TV series are also commodities, and they have commercial value as commodities, but they also have cultural attributes and cannot be sold as commodities.

But it can be used as a channel to sell goods.

Bai Liu's idea is to commercialize the TV series, which does not refer to the content, but to the clothing, accessories, etc. involved in the TV series.

"I'm looking for costume sponsorship from a clothing company, jewelry sponsorship from a jewelry company, and some shops for sponsorship. I'm looking for big sponsorships for scenes involving hotels and office buildings, and small sponsorships for snack bars... It's easier to shoot modern dramas this way. A little, it can easily lead to a trend." Bai Liu paused, "Our actual shooting costs will be reduced, and we can even ask for more funds from sponsors."

Advertising products also requires money, and the advertising time on TV stations is short. If you exceed the agreed time, you must pay extra to be displayed on the TV station.

Under the surprised looks of Lu Pingwan and Tangdou, she continued: "There are more TV advertisements in Hong Kong and abroad, and China will definitely follow suit. For products, sponsoring our TV series is more cost-effective than TV advertisements. Once the TV series is broadcast, the effect will be OK, the TV station will continue to broadcast it."

Continuous broadcasting means continuous exposure, which is much less expensive than TV stations’ dedicated advertisements of a few seconds or more than ten seconds, and the effect may be better.

Lu Pingwan immediately responded: "From my perspective as a businessman, I can accept such expenses. The relevant procedures in the early stage are not mature, but more people will be willing to take the first bite of crab. Later developments will gradually improve, but I'm sure that's a commendable approach."

As long as someone is willing to test the waters in the early stage, FMCG sales can quickly see results. If the results are good, more people will enter the market later, and the previous imperfections will gradually be corrected.

Tangdou listened to her grandma and mother talking, and suddenly asked: "Mom, do you mean to broadcast the drama to the TV station for free, so as to ensure the number of broadcasts of the TV series, but actually to ensure the exposure of the product?"

Bai Liu smiled and nodded: "Yes, I think TV stations are easier to accept proposals, but they pay more attention to the quality of the finished TV series, while sponsors care more about exposure. We need to balance it."

She said with some hesitation: "There is another trouble. Not all the footage may be used later. The sponsor may not be happy and may ask for additional scenes or changes."

A TV series has been asked to change by various sponsors. I don’t know whether it will make money in the end. The plot of the TV series will definitely change beyond recognition. By then, the reputation will be bad. Will it still be used in the future?
Lu Pingwan waved her hand: "There is no need to think too comprehensively about such details at the beginning. Only after trying it will you know whether it can work. You must take the lead in filming dramas. The prerequisite for a drama to be successful in all aspects is The quality of the drama itself must be in place.”

If it is messed up and the drama ends up not being a drama, not to mention the exposure, the sponsors may be jointly and severally liable due to the anger of the bad reviews.

"Business people can clearly distinguish between the serious and the important when it comes to making money." Lu Pingwan took a sip of water and her mind was racing. "In this regard, I will lend you a team of lawyers and let them draft the relevant agreement."

The legal system on the mainland is not yet complete, but the awareness of the rule of law in Hong Kong cities is improving. If you are worried about being punished for breach of contract, you will seriously consider whether to act impulsively and cause subsequent troubles.

"We need to succeed in this area once, or we must have an example before we can start work later." Bai Liu looked at her, Lu Pingwan, with a smile, "My respected and dear mother-in-law, Ms. Lu Pingwan, do you have any idea of ​​being the first to eat crabs? "

How can outsiders be as considerate as her own people? After all, this is the first time, and the sponsors will definitely spend every penny just like Zhou Papi. That will put too much pressure on them, and she is worried that Zhao Mei won't be able to bear it.

Lu Pingwan later found out that Bai Liu was digging a hole for her, but... this hole was not impossible to jump into.

She has never been a person without courage, especially when it comes to new things, she is more willing to try them out of curiosity.

What if it succeeds?
Tangdou has already begun to plan which companies to join. She is very clear about Lu Pingwan's business and muttered: "Grandma can sponsor clothing and jewelry. If you shoot in China, grandma has not opened a hotel in China, but she can provide some daily necessities." Help." Lu Pingwan's upbringing prevented her from making indecent moves, but she smiled and cursed: "You two are really debt collectors. You have clearly figured me out. If I make money, I have to thank you."

Although she said so, she had already acquiesced to Bailiu and Tangdou's proposal.

Lu Pingwan thought about it and added: "Modern dramas are easier to add these things, while costume dramas are more troublesome."

Modern dramas are closer to the lives of ordinary people, and are more likely to arouse the public's imitation and follow suit. It will also be easier for directors to operate.

Bai Liu nodded, then shook his head: "Costume dramas can also be used. Jewelry and food are easy to operate. For example, the jewelry worn by the queen or other noble women in the drama. At the same time, the jewelry company launches imitations, which will arouse the interest of wealthy people and then purchase them."

"Precious jewelry is a luxury product, but food is not. If a snack is praised by the protagonist and high-status people in the drama, the audience will think how delicious it is? Then the food company will launch it immediately, and everyone can't afford it. You can always buy jewelry and snacks.”

The more she thought about it, the more feasible it became. If she was not developed, who would be?

After Bai Liu finished speaking, she eagerly observed the reactions of Lu Pingwan and Tangdou, but found that the grandfather and grandson looked at her a little strangely.

Ok? ? ?
Lu Pingwan sighed sincerely: "I knew you had a quick mind before, but I didn't realize you actually -"

"You have the potential to be a profiteer," Tangdou said quickly, "Mom, are you going to wipe out everyone's wallets?"

The rich watch people buying jewelry, and the poor watch people buy food.

Bai Liu was a little embarrassed, but she would never admit that she was a profiteer: "We clearly mark the price, and we are not buying or selling by force. Of course, we must ensure the quality of the jewelry and food that appear on the show. How can we be considered a profiteer?"

"It's not a profiteer, but I underestimated your ability to do business." Lu Pingwan followed her thoughts and thought, "In terms of jewelry, we happen to have plans to enter the domestic market. Food may not be convenient. I don't have any A company specializing in food, there are high-end hotels but it doesn’t mainly promote food, and I mainly focus on the high-end and mid-range markets.”

She said casually: "If it targets the mid-to-low-end market, it would be good to open a restaurant. If there is a TV series dedicated to recipes or cooking skills, it will be much more effective than advertising."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Bai Liu suddenly remembered the recipe she picked up in Yongning County, and she subconsciously looked at the jelly beans.

Jelly Bean obviously thought of the recipe as well, and looked at her with bright eyes.

Mother and daughter made eye contact, while Lu Pingwan next to her was confused.

"What secrets are you sharing?"

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