of the four children one by one, and the first three answers were all kinds of strange.

What Liu Xinyue said was: "Airplanes should fly in the sky!"

Tang Muze's answer was: "It's because of the wind!"

Xi Xinyan timidly replied, "Maybe it's because of inertia?"

【Yanyan knows a lot!Also know inertia!Hahaha... Unfortunately, the answer was wrong! 】

The last one to answer was Si Yihang. He was the youngest among the four children. Lin Yanxi didn't have any hope, but just asked a symbolic question: "Hanghang, do you know?"

As a result, Si Yihang nodded confidently: "I know!"

Then he gushed into the camera a set of methodical principles: "Its flight principle is aerodynamics. The air produces upward lift and backward thrust on the paper airplane. When the thrust is greater than the lift, the paper airplane will fly." Fly forward..."

[Wow!I just checked and Hanghang is right! 】

[This is definitely the knowledge of a four-year-old child, more than a 30-year-old aunt like me!It's hard to be ashamed...]

【Hang Hang will not be the reborn boss, right? 】

[A look at the upstairs shows that I have read too many rebirth novels! 】


Si Yihang's highlight moment did not end here. Under the amazed eyes of host Lin Yanxi, he continued to ask: "Hanghang, do you know how to fold a paper airplane to fly farther?"

Immediately, the four-year-old cute baby listed two major points almost without thinking: "The design and throwing method of the paper airplane have a great influence on the flying distance."

"Let's talk about the design of the paper airplane first, we need to pay attention to the following points:
First, the lighter the aircraft, the better the flight performance;

Second, the design of an airplane's wing affects lift.

Third, the location of the aircraft's center of gravity also affects flight performance.If the center of gravity is rearward, the paper airplane will take off more easily, but the flight will be unstable; if the center of gravity is forward, the paper airplane will fly more stable..."

Si Yihang was like an expert on paper airplanes, eloquently talking about a bunch of principles in an orderly manner, whether it was the adults at the scene or the netizens in the live broadcast room, they were all amazed:

[Hanghang is too lost!Please take my knees! 】

[The Internet is always reminding me that I am a waste! 】

[Hang Hang has a set of theories, but he doesn't know how to practice it! 】

[Stop talking nonsense, do it directly, go! 】

[Waiting for the moment when Hanghang slaps me in the face, hahaha... Is my heart too bad? 】


Wen Siyu also leaned over with a look of disbelief, and asked, "Hanghang, why do you know so much? You can't just open your eyes and talk nonsense, right?"

Si Yihang puffed out his chest confidently: "Do you think I look like me?"

Wen Siyu nodded solemnly: "It looks like—extremely!"

She almost believed it!

Silently patted Si Yihang's shoulder, Wen Siyu said earnestly: "Little friend, please keep a low profile! You have to take it easy when bragging, ok?"

Si Yihang didn't refute it, just smiled and said: "Let's just see the result!"

(End of this chapter)

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