Watching the excitement is no big deal, and good things are no trouble.

Although He Shengnan has a bad reputation, everyone knows that she is not the one who suffers. If there is really something good, she can get half of it when they meet.

The wicked need the wicked to grind.

Bai Mian looked at Wu Yang and Wu Yang who rushed into the scrap yard with He Shengnan, and then he realized what Bai Liu wanted to do.

"Is this okay?" Bai Mian frowned, "If you can't find anything later, you will scold us again, and it will be troublesome to clean up later -"

"Sister, think about it again, why do we worry about this?" Bai Liu glanced at the people around him who were squeezing in, "It's a good thing that everyone found something. Anyway, you haven't found anything good in all these years. "

On the contrary, if people are not allowed to enter, they will be suspected of treating the scrapyard as privately owned.

The aunt she and Song Jiaying met downstairs at Bai Mian's house said something different, but she had doubts in her heart.

There were some things she couldn't say in front of outsiders, so she subconsciously changed the subject: "Where's the jelly beans?"

Bai Mian patted her head: "Jiangdou is inside! He Shengnan had already made a fuss when we came over. The old man wouldn't let her in, so He Shengnan said she left something inside. She said she was looking for a book, so her schoolbag was still inside. , Tangdou is looking for her schoolbag."

Bai Liu was suspicious in his heart, and then was overwhelmed by the worry about the conflict between Tangdou and He Shengnan, and immediately turned around with Bai Mian.

"Mom, aunt," Tangdou came out faster and smiled when he saw the two of them, "Is Grandpa Qiao okay? It's a mess inside."

Thinking of her father-in-law's stubbornness, Bai Mian couldn't help but sigh: "Not letting everyone in makes it look like we are hiding something. Once we go in, we have to clean up later." She and her sister and niece complained, "The old man is already so old, and he is civilized and military. He is a soldier outside and has a family. Your brother-in-law and I also have a salary. The old man has no time to spare and wants this money, but at such an old age, why do we need his money?"

After all, the Qiao family is not too short of money. Even if they have to save money for their children, Qiao Jianwen and Qiao Jianwu are both soldiers and each have their own income.

On the contrary, Old Man Qiao is getting older, and the whole family is worried when it snows and freezes in winter.

"Isn't that good?" Bai Liu took advantage of the situation and said, "Uncle Qiao has been hurt this time. If you try to persuade him to stop doing it, let's forget about it. I have been doing it for so many years and He Shengnan made such a fuss. If Uncle Qiao continues to do it in the future, outsiders may not be sure. What do you think?"

When Bai Mian thought about it, it did make sense.

They said this outside. Song Jiaying inside looked at the movement and turned back to Uncle Qiao: "Uncle, do we have to earn this money?"

"It's time to take a rest. Don't you want to live a few more years to see Jianwen and Jianwu's children born? Don't you want to be a great-grandfather?"

Qiao Jizu persuaded: "Dad, our family all has jobs. In a few years, when Bai Mian and I retire, we will take care of Jianwen Jianwu's children. You won't go?"

Uncle Qiao was indeed tempted, and sighed: "If you didn't tell me, I don't know that outsiders would suspect that I have hidden good things. Ha, if there are so many good things, will it be my turn?"

It would be a lie to say that there is nothing, but good things from a poor place are not worth three melons and two dates, not to mention that he has never minded outsiders looking for them, but he cannot throw them away.

"Stop being sulky, living is the most important thing." Song Jiaying said with a smile, "By the way, why are you not surprised at all when you see me?"

Uncle Qiao sneered: "Song Jiaying? Lu Fei? You must have deliberately exposed your flaws to me. I told you that the name Lu Fei was strange. I could tell it when I played chess with you." He said it again. He sighed, "You are right, only when a person is alive can he have a future."

"Jizu," Old Man Qiao called his son, "Come on, you and I will go together. I'm quitting this scrap station. I'm too lazy to worry about it!"

Bai Mian and Qiao Jizu packed up the bedding and water cups that Old Man Qiao had left at the scrapyard. Old Man Qiao shook them off in front of everyone.

"Look, this is my fortune for so many years. I won't do it anymore." Old man Qiao said sarcastically, "You used to scold me as a rag collector, but now you accuse me of hiding something? Bah, you go find the treasure. , I haven’t encountered it in so many years.”

Old man Qiao took his son to resign, and Bai Mian went home carrying his things.

Bai Liu thought that the Qiao family was a little busy today, so she stopped joining in the fun. She made a special appointment with Bai Mian on a time to return to her parents' home, and took Song Jiaying and Tangdou around the county.Compared with Beijing, which changes every week and every month, Yongning County changes much less.

"But people's hearts have also begun to change," Bai Liu recalled the look in everyone's eyes when they heard "baby" just now, and marveled, "money will be more important in the future."

Tangdou waved his hand: "This is called everything about money. Mom, last time we came back from Hong Kong and passed by Peng City. There was a slogan on the wall, 'Time is money, efficiency is life.' Maybe one day, Peng City will be better than Gang City." The city is more developed.”

Bai Liu thought of Peng City's efficiency and said to Song Jiaying in a shocked tone: "The development of Peng City is beyond people's imagination. One floor can be built there in five to six days."

Song Jiaying's eyebrows moved slightly: "Infrastructure construction seems to be the general direction of the country in the future. According to this, if Zhou Xiangnan sets his sights on building a house, he will definitely not make a big mistake."

This means that Zhou Xiangnan deliberately gave them the opportunity to make a fortune.

So generous.


Jellybean's head turned around, looking at his father and then his mother.

"Mom, are you talking about Uncle Zhou's plan to set up a construction team?"

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows: "How do you know?"

Tangdou had a look of understanding on his face: "Fu Bao told me, she also said that Uncle Zhou will definitely make a lot of money. By the way, she said she would take us to make money together,"

It sounds a bit ridiculous. Zhou Xiangnan asked Fu Bao to reveal his closeness to them and deliberately gave them money. It's scary to think about being so generous.

"Mom," Tangdou blinked, "Grandpa Song often said that people should pretend to be stupid when they should."

The most difficult thing in life is to be confused.

Bai Liu and Song Jia should look at each other.

"Then let's just pretend to be confused. If Zhou Xiangnan earns more in the future -"

"How do you know Zhou Xiangnan can make money?" He Shengnan ran over panting, and showed extraordinary excitement when he heard Zhou Xiangnan's name, "Do you want to invest in him? No, it's not convenient for you in the capital. Lend me a sum of money, and I will pay you back with interest when the time comes, and you will definitely make a profit without losing anything."

Bai Liu: ...

Outrageous, He Shengnan borrowed money?

The abacus beads almost fell off their faces.

"Didn't you say there is a treasure in the scrapyard?"

He Shengnan said with a guilty conscience: "Yes, I just happened to come out. I heard that you have so much money that you have nowhere to spend it, so I will help you invest."

"No need, I'm very poor." Bai Liu glanced behind her, "Do you think someone found something?"

"Ah?" He Shengnan stamped his feet anxiously and turned back while running: "I will go back to the team to find you."

It really doesn’t delay anything.

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