"Bai Rou has any good girl friends, or is she a particularly annoying girl?"

Ji Wanwan didn't hold much hope in asking this question. The decisive person in Bai Rou's impersonation of her father's biological daughter was not Bai Rou, but the person behind Bai Rou.

But the original paternity test was true, indicating that the father's biological daughter really existed. The most likely reason was that she was controlled by the people behind Bai Rou. Maybe Bai Rou didn't even know her.

Wang Guizhi thought for a while and then shook her head: "She has had many friends since childhood, but almost none of them are particularly close friends. As for the annoying female classmates, I really don't know..." It should be said that she has not cared about Bai Rou since she went to school. she.

Jiang Boyan pointed at the box of red notes, with a gentle and persuasive attitude: "Think carefully, you can tell me anything you think is against the law. If you tell me well, the money will be doubled!"

With money on the line, Wang Guizhi racked her brains to think, and suddenly slapped her forehead and said:

"If you want to say that there is one person that Arou particularly hates, it was when she was a freshman in high school." She said proudly:

"At that time, there was no boy in the school who didn't like Ah Rou! Naturally, the female classmates couldn't stand it, but none of them were as popular as my daughter among the male classmates, so they had to hold in their dislike!"

Chen Gang, who was standing silently in the corner, was speechless. He really couldn't understand what there was to be proud of!

"There is only one exception. That girl is on the school sports team. She is dark, thin, ugly, and is very good at hitting. Arou has suffered several losses at her hands and has always said that she needs to find someone to teach her a lesson. Just a meal, but I heard that she seems to have some background in her family."

Jiang Boyan asked casually: "What happened to that girl?"

Wang Guizhi pouted: "Not two months after Ah Rou ran away from home, she also disappeared. Her family searched for her for a long time and even issued a reward notice. Because the child had a bad temper and loved to fight, many people speculated She died in a fight with someone..."

When they heard that the girl was also missing, several people immediately straightened their faces.

Although people are missing and dying every day across the country, this girl happens to have a grudge against Bai Rou.
Ji Wanwan took out paper and pen from her bag: "You should have seen that girl, please describe her appearance carefully!"

A few minutes later, Ji Wanwan put down her pen. Youyou came over and took a closer look. She objectively judged that this sister was really not good-looking.Small eyes, Japanese melon face, gutter nose, thick lips, every facial feature seemed to be the ugliest part of a person. She was a little bit doubtful whether Wang Guizhi said that on purpose!

Ji Wanwan looked at the portrait and was silent. Her father was a famously handsome Confucian businessman. Even when he was middle-aged, his appearance could dwarf those of today's young talents.According to my father, that aunt was very beautiful... Of course, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder.

No matter what, this was a clue after all, and she planned to have someone go over to investigate it tomorrow.

After finishing the necessary questions, Jiang Boyan asked Chen Gang to send the person back. As for the box of money, of course it was impossible to give him!

Not only that, under Wang Guizhi’s angry and unwilling eyes, Jiang Baiyan said slowly:

"I'd like to give you a heads up! You ran back to the country so rashly that you've offended your daughter. Before tomorrow, Bai Rou will send someone to kill you!"

Wang Guizhi naturally didn't believe it. She was quietly sent back to the beauty shop. She wanted to call Bai Rou, but when she touched her pocket, she remembered that her phone had been taken away by those people.

She walked out of the beauty shop. She wanted to go to Bai Rou and tell her what happened just now, but thinking of Jiang Baiyan's words, she finally felt timid.I plan to hide for a few days before talking.

However, as soon as she left the mall and went to the hotel, something happened.Monitoring the blind spot, she was hit by a car.


Jiang Boyan asked people to follow Wang Guizhi quietly, intending to follow the clues to see if he could find the person behind Bai Rou.But what is disappointing is that Bai Rou is obviously wary. The driver who arranged for the drunk driver to hit someone was temporarily hired by her. The other person's mother was seriously ill and needed money urgently.

In the car going home, Youyou thought about all the conversations between her parents and Wang Guizhi, and asked, "Why must it be Bai Rou? Is there anything special about her?"

This is something Ji Wanwan has always wondered about. It stands to reason that if the other party has a grudge against his father and wants to make his father miserable, there are many ways.
After all, the other party is holding his father's biological daughter in his hands. He has an absolute advantage against his father. Why should he go to all the trouble to create a Bairou!
And the father obviously knows that Bai Rou is fake. If Bai Rou is to successfully become his father's daughter, then the father cannot live.

