Chapter 150 Uninvited
After seeing off Qin Feng and the principal, Lin Mi walked back from the school gate restlessly.

She gently rubbed the hand that he held, it seemed to hurt a little.

My heart beat faster and my breathing became less natural.

Does his injury matter?

Will the headmaster punish her when he comes back?
What if Gu Qilan misunderstood?
A lot of questions made her overwhelmed, and she threw herself on the bed and sighed when she entered the dormitory.

Yu Fen accompanied her all the way back, thinking that she was frightened by the unexpected incident, so she quickly found interesting topics to talk about.

"Mi, let's go to lunch later. There will be an embroidery class at one o'clock. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. I heard that the teacher who teaches us is very capable. He knows Suzhou embroidery, Shu embroidery, Hunan embroidery..."

After being reminded by his roommate, Lin Mi suddenly remembered that today's class is very easy, after the physical education class, there will be an embroidery class in the afternoon, and then school will be over.

Li Yan has her class schedule in his hand, so he must come to pick her up.

Lin Mi planned to go home to get some things, and went to the hospital to visit his cousin by the way.

Temperatures have plummeted this week.Girls who are afraid of the cold have made preparations for the winter early.

Everyone brought thick clothes and bedding from home one after another, and saved delicious snacks.

Yu Fen's bed was covered with double-layer quilts, and a row of thick fringed dresses hung in the closet, which made Lin Mi envious.

In contrast, her clothes were not enough to keep out the cold, and her quilt was not thick enough. If she hadn't spent the night in Gu Qilan's dormitory, she might have caught a cold again.

Mr. Lin has been in the southern army all year round, and Mrs. Lin spends most of her time dressing up and having fun.

Coupled with the impact of Lin Yitang's hospitalization, she, who was used to being at ease, complained of being tired again and again, and had no energy to take care of her daughter's life and study.

Lin Mi missed Gu Qilan's dormitory.

The quilt was not only warm, but also clean and tidy, which made her want to rub against it.

But seeing him sleeping on the floor, I couldn't bear it.

When it was lunch time, she and Yu Fen went to the cafeteria to eat, and it happened to catch up with the dining peak, and the place where they usually sit was full.

The only place with vacant seats is the teacher's dining area to the south of the cafeteria.

As the weekend approached, the teachers with families saw that there were no classes in the afternoon, so they all went home.

Most of the remaining single young people also left after eating.

Beside the long table, only Gu Qilan was sitting alone, and he hadn't picked up his meal yet.

The sharp-eyed Yu Fen spotted him and happily suggested, "Let's go and sit next to Teacher Gu, there are plenty of seats for him."

Since Lin Mi spent the night alone with him, he became more courageous, and said bluntly: "It happens that there is no one else, let him treat us to dinner."

Yu Fen asked timidly: "Let the single male teacher treat you to dinner? It's still in school, where are there so many eyes staring..."

Lin Mi patted her, "See what you think. It's better not to invite you to the cafeteria. Isn't there a special home-cooked restaurant next to the back door of the school?"

Yu Fen thought she heard it wrong, so she asked again to confirm that the information was correct.

The day before yesterday Lin Mi took her to Gu Qilan's dormitory to hide from the wind very calmly, she was very surprised.

Although Teacher Gu is approachable and caring for students, the school clearly stipulates that teachers and students are different.

If you don't have a deep friendship, how can you enter the teacher's dormitory as you want, let alone such a young male teacher...

Seeing that Lin Mi asked him to treat her now, she was even more confused.

Are you kidding me?or for real?

Lin Mi straightened his chest and walked quickly to him, gently reached out and patted the table.

"At noon, I want to eat at the place last time. I'm with Yu Fen. Can you invite us?"

Gu Qilan simply replied: "Okay!"

Lin Mile had to hold Yu Fen, and walked out of the cafeteria with him.

Unfortunately, at this time, He Shi'an came out halfway.

She despises the food in the cafeteria and asks the guards at home to deliver food every day.

This day's lunch is her favorite crispy squab and asparagus cuttlefish balls-soup. When the lid is opened, the aroma overflows.

She happily let the guard hold the basket, and was about to go to the cafeteria to enjoy it.

However, seeing the three of them happily going out to the back door of the school, my heart suddenly became restless.

Gu Qilan wanted to take them to open a small stove, how could such a good thing be missed!

She started to chase them, and the guard behind her shouted loudly: "Miss, where are you going, you haven't eaten yet!"

He Shi'an responded while running: "I'm going to eat outside, you can save the food in the car and destroy it!"

At noon, the business of the restaurant was very good and it was full of guests.

The boss recognized Gu Qilan, and when he saw him and the two little girls coming, he specially asked the man to lead them to a place by the window.

There is a round table there, and the scenery outside the window can be seen through the bamboo curtain, which is a very good location.

Lin Mi came back before, and pulled Yu Fen to open the menu as soon as he was seated.

"Just say what you want to eat, don't be polite."

"These dishes look delicious."

He saw that the two of them were struggling to choose the menu, so he said to the waiter:

"All the seasonal specialties are on the table. I want a pot of pear soup and a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus and sour plum soup."

After hearing this, Lin Mi hurriedly said, "I want three servings of old yogurt, the kind with milk skin."

As soon as the words finished, a familiar voice came in: "Four copies, and me!"

He Shi'an strode to the table and sat down next to Gu Qilan.

"I just saw you, so I followed you. Are you welcome?"

He was a little surprised to see her, but he had indeed troubled her a lot, and it was right to treat her to dinner.

"Welcome, order whatever you like."

But Lin Mi was disappointed.Seeing that Gu Qilan didn't express any objection, he just endured it.

A large table was served, and the waiter brought up pear soup and yogurt.

Shi'an took the pot first, poured him a glass, and poured himself a glass.

Lin Mi was very annoyed by this: "I didn't intend to invite you today, so I took the yogurt and left quickly."

He Shi'an was also angry: "Try your conscience, you are getting better with others, and you can feel at ease and let him pay for it."

Gu Qilan and Lin Mi looked at each other briefly for tens of seconds, and chose to trust her intuitively.

He filled Lin Mi's cup, poured pear soup for Yu Fen, and said kindly, "Girls eat first. I have to go back to school."

His original intention of leaving was not to make them quarrel.

And the two girls have reached the point where fire and water are incompatible.

"The villain will file a complaint first. Throwing a brick and hitting someone will get me involved!"

"Now that you have a new boyfriend, stop pestering my Qilan!"

The innocent Yu Fen was stunned and shouted dizzily, "Please stop arguing!"

When the tempers of the two young ladies came up, nothing could stop them.

Yu Fen had no choice but to bury her head in her meal and tore off two pieces of steamed buns to plug her ears.

In the end, Lin Mi and Shi'an were tired from the quarrel, and each picked up vegetables for dinner.

Gu Qilan, who stood outside the window and watched the battle, was hungry, and walked back relieved.

In the afternoon he went to teach art, while Lin Mi was learning embroidery in the classroom next door, and we will meet again soon.

 Happy weekend, everyone!It's hot, be careful of heatstroke!
(End of this chapter)

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