The modern me and the Republic of China her

Chapter 408 Don't Tell The Truth

Chapter 408 Don't Tell the Truth

That night, the largest local newspaper was brightly lit.In the afternoon, a phone call from the police station caused an uproar.The editor-in-chief put down Sergeant Liu's phone, paced back and forth in the office, smoking a stuffy cigarette.A row of senior editors and reporters stood close by the door, all of them battered.

"What should I do now? Yesterday's newspapers are probably almost sold out."

"Today's newspaper has been printed, is it too late to take it all back and destroy it?"

"If it's just the newspaper issue that can be dealt with, I'm afraid that there will be more troubles in the future!"

The subordinates sighed from time to time.In contrast, the editor-in-chief with gray temples was relatively calm.He locked himself in the room and smoked. After smoking the last cigarette, he went to the desk and read and read a press release in yesterday's newspaper word by word.

In the news industry for nearly 20 years, it is not the first time to deal with people with guns.He felt that as long as he did what the police said and spent money to eliminate the disaster, the problem would not be too big.

The people discussed it all night with sad faces, and finally sent a representative to knock on the door at dawn.

"Master Editor-in-Chief, we implore you not to shelter the reporter who wrote this report, even if he uses a pseudonym, the police will still find him."

"For the benefit of the entire newspaper and the lives of thirty or so people, I hope you will think about it for everyone!"

Inside the door, the editor-in-chief, who had been silent for a long time, glanced out the window.A faint ray of dawn in the dark.He pushed open the window to meet a strong northwest wind.

"Everyone, please go back to work. I will find a way to calm this storm."

The representative walked away apprehensively.The people outside the door dispersed one after another, and the noisy corridor gradually returned to calm.At this time, the editor-in-chief walked to the balcony next to the room, coughed lightly, and a young man hiding here stood up from the pile of newspapers.

"Jianhua, you don't need to take what they said just now to your heart. I changed the manuscript yesterday in a hurry, but I didn't expect to attract ghosts and ghosts."

"You have the same work attitude as I did when I was young. To do news, you only need to have the courage to tell the truth. If you lack experience, you will inevitably suffer. This time I will come forward, and there will be no next time."

Jianhua was the first among all the journalists who interviewed yesterday to submit his manuscript.However, after the newspaper was printed, he did not see the article he had painstakingly written, but replaced it with a report that was not itchy or painful, and a lot of valuable information was removed.

The report used a pseudonym that had never been seen before.It turned out that the editor-in-chief deliberately omitted the facts when reviewing the manuscript.At first he was disaffected and sullen.It wasn't until the police station called to threaten everyone that they realized the seriousness of the matter.

Now, the only way to not implicate innocent colleagues and leaders is to resign and leave.Li Jianhua took out the resignation letter from his pocket.With tears in his eyes, he bent down and bowed. "My lord, I'm sorry for you"

"Don't quit just yet. You won't lose your hard-earned job unless I quit."

Hiding all night on the balcony adjacent to the editor-in-chief's office, Jianhua became more and more awake under the biting north wind.To cover up the truth for survival, or to retreat and wait for the opportunity to reveal the truth?
He took out the interview book from his close pocket and flipped through the pages in the dim light, recalling some confusing details of the scene
Its daybreak.At the gate of the police station, Qin Feng arrived much earlier than usual.After saving Zhang Wenxuan who was nearly lynched from Boss Tang, he spent the whole night thinking about the strangeness of the car accident.

Slippery road?No glasses?Will you hit a utility pole while driving in high heels?ridiculous!According to this logic, how many cars are hit in the whole city every day, and how many people die?
It was getting brighter.He looked at himself in the mirror, shaking his head and sighing.I am too optimistic.He thought that after Dr. Fangzhang was released from prison, as long as he kept an eye on Sergeant Liu and did not arrest anyone, everything would be fine.Unexpectedly, the first victim was the innocent fiancée.

He came too early.Most offices are empty.When he passed by the director's office, he couldn't help but take a look inside.Neither the papers on the desk nor the position of the teacup have changed.Even the ink dot mark he quietly left on the doorknob was not missing at all.

He suddenly remembered that his father was not at home all night, and he did not come to the bureau, so there should be another place to spend the night.Finding out the reasons behind it doesn't have to be easy at all to figure out the ins and outs of a car accident.

At the gate of Gu's mansion, the third wife hurriedly got out of a car alone.He sneaked out at night, and only told Lan Zhu to come and see the door early in the morning.She patted anxiously for a long time before a maid of the eldest wife appeared from behind the door.

Suffering from the cold in vain, she didn't dare to scold the maid who came to open the door loudly like in the past, and ran into her room trembling.Lanzhu is not there.She didn't return all day and night, which aroused her vigilance.I don't know if this servant girl slipped away with a string of precious jadeite necklaces that she had rewarded with gritted teeth, or if Qi Jiang's side was difficult to deal with and was delayed.

The plot against the eldest wife and Qi Jiang must never be known.No matter whether Lanzhu completed the assassination mission or failed it, she didn't have the patience to wait any longer.It's a big mess, and it's like ants on a hot pot to cook at home.

Having lost his personal bodyguard, and fearing that Xiao Jin would come to seek revenge again, he had to secretly ask Director Qin to come out to discuss how to cover up this pass.

Gu Qimin, who was on a long trip, heard his father say on the phone that the eldest wife was sick and sent to the hospital, so he left unfinished business and hurried back the morning before yesterday.Seeing that the second brother and mother were not at home, I felt uneasy.

My father was going to vote because of the general election, and he left before dawn.Before the third wife rushed back, he pedaled the bicycle left by Qijiang alone and searched along the road.

On the road where the carriage rolled over, besides the young master of the Gu family in the distance, there was also the coachman who escaped from the hospital.At first, the man just wanted to turn back to see if there was any hope of saving the carriage.If you can't fix it, you will consider yourself unlucky.

It seems that the God of Wealth has taken special care of him.I was humming a ditty and walking in the snow.The sole of the shoe suddenly stepped on something hard and smooth.When he lowered his head, there were scattered emerald beads in front of his eyes.Looks like a good deal.

He bent down and grabbed them in the snow, stuffing these treasures into his arms non-stop.The large roll of banknotes bulged in his trouser pocket.I have never touched so much money in my life.

After picking it up for a long time, I was tired.Happily lying on all fours in the snow, he touched one and took a good look at it.

The more the coachman looked at it, the more familiar the beads looked.It suddenly occurred to him that the beautiful girl from a rich family who asked him to drive out last night also wore exactly the same necklace beads around her neck.

"This is too strange. She obviously didn't get into the carriage with us, how could there be broken necklace beads scattered all over the road?" With doubts, the coachman got up and stretched his neck to look around.

(End of this chapter)

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