The modern me and the Republic of China her

Chapter 230 Coincidence and Conspiracy

Chapter 230 Coincidence and Conspiracy

Li Yan's fate was reversed in this inadvertent turning around.

He was followed secretly all the way out of the Lin residence.

Wang Xin falsely claimed to Lin Mi before his death: If you want Li Yan, you can burn more paper for him, which shows that the little guard was originally included in the assassination list.

Li Yan heard the car horn beeping, looked up, and found that the car looked very familiar——
"The He family's car!"

He Shi'an in the car just left Lin Mi to the store owner.

In the winter, the sweat on the face made the makeup very uneven.

Shi'an was extremely worried that Qilan would be hurt if the hotel really installed a bomb, and she had done something bad, so she couldn't help but be afraid in broad daylight.

She kept looking around, only thinking about going to the hotel to find him.

The exaggerated stretched neck and red veil looked like a goose.

Seeing Shi An's expression like this, Li Yan was confused.

What are you so flustered about? !
Hasn't she always been fearless, bullying Lin Mi openly and secretly, stepping forward and yelling at people who don't like her?

It just so happened that there were a lot of people and cars on the road that day, and He Shi'an's car stopped and started, and couldn't run fast.

Li Yan decided to follow her car at all costs.

He stuffed the few money in his pocket to the driver passing by, gritted his teeth and climbed into the rickshaw with difficulty:
"Master, go, run after that car!"

Li Yan's weight and luggage were relatively light. The coachman was strong, and with the wind under his feet, he started to run with great strides.

About ten steps away from where he bought the biscuits, a sniper hiding in the crowd missed a bullet.

The bullet flew dangerously past the side of the rickshaw and hit an oncoming white car.

In this car, apart from the driver, Zhu Boyuan and Zhu Dingyuan were also sitting on their way to work at the Government Affairs Council. They were chatting with each other, completely ignorant of the surrounding situation.

The bullet pierced into one of the tires of the car. The driver of the car noticed it, stepped on the brakes immediately, and shouted loudly:
"There are assassins, the police come quickly, protect the Secretary-General, there are assassins here!"

The lively and bustling streets suddenly became chaotic, and the sound of screams, stampedes, and cries moved the sky.

A policeman who was closest to here blew his whistle, and the plainclothes scattered around began to gather:
Some ride bicycles, some ride horses, some drive cars, and some run forward
What a spectacle!

A dense encirclement began to gather.

Seeing this, the sniper simply did not do anything——
He made the most of the bullets in the chamber and fired them all.

One hit the shouting driver's shoulder, one hit the car's engine, and one hit Ding Yuan's ear, and his face was bloodied immediately.

Another one hit the policeman who was rushing forward. The people behind were really afraid of death, and they all waited and watched, not daring to move forward.

The driver was injured, Bo Yuan was anxious and afraid, and kept urging:
"Don't you still have one hand to drive? Quick! Quick! We have to leave here and go to the Government Affairs Council!"

The driver had no choice but to drive reluctantly. The car was like a wounded prey, which might fall to the ground and die at any time.

Before running 200 meters, he bumped into a tree on the side of the road.

At this time, the white car started to catch fire!

Several more shots were fired.

The driver was shot in the heart and died instantly.

Zhu Dingyuan lay prone on the seat, all vital parts of his body were bleeding, and he could no longer breathe out his mouth and nose.

Secretary-General Zhu Boyuan, because his second brother Dingyuan blocked him with two fatal shots, missed his heart and lungs, was shot in the abdomen and front side of the chest, and passed out in a coma.

Of Zhu Juanjuan's three elder brothers, one died, one was seriously injured, and one survived.

The third brother Zhu Xingyuan got out of the car early in order to chase Chris.Compared with his two older brothers, he was lucky enough to escape a catastrophe.

The sniper smiled meaningfully, and before he detonated the smoke bomb and fled, he deliberately left something on the scene
One of the main people who acted with Wang Xin on this day was this sniper.

Wang Xin is a traitor, this has been confirmed.He is a time bomb lurking in the Lin family.

However, the identities of the snipers, who they obeyed, and what conspiracy was hidden behind them could not be clarified for a while.

Sergeant Liu and the others arrested Lin Yitang on the grounds of being an assassin suspect, which is not entirely groundless:
The English-style revolver at the scene, together with the military officer's certificate, belonged to Young Master Lin himself.

But how did these two personal items of Lin Yitang get to the crime scene?
Did the sniper who was going to kill Li Yan kill the politician by mistake out of a coincidence, or did he have other ulterior motives to blame the Lin family?

Every second counts, every second counts!
Li Yan followed He Shi'an all the way to Huaxia Hotel in a rickshaw.

He originally wanted to join, but unexpectedly became a spectator.

He didn't have an invitation card, and his clothes were too dark, and he was turned away by the hotel staff as soon as his feet touched the ground.

However, he saw more events unfolding one after another under his nose:

First Lin Yitang was taken away by the police, and then piles of reporters came.

Then there was another car, and people from the hospital hurriedly carried Mr. Lin from the hotel upstairs and out of the hotel.

Mrs. Lin burst into tears.

Her make-up was all in tears, and she was being supported by someone, preparing to take a car to the police station.

Li Yan couldn't hold back anymore.

He approached breathlessly, took off his hat, and revealed his head:

"Madam, I'm here! Don't cry!"

Mrs. Lin recognized that it was Li Yan, turned her head to look, and confirmed that it was true.

She wiped her face and sighed:

"Go to the hospital and wait for me, those people at home are useless!"

Li Yan nodded, and Mrs. Lin cried again: "You must not have any accidents. From now on, our family can only rely on you!"

These words of hers confused Li Yan.

He didn't know that Mrs. Lin had already made a pretty good guess about his life experience.

Mrs. Lin thought that once Li Yan recognized his uncle, his identity would change drastically.

The decline of the Lin family is irreversible, and Li Yan's success is just around the corner.

With Li Yan's affection and loyalty to the Lin family, she and her daughter have hope in their lives.

But she never dared to tell her husband.

Mr. Lin is not afraid of his family becoming depressed, but he is afraid of the debt of conscience.

Mrs. Lin was not confused, she had to stabilize Li Yan first, and not let him run away.

So she called Li Yan to get on the car together: "As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend. I trust you the most. Please help us get through this difficult time!"

Li Yan nodded: "Definitely, definitely, ma'am, don't worry!"

Mrs. Lin changed the plan and asked the driver to drive to the hospital first.

After arriving, he didn't get out of the car and sent Li Yan to guard Mr. Lin.

"Xiao Li, you are a good boy. We have always regarded you as a family member. Don't betray our Lin family."

Seeing Mrs. Lin speak so bluntly, he expected that the Lin family would be doomed.

Naturally, Li Yan wouldn't leave, but how could he do it with only an insignificant him?
"Don't worry, ma'am, I will protect you, the major general, and the young lady."

Mrs. Lin saw that he was very nervous, and quickly said while the iron was hot:

"Now that Yitang is locked up by the police, I will definitely not let Mimi marry him. I think you are the most reliable child."

Li Yan felt that nodding was not enough, and it was too exaggerated to kowtow to her to show her determination.

He had no choice but to remain silent.

He never expected that the young lady would marry him.I just want her to be safe, happy, and have no worries about food and clothing.

The car then turned around at the entrance of the hospital and went to the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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