Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Qin Siyu could only show weakness.

He knew that the traffickers would not dare to attack him or kill him in the city, so he took the risk of being caught by them.

Use spiritual power to untie the rope from your hand.

Then he untied the rope from his legs.

Through the faint light, I found that among the four children, there were two boys and two girls.

He first pinched a little girl's wrist, and then used his spiritual power to expel the drug from her body.

As soon as the little girl woke up, he covered her mouth.

The little girl is only six or seven years old.

Qin Siyu lowered his voice.

"You have been caught by human traffickers. My brother is saving you. Don't speak or cry. Otherwise, the traffickers will discover you and you will never see your parents again. Do you understand?"

The little girl's eyes widened in horror at first, and then she nodded wildly.

Qin Siyu breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his hand.

The little girl's eyes were bright and her voice was very small.

"Brother, are you a hero?"

Qin Siyu nodded casually as he was busy drugging the next child.

The little girl admired him very much. She obediently covered her mouth after listening to his words.

There are three children left, and the other little girl is also very well-behaved. She holds hands with the first little girl who woke up and is extremely cooperative.

The other little boy, however, was particularly calm after he woke up. Qin Siyu covered his mouth and spoke, only to find that he had no intention of shouting at all.

After waiting for Qin Siyu to finish speaking, he nodded calmly without saying a word.

Qin Siyu thought he was a little mute.

There was only one last child left, a little fat boy, but the oldest among them. He looked to be eight or nine years old.

Even Qin Siyu was a little surprised as to why they would abduct such a big child.

The three younger children in front all cooperated obediently. This child is eight or nine years old and already knows right from wrong.

After Qin Siyu woke him up, he said the same thing again.

Then let go.

Who knew that as soon as he let go, the little fat man opened his mouth to howl.

The little boy next to him noticed it and quickly covered it with his hands.

He groaned without shouting.

Qin Siyu was also a little surprised, and then lowered his voice.

"If they find out here, you will never see your parents again."

The little fat man looked completely indifferent and even looked at Qin Siyu with some disdain.

The little boy next to him stared hard for a moment.

"If you dare to cry again, I will beat you to death!"

Qin Siyu also reacted suddenly and said the same words to the little fat man.

The little fat man calmed down.

Qin Siyu weighed his spiritual power.

Then he looked at several children.

"I'll secretly open the trunk door later to check the situation. It's okay. I told you to jump, so you just jump. Do you hear me?"

The little boy who scared the fat man was extremely calm.

"At this height and speed, if we jump, we will die."

Qin Siyu looked at the little boy in surprise. He was only five or six years old and looked like a little adult.

Then he patted the child again and smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to save you."

Who knew that the little boy looked him up and down and spoke very calmly.

"I do not believe you."

Qin Siyu was stunned for a moment.

Then he opened the car a little and waved him over.

He took another piece of rope from the side and used his spiritual power to make the rope float up out of thin air, and then he threw it out.

Before the rope fell to the ground, Qin Siyu raised his hand and used his spiritual power to cushion it before landing on the ground.

That little pause allowed several people to see clearly.Qin Siyu didn't care too much, and he didn't give any explanation just because they were children.

"I don't have much spiritual power. I can't carry you down. I can only act as a buffer before you land. So after you go down, run away and hide until I finally go down and take you away." ."

It was dark outside.

He took a look and felt a little anxious.

"Which of you will come first? There is no time. The direction they are driving is obviously getting more and more remote. They might be there soon!"

The little girl who was first woken up by Qin Siyu walked out first.

The voice is low.

"I come!"

At this time, the little boy blocked her.

"I'll go first."

He glanced at Qin Siyu, pushed the trunk door a little wider, and clenched his fists.

Qin Siyu thought he was a bit interesting. His eyes were full of fear, but his face was suppressed with calmness.

Then jump up.

Qin Siyu quickly mobilized his spiritual power.

The little guy only felt a gentle force lift him up when he landed, and he stood lightly on the ground, completely fine.

Because it was a mountain road, the car didn't go very fast.

After he got down, he immediately looked at Qin Siyu and others.

The remaining two little girls all jumped in the same way.

Qin Siyu tried it, but there was not much spiritual energy left in him.

So I looked at the little fat man.

"It's your turn, hurry up."

Unexpectedly, the little fat man hesitated and didn't dare to jump down at all.

At this time, the car bumped again.

The little fat man screamed in fright and started to scream.

Qin Siyu immediately realized the danger.

Without caring about anything else, he directly picked up the little fat man and jumped down.

He had very little spiritual energy left, and he couldn't support two people at once.

When he landed, Qin Siyu protected the little fat man and gave him a little cushion before letting out a muffled groan in pain.

Qin Siyu felt that the little fat man was a child after all, so he didn't abandon him.

The car suddenly stopped.

Over there, three children ran over in a hurry, trying to help Qin Siyu up.

Qin Siyu pushed the little fat man up and then pushed the three of them back.

"Run! Hide!"

His arm was extremely painful right now.

I also have some pain in my legs.

Four children, the little fat boy was still crying, but was slapped in the face by the little boy just now.

"If you cry again, I will cut off your tongue! Or throw you here to fend for yourself! If it weren't for you, we could all run away!"

The little fat man was suddenly slapped. In pain, he really didn't dare to cry.

The three traffickers over there have already gotten out of the car.

He was still holding a knife in his hand and looked here in surprise.

"Hey, you can actually jump down, you are quite capable! Capture these little brats, and as for this, kill them, chop them into pieces, and feed them to the dogs later."

He pointed at Qin Siyu.

Qin Siyu endured the pain in his arms and stood up, protecting the children behind him.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the child.

"You can run away with the three of them later."

He glanced at the little fat man again and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If anyone is holding you back, throw him away and save the three of you."

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