Professor Chen was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean? Because I may not know much about this and I don't understand it at all."

Lu Yinxi explained to him very patiently.

"In other words, if he asked someone to do it, and he himself has no spiritual energy, it may not be visible on him. At that time, I can only guarantee that he did not draw it, and I cannot guarantee that he did not do it. "

Although she can understand faces, generally speaking, people have many sides.

Some people are extremely cruel, but they may be very kind to the people they care about.

Some people have a gentle temper, but they may hate some people to the core.

Ordinary conflicts are easy to explain, but this kind of somewhat complicated family relationship is difficult for Nian Nian to judge.

Moreover, it is impossible for Nian Nian to use soul-searching techniques on ordinary people.

Ordinary people are 100% unable to bear it and will definitely become stupid.

At that time, if a good person is wronged, there will really be no way to save him.

Professor Chen understood.

He nodded, understanding.

"Okay, thank you. It's already troublesome for you. If this is the case, I will find a way to verify it myself later."

Once the seeds of doubt are sown, it is impossible to remain completely innocent.

What's more, this vase was indeed given by his nephew.

Professor Chen called his nephew.

"Jian Jiancheng, your aunt has cooked a lot of delicious food today. Would you like to come to our house for dinner?"

The professor had a pleasant face and was cheerful when he spoke. He seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

There was no trace of the anger on his face.

Qin Siyu was amazed when he saw it.

After a while, he hung up the phone happily.

The moment he hung up, his expression became serious.

"He has already agreed and said he would come over later."

Niannian nodded slightly.

Qin Siyu looked at him and felt a little disconnected.

He said silently.

"Professor Chen, it would be a shame not to be an actor."

Professor Chen was very proud.

"No, let me tell you, if it weren't for the fact that the school needs me, my acting skills..."

Before he finished speaking, he was patted by Mrs. Chen.

Mrs. Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"In front of students, don't talk too much."

Professor Chen listened to his wife and coughed lightly.

"Am I kidding them? Nowadays, students don't like to listen to teachings that are too old-fashioned, really!"

Director Wu poked his head in from outside and knocked on the door.

Professor Chen turned his head and was startled.

He laughed and cursed involuntarily.

"What are you doing, kid? Just stick your head out without any movement and exercise my heart?"

There are two people, one is almost eighty years old, and the other is in his forties. The one who is over eighty calls him over forty, and the other is a kid, but there is not much sense of inconsistency.

Director Wu was also a little unjust.

He touched his head.

"I'm not here. Come and see the mistress. The mistress has been here to get the candy for more than twenty minutes, and the soup is almost gone."

Mrs. Chen instantly became energetic.

"I would have forgotten it even if you didn't tell me! My soup!"

Professor Chen raised his voice again and looked at the boss who ran out.

"Slow down! Don't slip and fall! Xiao Wu, help your wife!"

Director Wu's voice came from over there.


Professor Chen asked Niannian again.

"Is there anything unusual about these other things?"

Lu Yinxi had actually checked it over, and there was nothing wrong.

But seeing Professor Chen's worried look, she checked it carefully again.

Then he spoke.

"No more, only this vase." Professor Chen smiled bitterly.

"That's right. I'm very weak as I get older. Half of my life is almost gone just by messing with a vase like this."

Fortunately, he met Nian Nian, otherwise, he might have died in a daze.

The aroma of the food soon wafted up.

Professor Chen moved his nose.

His eyes lit up.

"Today I have my favorite white fungus soup, let's go, come on down!"

He urged Nian Nian to several people.

After going down, Director Wu had already placed the dishes and chopsticks.

Here, he feels exactly like he is at home. Judging from the reaction of Professor Chen and his wife, this can be regarded as half of Director Wu's home.

Qin Siyu and Lu Changfeng went to the kitchen to help serve the dishes.

At this time, the doorbell also rang.

Professor Chen is older and his legs and feet are naturally not as nimble as Nian Nian.

Nian Nian walked to the door as quickly as possible.

She stretched her arms and was silent for a moment when she realized she couldn't reach the door handle.

Sure enough, this kind of door is the most annoying thing.

The formation is still convenient.

Then she used a little spiritual energy, and her feet suddenly became airborne, and she opened the door easily.

Standing outside was a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Professor Chen.

Seeing Nian Nian, he was stunned for a moment, then exited and took a look at the house number. He found that he was not wrong, and then he said doubtfully.

"you are?"

Professor Chen's kind voice came from inside.

"It's built, come in quickly, this is a guest at home."

Chen Jiancheng heard Professor Chen's voice and walked in anyway.

Lu Changfeng and Qin Siyu have already placed the dishes and chopsticks, and Director Wu and Mrs. Chen have also sat down.

Nian Nian also went back and sat back in her seat.

Chen Jiancheng sat in the seat reserved for him.

He looked at the people on the table calmly.

Except for his uncle, aunt, and Director Wu, he had never seen the other three.

But it felt vaguely familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

Professor Chen introduced them to each other.

"Come on, let me introduce you. Jiancheng. This is Qin Siyu and Lu Changfeng. They are my students. This is Niannian, a member of my student's family."

Then he introduced Lu Changfeng and the others with a smile.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Chen Jiancheng, my nephew."

Everyone greeted each other.

From the moment she saw Chen Jiancheng, Niannian knew that this man had no spiritual energy and had never practiced.

But looking at his face, it's definitely not good.

Even now there is a debt burden.

There have even been a lot of rotten peach blossoms recently.

All in all, he doesn't look like a good person.

But he was very good at superficial skills.

A few words made Mrs. Chen happy.

If it weren't for some precautions in advance, Mrs. Chen and Professor Chen would definitely be happier now.

However, even Lu Changfeng and Qin Siyu did not see that Professor Chen and his wife were acting, or they were really happy.

But when Chen Jiancheng saw their reactions, he became more and more relaxed visibly.

Professor Chen and Director Wu are right. Mrs. Chen’s cooking is particularly delicious, with all kinds of colors, flavors and flavors.

Professor Chen secretly ate a little while chatting and then put down his chopsticks.

It's not that he didn't want to eat, he ate a little too much dessert.

So I really couldn't eat for a while.

Mrs. Chen has noticed something strange.

"Don't eat?"

Professor Chen felt guilty.

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