If the other party just wants to let the property that his father has built over the years fall into the hands of outsiders, then why is this person Bai Rou?
Jiang Boyan held the steering wheel in his hand, lowered his eyes and thought for a while: "Then after Bai Rou entered the Ji family, did she join the company or do anything else?"

Ji Wanwan knew what she wanted to ask and shook her head: "No, apart from receiving dividends on time every year, Bai Rou has never been involved in the company's affairs, and she has never sent large amounts of money to anyone."

Jiang Boyan: "Then think about it from another angle, who is the biggest beneficiary of this whole thing."

Youyou said without thinking: "Of course it's Bai Rou! Maybe the other party just wants Bai Rou to live a good life?"

It's not that Ji Wanwan hasn't thought about this possibility. If that's the case, she can't figure it out even more. The other party acts carefully and he seems to be a very sophisticated person at first glance.And he should have a certain amount of power and connections. Lu Haochen is incomparable to such a person.Such people will be deceived by Bai Rou's little tricks and spend so much time planning for her!

Jiang Boyan suddenly asked: "According to the law, if there are no biological children, the adopted son is the first-order heir! Even if there are biological children, the adopted son also has the right to inherit the inheritance."

Ji Wanwan lowered her eyes and explained: "My father died because of saving me. At that time, everyone was blaming me, saying that I was not worthy of being my father's daughter. I felt guilty myself, so I voluntarily gave up my property inheritance.

At that time, the relationship between me and Ji Lin was not as tense as it is now. Deep down in my heart, I even believed that I had killed my father, and I felt guilty towards them!I plan to give my share to them. "

Jiang Boyan unscrewed the cup and handed it to her: "You are just too honest!" Honest people are often the easiest to be bullied!

Ji Wanwan smiled helplessly: "Just think you are complimenting me!

Later I found out that my father had already decided to terminate the adoption relationship at Ji Lin’s age. When my father passed away, except for Ji Huai, Ji Lin and Ji Zheng were all grown up, and my father had already terminated the adoption relationship with them. "

She smiled bitterly: "All of them knew it, but they were the only one hiding it from me."

Youyou was puzzled: "Why do you want to terminate the adoption relationship? What about you, mother?"

Ji Wanwan didn't think there was anything wrong with what his father did, "We are not his biological children to begin with. Our father has done his part in raising us. It doesn't matter if we terminate the adoption relationship when we become adults. As for me, maybe my father hasn't had time to say anything yet. Bar!"

Jiang Boyan said with unclear meaning: "That's because you have a good heart. Others may not think so! After using good things for a long time, there are some who are willing to return them to their original owners!" This statement obviously meant something.

Ji Wanwan was stunned and thoughtful.Youyou put her hands on her chin: "It shows that grandpa is very discerning and saw that the three of them were bad guys early on, so he didn't give them inheritance rights! But mom, you are different! You are a kind-hearted person, and grandpa must like you the most. , never thought of terminating the adoption relationship.

That’s what it’s called… Parents love their children, and they have far-reaching plans…”

Before she finished speaking, an idea flashed in her mind, and she was suddenly startled: "The bad guy behind the scenes is so kind to Bai Rou, and it's not necessarily because of the love between a man and a woman! Bai Rou may be some kind of relative of his..."

Her imagination was wide open: "Wang Guizhi is so indifferent to Bai Rou. It's possible that Bai Rou is not her biological daughter at all..."

Ji Wanwan, who was sitting in front, was stunned.

Because Bai Rou's parents were traceable, she had never thought of this possibility!Jiang Baiyan looked sideways and asked, "Bairou's father who died in a mining accident..."

Ji Wanwan thought for a while: "Bai Rou's father, Bai Shuisheng, is said to be born with deficiencies. His health was not very good since he was a child. He only got better when he was thirteen or fourteen years old. Because he was fair and handsome, and he was the son of the village chief, Wang Guizhi took a liking to him at first sight. .

Later, there was an accident while mining in the coal kiln. Because of the long distance, the body had to be cremated locally. The workers in the same village only took the urn back.

