Chapter 450
"Are the two of you beating mandarin ducks for your parents, or is there someone on the way who disagrees and wants to change?"

This question is no less than pushing the speaker to the edge of a cliff, and there is no way out.

The turbulent waves in his heart finally turned into tears from the corners of his eyes and a sigh of good fortune.

Qilan's eyes shone slightly, and he took the initiative to pick up the necklace that Chen Xing had thrown aside.

"I died that night before I came to this world where you are, and everything starts again."

Chen Xing didn't understand the meaning of his words for a while, and he didn't dare to break the casserole and ask the end.

I had no choice but to pretend to be free and easy and waved my hand, signaling him to stop:

"Come on, there is no grass anywhere in the world. Love is what you want and what you want. It doesn't have to be hanged on a tree. If you drink too much, go to rest early."

Qilan coughed violently.

There is no limit to this misunderstanding.

Some heartfelt words were regarded as drinking too much nonsense, and the fire became more and more intense, and it went straight to the forehead.

With all his strength, he shook off the hand that the other party extended to support him, and ran unsteadily towards the desk, shouting as he ran:
"I'm not drunk! What I said is true! Prove it to you right now!"

People who are usually docile, once they have a temper, are worth ten gunpowder barrels!
First, he raised his sleeves and swept across the table in a fit of anger. Long and short brushes, pencils, pens, paperweights, inkstones, all fell to the ground.

He yelled three times in a row, shocking the person on the opposite side back several steps in compromise:

"Okay, okay, I won't ask, just be careful not to step on things on the ground and fall."

As soon as the words fell, there was another loud noise——
The table was shaking as if it had been beaten.The ink was also poured, and the vase was crooked.

All the items that had been tidied up all at once suffered disaster, just like wild animals coming down the mountain into the village and making a mess.

However, in this mess, his eyes were focused on a piece of rice paper that was spread out.Immediately, the restless mood found an outlet.

The anger in my heart gradually subsided.He quietly held half a short pencil in his hand, drawing on the paper with ecstasy.

Curiously, Chen Xing quietly leaned up to look at the picture he had drawn, and it didn't matter if he didn't look at it or not, his face would blush and his heart would beat when he saw it.

It turned out to be a girl!
A young woman of twenty-eight years old, with a slender swan neck and long hair reaching her waist.

Wearing a gauze skirt as thin as onion wings, sitting barefoot on the window sill, fresh and agile.

There is affection in her gentle eyebrows and eyes, as if she is staring at the person she likes, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Those who peeked at the portrait were immediately attracted and admired it with gusto.After all, who doesn't love to see beautiful women when they are young?

At the same time, a lot of traditional culture, such as the Four Books and Five Classics instilled by his parents since he was a child, popped up again, forcing his heart to beat faster, and he felt nervous about doing bad things behind his back.

Chen Xing was fascinated by it, and couldn't help but approached it quietly, but stepped on an ink bottle that didn't live up to expectations. When the sole of his foot slipped, his whole body staggered.

Hearing the sound, Qilan put down his pen and turned his head sideways.

Chen Xing was afraid that his voyeurism would be found out, so he quickly took the initiative:
"Xiaolan, you look serious, how can you draw a girl with arms and legs exposed?"

"Brother Chen, she is wearing clothes from the future world, a sleeveless mini dress, many girls on the street wear it like this"

Qilan put down the brush and explained it seriously.Chen Xing was still confused.

"Oh, oh," he patted his head in confusion, "How dare you think, if all the women in the street are wearing this kind of clothes, I wouldn't dare to go out."

In all fairness, Chen Xing was a big step ahead of many people in the Republic of China in thinking, and he was definitely considered the best among his peers.

Since I was a child, I didn't stick to feudal etiquette, and I was able to read books and climb trees.He hates arranged marriages, supports free love, and likes the babe Chrissy with all his heart.

But it is not surprising that people from 100 years ago have limited knowledge.

Qilan suppressed a smile and continued to draw.

Chen Xing was also rubbing his eyes vigorously beside him, for fear of missing the slightest stroke.Soon, new confusion emerged.

"The girl you drew is beautiful, but she looks a little unhappy, a melancholy little beauty, right?"

Qilan was slightly taken aback, stopped writing, restrained his dislike for Dr. Chen, and tried his best to speak calmly:
"Because her father doesn't allow her to go to school, and doesn't allow her to make friends with outsiders, can she not be bored by being alone for many years?"

"What kind of person is this father?"

People are most afraid of not knowing themselves.

The painter gritted his teeth, silently thinking that he must be merciful, and he didn't have to tell the whole truth.

If he really wanted to tell Chen Xing that that wonderful father, Dr. Chen, was his true self, not only would he discredit his good brother, but he would also be unable to step down.

Qilan considered the words in his stomach several times, and the content was much more subtle: "Her father is the same person as you."

"Nonsense," Chen Xing scowled unconvinced, "I won't be so cruel and weird. When I get married in the future, I'd rather have a boy than a girl—"

Having a son and daughter is predestined, how can all the fathers in the world be able to get what they want?

Qilan didn't answer, and gently brushed off a little dust on the rice paper with both hands, not allowing any flaws to spoil the beauty of the picture.

Ah Nan's face was so clear that she could even feel every strand of hair on her temples fluttering in the wind.

In the end, he couldn't find anything to modify, so he held the portrait and put it in front of Chen Xing.
"Patriarchal guy, if you have such a good daughter in the future, aren't you happy?"

"Hey, how can you think of me as the kind of person who is full of feudal dross!"

"I'm afraid that if my daughter falls in love with a bad boy and is kidnapped, won't she beat her chest and feel regretful."

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Qilan's mouth, as if he had avenged Dr. Chen's "abuse".

It's just that, after time travel, he has feelings for Lin Mi, and his heart will often be caught in the struggle and entanglement between the past life and the present life.

If I still have a chance to be Zhang Xiaofa, a scumbag in modern society, I must help Ah Nan and Dr. Chen recover the treasure map that was stolen by the bad guys.

For a moment of carelessness, the unknown person was put into the villa, which broke the defense mechanism carefully set up by Dr. Chen, and must make up for it.

The more Chen Xing looked at the portrait, the more he liked it. As soon as he touched the edge of the drawing paper, Qi Lan confidently pulled it away.

"Wait a minute, the finishing touch is coming!"

This ordinary pencil, as if endowed with magical power, instantly added a necklace to the girl's neck.

Although it is just a simple outline, it is extremely expressive.

Chen Xing recognized at a glance that what she was wearing was precisely the purple jade and gold bead necklace that he suspected to be of unknown origin.

Suddenly a thunderbolt flashed in my mind:
Are there really people from the future?Will the past, present and future intersect?

(End of this chapter)

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