Chapter 193 Evil has evil retribution
He is an anchor and knows how to drive public opinion best.

He also persuaded girls to regard peace as the most important thing.

What his biological parents also knew was wrong, and so on and so on.

The girl was surrounded by him and several anchors and reporters every day.

Even the adoptive father was affected.

They felt that the girl didn't recognize her parents, and most of the adoptive fathers were making noise by the side, and they even felt that the adoptive father must have instilled some ideas in the girl.

So I kept going to the place where the girl's adoptive father worked.

The girl's adoptive father lost his job.

They should intensify, girls will be watched when they go out to eat.

Many people are especially generous with the generosity of others.

Driven by Jiang Yi, many parents who are already old and patriarchal feel that the girl's biological parents also have difficulties.

Keep persuading the girl to compromise.

I even think it's useless to leave so much money for a girl's family, so it's better to give it to my younger brother.

The girl's parents also make trouble every day.

Even if the girl called the police, it was useless, because there was no substantial harm.

In this case, finally something went wrong.

Various social pressures followed one after another.

She was just a kid, just out of high school.

Encountering such a situation, she was at a loss at all, but she hated her biological parents, and she was even less willing to forgive.

The girl's spirit was broken.

He actually committed suicide by swallowing medicine.

Fortunately, he was discovered early and was sent to the hospital by his adoptive father.

This averted a tragedy.
Jiang Yi and the others still had to push forward.

He was also in high school.

But I feel very awake.

He even laughed at the girl's poor mental quality over and over again.

The girl's adoptive father went crazy. Holding a glass water cup, he slapped Jiang Yi on the head, who was still surrounding the hospital entrance trying to get into the ward.

Others are somewhat affected.

Jiang Yi was young and energetic, but after being beaten, he couldn't get angry, so he fought back.
But he was either studying or live broadcasting, and he didn't even exercise all day long.

There's no better foster father for a girl who works hard.

Immediately, he was crushed and beaten to death.

The people around him also tried to persuade her, but they heard that the pretty girl in the emergency ward committed suicide because of him.

Immediately stop.

They had heard that the girl had been admitted to a particularly good university and had a bright future, and she almost died.

The advantage of being in the hospital is that they were bandaged on the spot.

The onlookers pulled them away when they saw that Jiang Yi was severely beaten and the girl's adoptive father was about to vent his anger.

Jiang Yi was sent to be bandaged and had eight stitches.

This matter was resolved very well at the beginning.

After all, it was the girl's adoptive father who did it.
But Jiang Yi fought back, so this incident was defined as a fight.

In addition, Jiang Yi has been stuck in front of other people's houses for so many days, it is wrong, and everyone gets their own medical expenses. This matter should have been over.

Who knew that Jiang Yi took his parents and some reporters and began to sell miserably.

It is said that Jiang Yi is young and ignorant, but the girl's adoptive father is different, he is an adult, and he beat his son like this and so on.

In the end, the girl's adoptive father paid the other party 1 yuan in compensation, and it was over.

After Lu Changfeng finished speaking, Qin Siyu was stunned.

"How can there be such a shameless person?"

It's okay to force people to recognize the parents who abandoned her, but she actually forced that girl to give her scholarship to her younger brother.

And Jiang Yi's parents are really a mess.

But Jiang Yi looks good, with a baby face, so he still has a lot of fans.

Lu Changfeng and Bai Niannian picked up a piece of roasted pork belly.

"I also think that after reading the information sent to me by others, I feel that the beating was too light at that time. It is better to beat him so that he can't take care of himself. It's not like my family can't afford to pay for it."

Nian Nian frowned.

"Xiaofeng, don't be impulsive. It's not worth delaying yourself for such a person."

She ate the piece of roasted pork belly again, her eyebrows relaxed.

Well, delicious.

Nian Nian licked her mouth.

Lu Changfeng held another piece for her,

Before Nian Nian could eat it, a small figure suddenly grabbed her arm and stood on tiptoe, then grabbed the piece of pork belly in one bite.

He ate with relish in his mouth.


She looked down at this little thing that refused to eat anything but purple rhyme grass.

Now he actually snatched her pork belly? !

Lu Changfeng baked it for Nian Nian again and put it aside.

Then he said with a smile.

"Don't worry, little ancestor, I'm just talking about it, it's fine."

Just like he beat Jiang Yi today, when the police came here to take notes, many people could prove that it was Jiang Yi who provoked him first and attacked him with carbon fire.

So he was easily released on bail by the Lu family's lawyer here.

Qin Siyu peeled the shrimp and put it in front of Nian Nian,

"But I still feel very uncomfortable. With Jiang Yi's actions, if something happens to the girl, he will be a murderer! There is no way to punish him."

Niannian saw that Huahua was eating deliciously, and the shrimp was shared with him, so he said.

"Don't worry about it, he's had bad luck recently, and it's probably going to be even worse."

Nian Nian was right,

They had just finished their meal.

Someone posted what happened in the restaurant today on the Internet, and it became an instant hit.

On a certain big eye software, everyone was also dumbfounded.

[How much hatred and hatred is this?Splashing hot coals on people's bodies]

[This is the little ancestor, you can tell it at a glance, who is throwing carbon?do not know】

[I'm also an anchor, with a lot of fans, named Jiang Yi]

[Little ancestor is really powerful, the carbon above her is like hitting a wall]

[Jiang Yi, are you crazy? 】

[Maybe he was driven crazy, or would the society behave like this? 】

[Upstairs you understand again?The little lunatic broadcasts the live broadcast twice in three days, and Jiang Yi's itinerary can't be bumped into. There is no intersection. How can he start to blame the victim? 】

[One slap can't be slapped, if Lu Changfeng didn't do something, Jiang Yi could slap him?Why didn't he splash me? 】

[Yue, the most annoying thing is this sentence, you stretch your face over, let me slap you, and let you see if it rings or not]

[Anyway, Jiang Yi is only 19 years old. He has just been admitted to college and is still a freshman. Isn't it a little unreasonable for Lu Changfeng to send people in? 】

【Come on, you made me splash carbon on my face, you can't sue me, after all, I'm only a sophomore in high school, if you sue me, it's unreasonable】

[The second year of high school upstairs is not good enough to study quickly!What are you running around!Recite your words! 】

[By the way, no one knows what Jiang Yi did before?Almost forced Qingying's talented young lady to commit suicide. You know, the young lady was the number one in the art test the year before last. She is beautiful and outstanding, but she was praised by the dance master and praised by God for food]

【What's the matter? 】

[It is to force the younger sister to recognize the family members who abandoned her, and let the younger sister give a scholarship of 20 yuan to the useless younger brother from her biological parents. It is called that a girl will have to marry no matter how powerful she is in the future. Why don't you buy a house for the younger brother, and the younger brother can help in the future, I Yue]

(End of this chapter)

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