Chapter 327

As New Year's Day approached, the temperature was very low. In the huge city of Beiping, the beautiful ladies who were happy to go shopping for clothes and jewelry were forced to stay in the warm room due to the freezing weather.

Qilan searched all the way, but didn't see a few women at all, only small businessmen and rickshaw drivers were still fighting against the bad weather to earn a living.

The school had already closed the winter vacation, and if Shi'an hadn't traveled or visited relatives, she should have stayed at home.But how to enter the door baffled him.

Facing the four gates of the He family compound, he looked at each of them, and there were guards guarding everywhere with guns, all of them were vicious, as if they were in the Hall of Yama.

The door is difficult to enter, and the face is ugly.He couldn't help but cautiously retreated to the corner of the street, and then thought of other ways.

At the empty intersection, there was a rush of horseshoes.

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

Immediately afterwards, an exquisite carriage rushed towards the south gate here, and the melted mud on the snow field quickly splashed in all directions on the road.

The carriage stopped, and the driver stepped down first, took a thick soft cushion and laid it out, opened the curtain, and bent down respectfully:
"It's home, come down."

As soon as the people in the car appeared, the guards changed their demeanor.

Just looking at the sky, the mighty guards, seeing the carriage from a distance, raised their hands in salute, with a habitual and humble smile on their faces.

He Shi'an wore a Western lady's hat studded with pearl flowers, and was helped out of the carriage by a maid.

When she got out of the car, a gust of wind blew up the black fringed cloak, revealing the warm magenta cheongsam and silver high-heeled shoes hidden underneath.

Perhaps it was some kind of premonition in her heart, she was about to enter the door, but after standing still, she suddenly turned her head and cast a casual glance behind her.

Objectively speaking, Qilan's position was not conspicuous, but it happened to be within her sight range, and there was nowhere to hide if she wanted to hide in broad daylight.

In desperation, he turned around like a spinning top and wanted to slip away from the side, but just as the front foot stepped out, the back foot froze at a height of half a foot.

Only Shi'an yelled: "Invite that person over, hurry up!"

The two guards at the south gate scrambled towards him, shouting as they ran:
"Don't run away, our lady is looking for you!"

Qilan didn't want people to see the purpose of his trip, put his head in his hands, pretended to run for a hundred meters, then squatted down, waiting to be caught without a fight.

"Bah bang" gunshots rang out intensively, and several stones on the road ahead were blown away.

Shi'an pulled the cloak vigorously and threw it to his feet, and hurriedly chased after him, shouting angrily:
"Who allowed you to shoot?!"

"He is my guest!"

The two guards looked at each other in dismay, looking at the "poor" boy with rough clothes and disheveled hair in bewilderment, thinking they had heard something wrong.

Immediately afterwards, everyone received a real slap from Shi'an on their faces.

This ear scraper is too familiar, who made my young lady have a bad temper, and use a whip when she has a whip, but now she doesn't have a whip, so why don't you just start it?
The two of them covered their faces, their legs were so weak that they wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy as usual, admitting their mistakes, for fear that there would be even greater punishments waiting after they went back.

However, in front of Qilan, Shi'an didn't want to set up the image of a lioness, but she seemed to be more generous with them than usual.

After the ear scraping, although he was still full of anger, seeing that their attitudes were good, he laughed a few times and waved them back.

She walked quickly behind the squatting man, hugged his shoulders, and said softly:
"I haven't seen you for almost a month, and I couldn't find you. I happened to meet you today. Let's see where you are going."

Qilan shrank her shoulders, shook off her hand and stood up.

"I came here today to ask you to help me make an appointment with my second brother."

The smile on Shi'an's face was reduced by half, and the rich lipstick on her lips made her complexion paler.

She was a smart person, and before she finished speaking, she guessed the intention of the boy who had never come to her before.

She had learned her lesson last time, whenever Qilan begged her, it was probably because of Lin Mi.

At that time, Lin Mi was still unmarried, and she couldn't find a reason to refuse.

But now Lin Mi is a person who has held wedding banquets, and together with her father, they have been painted as portraits and pasted all over the streets, becoming a wanted object that everyone can't avoid.

Under such a dangerous situation, is Qilan going to take risks and bring on more storms?

"I probably won't help you with this favor. Don't bother Brother Qijiang either."

For the first time, Shi'an rejected Qilan's request face to face.The remaining half of the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

She said it out of the great torment in her heart, and she was terribly sad after she finished speaking, for fear that he would turn his head and leave, and would no longer pay attention to her.

Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, Qilan said goodbye to her calmly.

"Shi'an, thank you for helping me several times."

"It's too cold outside, take care of yourself."

He didn't mean to blame her at all, after all, her mood was written all over her face.

Qilan once thought that if he had never met Lin Mi, he might not have accepted other women who treated him like old friends at first sight and treated him sincerely.

At first, he didn't understand what love was, and most of the time he was passive and at a loss to face Lin Mi's emotions.

But in the past days, he has also gradually gained some inspiration from the love experiences of relatives and friends around him, and he understands that love also pays attention to fate and cannot be forced.It's better to distance yourself from Shi'an as soon as possible, so as not to hurt her heart.

Watching him leave slowly, two lines of intermittent tears flowed from Shi'an's eyes.

She was so strong that she didn't say a lot, and the thousands of words were finally shortened to a sincere question:
"Qilan, do you take me as a real friend?!"

Her voice was suddenly full of grievances, as if an earth-shattering cry was about to erupt in the next second.

A small wave surged in his heart, as if a hand was gently tapping on the gate of memory.

She has always been kind and sincere to him, and he has always regarded her as a good friend.

Qilan cherished this friendship very much, turned around suddenly, and nodded: "It has always been."

"Are you telling the truth?" Shi'an asked a little nervously.

"Every word is true." He smiled frankly and met her eyes.

"That's enough, I'm willing to do everything I can for you!"

"You don't need to have any psychological burden, I am willing to do it for my good friend!"

"In this world, you are my favorite friend since childhood!"

After Shi'an finished speaking, she felt much happier, and her tears stopped.She suddenly understood that even if she could not get his love, it would be a very happy thing to have a sincere friendship.

 Thank you book friend Lan Ye Changge for your voting encouragement.Wish you happy every day.

(End of this chapter)

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