Because many years have passed, it is difficult to investigate many things. "

Jiang Boyan: "As far as I know about that era...there were many cases of murder and insurance fraud in the coal mining area. Although it is unlikely, this is a direction. Let's investigate this Bai Shuisheng carefully when we go back."

Youyou emphasized: “It’s best to have photos!”


The next day happened to be the weekend. Youyou finished her meal and was about to watch TV for a while. Her phone and watch rang. It was Ling Hansu calling!
Youyou sat up straight in surprise. Uncle Ling, as the ace of the police in the imperial capital, has been very busy.

During the Chinese New Year, I wanted to ask him to find out about my grandfather's past service as a soldier, but I couldn't get through on the phone.She sent an email to Uncle Ling and briefly explained the matter.

The video call was connected, and Youyou was the first to say hello: "Uncle Ling, you are back from your mission."

The young man with strong features across from him smiled gently: "Well, our baby Youyou looks better again!"

Youyou smiled and nodded: "Yeah, Uncle Ling is getting more and more handsome!"

After exchanging business blows between the big one and the small one, Youyou couldn't help but get to the point: "Uncle, have you seen the email I sent you?"

Hearing the little guy mention this, Ling Hansu straightened his face instantly, "I saw it." He looked at the background behind Youyou through his mobile phone: "You have moved, where are your parents?"

"They went to work."

Youyou tried her best to sit upright and said like a little adult: "If you have anything to say, uncle, you can tell me the same thing. I will tell my parents every word!"

The little man in my heart is shining with eyes and shouting excitedly,
Uncle Ling, say it quickly!Youyou likes to hear this kind of story the most!

Seeing that she looked serious on the outside but actually wanted to put a bunch of peanuts and melon seeds on the table to eat melons like crazy, Ling Hansu couldn't help but smile.
But when I thought about what I was going to say next, my smile disappeared instantly, and I was afraid that I would disappoint the children.

"Okay, but unfortunately, about your grandfather's enlistment in the army... it involves a confidentiality agreement, so I can't say a word."

Youyou said "Ah", but she was not disappointed. Instead, she asked enthusiastically: "It involves a confidentiality agreement, which means grandpa is very powerful. Has he ever performed any secret missions?"

Ling Han was silent for a while. After not seeing each other for a while, this little girl has learned to talk in clichés!

He said helplessly: "You and your father have saved me. If you can tell me something, I will tell you even if you violate military law and be punished, but I really can't tell you this matter."

Youyou was stunned for a moment: "Is it so serious?"

She told her everything about Bai Rou and their guesses.

"...Dad wants to find out about grandpa's past service as a soldier. He mainly wants to know if grandpa has offended anyone, find out the person behind Bai Rou, and find grandpa's biological daughter."

However, after hearing this, Ling Hansu's face suddenly changed. He murmured: "...we were careless, we didn't expect..."

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Hansu came to his senses, and after a long time, he smiled bitterly and said: "Since you may already be in the game, then... forget it.

I can only tell you that your grandfather Ji Changping participated in a secret mission together with many others during his enlistment in the army. This mission has resulted in the sacrifice of many soldiers over the years and it is not over yet. "

Youyou couldn't hide her shock. Her mother said that her grandfather retired from the army about 30 years ago. Why did the mission take so long and it hasn't ended yet?
"And I don't know if your mother has told you that after Ji Changping retired from the army and switched to business, he would put part of the money he earned every year into an account."

Youyou nodded: "Mom said before that we all guessed that the money was for grandpa's comrades who were injured and died in the past."

Ling Hansu took a deep breath: "...No, Ji Changping secretly donated the money to the special department to be used as tuition bonuses for students! It has been uninterrupted for decades. Until your grandfather passed away six years ago, Ji Changping His adopted son Ji Lin inherited the company and stopped the donation one year later."

The Ji family's donation is inherently spontaneous. The amount of donations accumulated over the years is huge, which has provided a lot of convenience for the construction and development of special departments.Later, I suddenly stopped donating. Although the superiors felt it was a pity, they couldn't say anything.

After all, the Ji family didn't owe them anything. They donated money out of gratitude, and no one had any reason to say anything if they didn't donate.

Youyou rubbed his head, why does this involve the special department again?Why do you feel like things are getting more and more complicated?
Ling Hansu stared at the little guy opposite who was frowning in distress, and sighed: "Now I kind of regret letting you join the special department..."

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