Chapter 148 Rumors
Jiang Sile realized this, this person no longer flirted with him,
The prolonged stalemate made his face darken, and slight beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.In this stalemate, he did not gain the upper hand.


Beijing Camp-Main tent

In front of the huge sand table, generals in twos and threes pointed to the mountain topography in the sand table, talking and discussing in low voices.

The sand table was placed in the center of the tent, and the coach's chair was at the deepest part of the tent.Li Yancheng was writing a document to His Majesty amidst the noisy chatter of his subordinates.

In the past few days, those old stubborn men and sons finally calmed down, but it was only because the summer hunting was about to begin, and none of them wanted to be compared with the Chengjia army or the Nanying group.

Yes, although the time for spring hunting has long passed, under the insistence of our Majesty, this year's spring hunting has been changed to summer hunting, but fortunately for Li Yancheng, the situation in the Beijing camp is indeed improving a little bit.

After writing this, Li Yancheng couldn't help but stop writing, relaxed his shoulders, and let out a sigh.

He raised his head and looked at the generals planning against the sand table, his eyes became warm and hopeful.

Even if Beijing Ying could not be completely changed in the end, Li Yancheng raised the corners of his mouth, a relaxed smile hadn't appeared on his face for a long time.

In the end, this group of people will also grow under his hands and become good talents for defending the country.

Thinking of this, Li Yancheng continued to lower his head, and humbly wrote down the training of generals on the white paper.

I hope that next time, His Majesty will not come with that pile of rewards, the group of jealous officials has already tripped him up enough.

Although he thought so, the smile on Li Yancheng's face did not decrease, but became stronger.


Royal Palace
Jiang Yi has been very excited recently. Under the guidance of Mr. Wang Ge, he has started to take over the state affairs.

Of course, those flattering documents and official documents that were enough to tire him out were not the key to his happiness.

The first summer hunt is approaching, and this is a rare good time for Jiang Yi to walk out of the palace and gallop on the plains or grasslands.

Jiang Yi couldn't wait for this day. He had already started to choose his riding clothes yesterday.But because the previous riding clothes were not suitable for him to wear now, the clothing store in the palace began to get busy.

Along with the riding attire, horses and bows and arrows are also required.

Jiang Yi already has a good horse, and his 'ink hoof' has accompanied him through his youth, and he doesn't want to lose it.

But in addition to this one, Yumafang also donated several fine horses from outside the Great Wall to the new majesty, each of which was of high quality and looked majestic.

Tomorrow, or the day after, he has already planned to pick a horse with Fu Sheng.

Even after ascending the throne, the relationship between Jiang Yi and Fu Sheng is still good. In the eyes of the courtiers, this prince is an absolute royalist.

Jiang Yi, who was thinking about Xia Shou's preparations, was interrupted by a soft snort from Wang Ge. Even though this lord was old enough to become a veteran of the four dynasties, he still stood neatly in front of Jiang Yi, assisting him in handling the affairs of the court. .

Jiang Yi nervously picked up the official document in front of him and immersed himself in reading it, hoping to use this deceiving attitude to get through.

Elder Wang Ge, who had seen Jiang Yi's hard work these days, didn't say anything about this distraction.

He even wanted to take back his prediction for Jiang Yi.

This new emperor is indeed a good emperor, or is trying to be a good emperor.

Old Wang Ge stroked his beard with a smile, and speculated in his heart that in time, under his careful teaching, this majesty could even surpass the late emperor.

Jiang Yi still didn't know about Wang Ge's admiration, he turned his attention to the memorial in front of him, and continued to devote himself to the government affairs.


Daxia is still a beautiful scene of a harmonious general and the new emperor is diligent in government affairs, but he is not in such a good mood when he is rushing to Ayi in Mobei.

He only brought five cavalry with him, and encountered a rare heavy rain just after he left the royal city.

This caused their trip to be postponed.

They rode on their horses and ran into the nearest horse farm in the rain, and asked the local owner for a room to rest.

When they entered the room, the six of them were all soaked in water. The cotton coats or military robes on their bodies were all soaked in water, sticking to their bodies like water snakes.

The owner of the horse farm here is a nobleman, but he is in the royal city, and his wife drives this servant to help them lead the horses, and prepares a suit of dry clothes for each of them.

After Ah Yishi thanked the hostess, he took the brothers to change their clothes and ate a few bites of the hot soup that was served.

The soldiers washed the old clothes they took off in the rain, and put them on the seats in the house.

The next day, after Ah Yishi left some money, he took their horses and other things and continued on the road.

The journey was not dull, and the people he took with him were all brothers who were compatible with him in the army.

They were also willing to take risks with Ah Yishi. Although he repeatedly warned that this was just exile, there were still a few people who were willing to follow him to Mobei.

Along the way, they would talk about the last war, or the war in the Kashgar tribe.The men's topics are those, and they are turned over and over again to be exposed to the sun.

Sometimes, they would also talk about the courageous Yan family.But Ah Yishi never participated in the discussion of this topic. He always kept his lips tightly closed, and sometimes he wanted to give a comforting smile, but that smile was always a little lonely and sad, just like when the short spring appeared, that Short-lived, sudden-blooming wildflowers.

In fact, the affair between Ah Yishi and that Yan family has already been rumored.

Not only in Qingyi, but even when they were fighting on the land of Daxia, they heard it from the mouths of their soldiers and from the narrations of tourists under the bonfire.

Sometimes, those rumors are so absurd that they are too embarrassed to speak in front of Ah Yi.There are also very sensational rumors, which are said to have spread from Chengzhou, and the scope is very wide.

Even they sometimes feel that there is some truth, after all, their leader does not seem to be indifferent to that Yan family.

They even approached Amucai to ask if the process of the two of them getting acquainted was as romantic as the rumors, and if there were butterflies flying to them at that time.

A Mucai once followed Ah Yishi to send off this Yan family, and it is said that he has a very good relationship with this Yan family.

But after Amucai came back, he refused to reveal anything to them, and said that the relationship between the two people was true.

They curled their lips when they heard it.Seeing the leader's appearance, who doesn't know that this person is really emotional?

(End of this chapter)

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