Chapter 119 I Listen to You
"Here we come." Brother Wang laughed and looked at the person coming.

Everyone followed each other's gaze.

I saw a man in a chef's uniform and a chef's hat walking over with a smile.

His slender figure and handsome appearance made the female guests present stunned.

"My God! It's Senior Jiang!" Yao Lele exclaimed with joy.

Back then, Jiang Yi was a man of the year at Yenching University, not only a top student, but also a top student.

It's a pity that when she entered school, the other party was already in her senior year and had already done an internship in a well-known company. Later, they met by chance.

Jiang Yi?Lu Xiaoyu's eyebrows twitched, that handsome face was transformed into a fox like a fox, full of bad water.

How could this person appear here?Unscientific?Judging from Yao Lele's expression, they should know each other.Thinking about it carefully, they are both in the same university, and it is common sense to know each other.What's more, they are all influential figures in the school.

Good people attract good people.

Yao Lele is the heroine, and the men she attracts are naturally excellent, but their qualities are uneven.

From this point of view, the domineering little Lizi with a cold and arrogant face is cuter.

Lu Xiaoyu looked at Li Rui with very gentle eyes.

Li Rui was taken aback by the other party's eyes, what was the other party's expression?Isn't it a bad idea?
Li Rui's eyes darkened, and his eyes were alert.

"Yao Xuemei, long time no see." Jiang Yi glanced at Lu Xiaoyu indiscriminately, a gleam flashed in his eyes, which quickly disappeared, and then a pair of peach blossom eyes looked at Yao Lele gently.

Stared at by Jiang Yi's affectionate peach blossom eyes, Yao Lele instantly had the feeling that she was the only one in his eyes, which really made people blush and heartbeat.

It's hard not to be tempted by such an outstanding man.Yao Lele is no exception.

"Long time no see, Senior Jiang..." Yao Lele greeted Jiang Yi generously, recounting the old days, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and it seemed that no one could get in.

Of course, this was also intentional by Yao Lele. First, because she was completely ignored by Li Rui, she wanted to find a sense of balance from Jiang Yi and show off her charm.Secondly, I want to announce to the female guests that she has an unusual relationship with Jiang Yi.

Such a trivial matter, in front of these Bai Fumei, it seems that it can't stand on the stage.

Su Wei and Yu Min didn't care at all.

But if Lansing is there, maybe they will fight.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Yi, graduated from Yenching University, and now I'm just an ordinary office worker. Because my mother is from the south, she is not good at cooking, so my father and I have a It's a decent southern dish. I made these today, but it took a long time and kept everyone waiting." Jiang Yi said with an apologetic expression.

"Senior Jiang, your cooking skills are really good. I also like to cook. We can communicate someday, and maybe we can combine our swords and become a culinary hero." Yao Lele said excitedly, her eyes glowing with astonishing light .

Lu Xiaoyu was secretly surprised, this guy must have a good family background to be able to enter this show, probably like Nancheng, he probably hid his real identity.I heard from Cao Qingqing that he is an elite now and is the company's key cultivation target. At such a critical moment, it is not worthwhile to come here to record the program instead of actively taking the lead.

The program is temporary, but the position must be promoted step by step.

Unless the other party wants to enter the entertainment industry.

Lu Xiaoyu calmed down and didn't care what he did, as long as it didn't hinder her from earning money.

Just as Lu Xiaoyu was thinking, Jiang Yi suddenly walked in front of her.

The head five centimeters taller than her lowered easily, and said with a smile, "Brother Lu, hello."

He said while holding out his hand.

Lu Xiaoyu looked at the friendly hand extended by the other party, and shook hands with him politely.


Lu Xiaoyu's hands were fair and delicate, like a woman's. The warm body temperature made Jiang Yi slightly surprised, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Is this a man's hand?
Jiang Yi's hesitant expression prevented him from letting go of Lu Xiaoyu's hand immediately.

Lu Xiaoyu's eyes were slightly cold, is this guy addicted to shaking hands?
Before Lu Xiaoyu had an attack, a deep voice sounded.

"Hello." Li Rui stretched out his hand suddenly, pulled Lu Xiaoyu away from Jiang Yi's hand, held Jiang Yi's hand himself, and let go quickly.

Although it was a greeting, Jiang Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent and displeasure.

Jiang Yi touched his nose resentfully, is he being rejected by others?

Jiang Yi still had a warm smile on his face, and he didn't seem to care about Li Rui's cold face.

Jiang Yi speaks wittily, is gentle and polite, and is able to handle with ease among the female guests.

Especially the other party has good cooking skills, asked about the taste of the female guests, and kept them in mind one by one, which made the female guests feel good.

Compared with Ouyang Che and Li Rui who are superior, dignified and elegant, Jiang Yi is obviously more friendly, good at caring for others, and sweet talk, good at coaxing girls.

Lu Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Yi getting along well with the female guests, almost coaxing a member of his powerful harem.

"Tsk tsk, it's been among thousands of flowers, not even a single leaf touches you! Brother Wang, if you had this kind of knowledge, you wouldn't be single until now." Lu Xiaoyu stood aside and patted Brother Wang on the shoulder.

Brother Wang had a resentful expression on his face, "Lu Zhifeng! If you don't run on me, you won't be happy, will you?"

Lu Xiaoyu sighed, brought Brother Wang a bottle of orange soda, and brought another bottle for himself.

"Brother Wang, you have misunderstood me. Am I the same as you, doing self-examination again? Don't you think I am not destined for women? Come one." Lu Xiaoyu clinked glasses with Brother Wang, with a depressed expression on his face.She had doubts about the title of Lu Zhifeng's male god.Didn't he seal it himself?

She didn't feel at all that the female guest showed any special behavior towards the superstar Lu Zhifeng.

It's the same as looking at a poster, just so handsome.

Brother Wang thought carefully about the other party's words. Except for Su Wei, the other female guests did not have any special contact with Lu Xiaoyu.Even Su Wei, not to mention him, even the audience couldn't feel the subtle affection between Su Wei and Lu Xiaoyu, they acted like sisters.

It is true that there is no reason for women, but there is reason for men!

Brother Wang curled his lips, "You can be content. At least you still have a manhood." Look, how long is the shelf life of love?But to be protected by Li Rui and Ouyang Che, in their eyes, that friendship is worth a thousand gold.

No one can touch the corners of their clothes no matter how hard they try.

With their protection, isn't this guy walking sideways in the entertainment industry?
"Brother Wang, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Lu Xiaoyu's scalp tingled with envy and hatred from Brother Wang's eyes. "What kind of man's fate? That's called the brotherhood of exchanging sincerity for sincerity, and seeing the truth in adversity!"

"Hehe, I'll listen to you!" Brother Wang sneered and rolled his eyes.

Lu Xiaoyu simply turned on the old-fashioned electric fan with a sense of age, and blew on Brother Wang.

"Fulfill your little wish!" Lu Xiaoyu grinned slyly, like a little devil with horns.

(End of this chapter)

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