Chapter 483 New plan
Such a black gang seems to be invisible in the huge capital city.

He disappeared without a trace, leaving almost no clues.

The only thing they can be sure of is that they use a bullet made of a special material: the bullet is engraved with an inimitable triangular mark.

Such bullets are also rare.Once they appear, it means that the good steel is on the cutting edge.

The people that snipers use special bullets against are not ordinary people.

By coincidence, Zhang Wenxuan took out three of them in three major operations, risked his life to keep them quietly, and finally handed them all over to Qilan.

He originally wanted to follow this clue to find out to the end, but encountered the unexpected death of Yue Xian, so he had to put it aside temporarily.

Qilan suddenly had a premonition: within three days, this matter will definitely usher in a turning point.

He lowered his head, his fists were shaking slightly, secretly calculating his next plan.

Seeing him standing still in a daze, Beiyuan thought he was frightened by the scar behind the mask.

A hand covered in mud and dirty water wiped the hem of his clothes, and then patted the boy on the head:
"Just listen to my story, and you forgot to say your name?"

"Sorry, I'm a no-name."

After thinking twice, Qilan carefully chose to conceal it—telling the truth may cause even greater trouble.

Bei Yuan scratched his head in confusion: Could it be that the person in front of him is also at large like himself?

However, it is unbelievable that people who are on the run can still live in a small courtyard that is not bad, and they can eat and drink without worrying about it.

"Okay, don't ask any more." The wandering warrior stood up briskly, and inserted the bamboo knife into the scabbard on his back: "It will be dawn in a while, and I will hide to avoid being found and taken back. Goodbye."

"When you come to my house in the future, go to the front door. My dog ​​is very good and doesn't bite people indiscriminately."

Qilan watched Beiyuan walk away in the dark night.The figure wobbled towards a small alley in the distance.

The other side of the alley leads to another unknown world-the gathering place of various criminal gangs in the capital.

The sky was still dark.The biting cold wind blew the withered grass on the dilapidated earth wall tottering.

Qilan straightened his collar to cover his neck so that the wind would not enter.

When he thought that only Chen Xing's mother and Lin Mi, two weak girls, were left in the yard, he felt the wind on his feet and rushed back desperately.

He was running hard, when he heard a clear voice in his ear: "Bah!"

Someone has shot!

Although the common people in troubled times have long been familiar with gunshots in the middle of the night, this time the gunshots caused quite a commotion—
The policemen who had lit the torches and guarded the corpses at the scene now raised their guns and moved around uneasily.

"It must be the murderer!"

"Hurry up, catch the living ones, whoever catches them will be rewarded!"

"Proceed with caution. If it's an ambush set up by the murderer and his accomplices, wouldn't we all be finished?"

In the light of the fire, this group of dark people was divided into two factions——
One group of bold advocates arresting people in the direction of the shooting, while the other group is timid and timid, afraid to move for fear of being treated as a living target in the dark night.

However, the movement they made couldn't be hidden even if they wanted to hide it.Qilan ran all the way, saw the torches across the street from a distance, and the two teams of people who were arguing endlessly, and immediately understood.

"So many policemen are here, and they keep vigil all night. Good guy, this Chef Zhao has never received such treatment when he was alive. He is no worse than the ancient emperor."

The gunshots came from the opposite direction from where he was staying.The boy continued to run with relief, but was startled by a low sobbing sound coming from the other side of the wall with the wind.

An extremely familiar feeling hit his heart, making him a little uneasy.

"It's weird, sounds like a girl? Who cries so much like someone I like?"

The crying gradually became quieter, as if being blown away by the wind.

The wall in front of me is neither thick nor high.Qilan didn't have time to hesitate, he gritted his teeth, clung to the top of the wall with all his strength, lifted his feet off the ground, and turned over easily.

That side of the wall was especially dark, with no light at all.

Before he hit the ground, he jumped so fast that he lost his footing when he didn't pay attention, and hit his head on the wall.The impact was a bit painful, and it even caused an unexpected round of dizziness.

Qilan cautiously leaned against the wall, stepping forward step by step in the dark and small space.

He smelled a faint fragrance, and the strings in his mind became tighter—if the ears have hallucinations, the nose will not deceive people.

This familiar fragrance belonged exclusively to his sweetheart.


"Are you here too?"

After a few low calls, I could faintly hear the rustling of clothes rubbing against the ground around me.

He bent down calmly, and carefully touched the ground on both sides with his hands.

Soon, the fingertips touched a trace of warm breath: there is someone in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, another soft little hand stretched out from the darkness and firmly grasped his wrist.

"Qilan, it's really you!"

In a single thought, I almost missed it.

Lin Mi's palms were wet, as if he had wiped away tears several times.

"You are not allowed to run out alone in the future," Qilan gently helped her up, "this area is pitch black, it's too dangerous."

"I broke my knee, can you carry me on your back?"

"Come on, hold on to me."

Her body became lighter again, and the boy was very distressed.

"Go back and get a good night's sleep. I'll make delicious food for you tomorrow."

"I beg you not to take any risks," Lin Mi's tears welled up, "Let's live in the countryside together and live a quiet life, okay?"

This wish came from her heart, not excessive at all.If it were someone else, they would agree and wish for nothing.

In the past, as long as she opened her mouth, no matter how difficult it was, Qilan would create conditions to do it.At this time, it is difficult to promise easily.

In the boy's mind, a new plan was brewing.

For this plan, he has to continue to take risks, and the love of his children, day and night, has to be thrown to the horizon.

Seeing him walking with his head bowed, Lin Mi thought he had acquiesced, and fell asleep on his back with peace of mind.

After walking all the way with her on his back, he finally returned to the gate of the familiar small courtyard.

Qilan raised his head and glanced at the lonely night sky, and there was a distant star that was particularly bright.

It seems that it wants to illuminate the entire darkness with its own power, even if it is weak at the moment.

He doesn't believe in fate, but he can't explain some seemingly confusing but reasonable arrangements made by God in the dark.

Before opening the door, Qilan vaguely heard someone calling his name behind him.

Turning around, he saw Chen Xing coming out of an inconspicuous place covered by tree shadows.

His face was very haggard, and he was struggling all the way back.When I saw my companion, I plopped and fell to the ground, not wanting to move.

"Xiaolan, come and help me, my leg is about to break."

"Brother Chen, are you injured again?" Qilan hurriedly stepped forward to check his legs. His pants were torn at the knees and covered in mud.

Chen Xing looked at Lin Mi who was already asleep on his back, and tried to smile: "I'm fine. I'm relieved when you two come back together."

"Why didn't Brother Zhang come back?"

"Having passed out from weakness on the way, I sent him to Miss Xiaomei's house. She came out with me tonight and said she needed to find you. Should she be back?"

(End of this chapter)

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