Chapter 183 Night Market
After all, Jiang Sile never wanted to let down A Yishi's feelings.

The sky outside was getting dark, and the moon, like a jade plate, hung high in the sky.

The two of them walked hand in hand to a fairly lively street. There were more people here at night than during the day.

Lanterns were lit in front of each store or next to the signboard, and the warm yellow light made everything more beautiful.Some stalls are only open at night, and they are busy working during the day. At night, everyone is willing to come and see the rare things and stroll around the small streets.

In addition to the stalls, even the shops are brightly lit at night, for fear that others will not see the open shop.

Among so many stalls, the busiest ones are those buying snacks.Whether it's a big bowl of ice powder or a sugar painting stall made of syrup, there are always people in front of it.

Jiang Sile saw that there was also a very popular small cake similar to meat buns. The cake was very small, as big as Jiang Sile's palm, but it was browned on both sides and had fried minced meat cakes inside.

The aroma of noodles and meat spreads to tourists' nostrils, making people's mouths water.Jiang Sile saw several big men eating one in one bite, and this one was the most popular among outsiders.

Mu Qige and several of his brothers were still waiting in the queue.

Seeing the two of them, they smiled and waved to Jiang Sile and Ayishi, smiling easily, but always staring at the hands of the boss who was still making meatloaf.

In addition to the stalls where you can buy snacks, the bamboo products are also very popular.

After all, every household has several bamboo baskets.

In addition to buying baskets and dustpans, the stalls here also have some beautiful bamboo baskets and even pen holders, which are very interesting to look at.

The prices are not expensive, big daily necessities cost two cents, but they are very durable.The woman at the stall who was weaving the bamboo basket praised her craftsmanship, using good bamboo and weaving it so densely that even if it was filled with water, half of the basket could still be left.

Small and exquisite bamboo weaving costs three cents and upwards.This thing needs to be made more delicate and more complicated.The stall owner's daughter was knitting a pen holder with her hands, her face wrinkled in pain.

One street, one street, one person, one person.

The market was indeed more lively at night. Jiang Sile took Ayi to watch while walking. He also met many of their people on the road and they all had a good time.

Although it was night, everyone was shouting about business in full swing. The smell, the smell of grilled meat, or the smell of elegant or rich and fragrant powder, all mixed together to form a special taste.

By the time the two of them finished visiting the night market, their bodies were filled with the unique fragrance of the night market.

Looking up at the sky, the disk-like moon hangs in the sky, shining on the people, houses, trees, and rivers below.

Everything became soft and elegant, smeared with the light of the moon.

Looking up at the sky, the disk-like moon hangs in the sky, shining on the people, houses, trees, and rivers below.

Everything became soft and smeared with the light of the moon.

Jiang Sile and Ayi returned to the inn under the moonlight. The inn was already empty except for a waiter lying on the table bored and yawning.

They hurried upstairs. The books were still on the table and beside the bed, swaying slightly with the wind from the window.

At night, the air gradually became cooler.

At this hour, Jiang Sile had no intention of staying up late reading a book. After hurriedly washing up, everyone fell asleep under the thin moonlight.

When Jiang Sile woke up the next day, he couldn't help but stretch, which showed that he had a good dream last night.

Jiang Sile walked to the bed with light steps, picked up the bamboo pole placed in the cabinet and opened the window. The autumn breeze blew in the window with some coolness and the smell of harvest.

Ayi turned over and continued talking.

Jiang Sile scooped up water from the bucket, picked up a hand towel and lightly dipped it in the water, and began to wash up.After wiping her face, she simply combed her hair with ordinary hair accessories and began to read the two books she had not finished reading yesterday.

Jiang Sile scooped up water from the bucket, picked up a hand towel and lightly dipped it in the water, and began to wash up.

After wiping her face, she simply combed her hair with ordinary hair accessories and began to read the two books she had not finished reading yesterday.

The two books that are still unread are also very thick, and they have obviously been read more often than the previous two. There are many signs of bending or wear on the books.

Jiang Sile turned to the first page. The first page of this book was about the change of host in Qingyi Temple.

The original old host became old and exhausted, and soon passed away, so the mantle was passed on to this host.

After seeing the news of the death of the monk who cared about the house and the temple all day long, Jiang Sile's mood also fluctuated and became lonely.

"Good day, senior..." Jiang Sile murmured in a low voice, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Even when holding these thick books, Jiang Sile knew that everything in them happened a long time ago, but she still felt empathy unconsciously.

After calming down, Jiang Sile continued to turn page by page.


Jiang Sile couldn't help but frown. The new host's handwriting was light and sloppy, and he always wrote a few lines in a hurry.

Most of what he wrote in this notebook was about houses, people, etc.

Jiang Sile's eyes couldn't help but stop on a certain line on a certain page, which read in scrawled handwriting:

I heard from pilgrims yesterday that the new emperor ascended the throne and changed his name to Tianyuan.This year is the year of Tianyuan...

After that, the new abbot called on his disciples to chant sutras for the late emperor.

But Jiang Sile's thoughts gradually became clearer, and he felt that the things in front of him became clearer.

"Tianyuan?... Why does it feel familiar?" Jiang Sile held his chin with one hand, thinking quietly with clear eyes.

She was completely unaware that her hairpin was slightly tilted, and a strand of her ink-colored hair rested on her shoulders as if they were made of white jade.

A Yishi walked quietly to the door to call for breakfast. His hands and feet were light, for fear of disturbing Jiang Sile's thoughts.

That's great, Ayi couldn't help but think.

It would be great if time could stay here forever, A Yishi thought sweetly of Jiang Sile's figure just now.

"Yes, the old emperor's Yuan title never had this..." Jiang Sile swam through the depths of his memories and discovered anomalies in them.

If the old emperor's reign name does not have this Tianyuan, then it is very likely that it comes from Emperor Wu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Sile's eyes couldn't help but get a little brighter. It seemed that the records about the strange candle and Emperor Wu should be ahead.

Thinking of this, Jiang Sile's hands turned the pages faster, and her tone became more urgent.

Although the writing was sloppy, Jiang Sile still found the first record of Emperor Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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