Wanxiang temporarily settled in the courtyard in Xuefu Hutong, and Bailiu and Tangdou's plans also changed.

Tang Minghui came home every day on the pretext of renovating the garden. He seemed to be observing the situation at home. He arrived almost every day carrying various missing daily necessities.

Including the jelly bean room, which was bare at the beginning, gradually became filled with many furnishings.

In just a few days, Bai Liu felt that he had almost become addicted to the joy of lying down.

Tangdou and Wanxiang are at home. Wanxiang goes to school late and was in fourth grade before coming here. It's summer vacation now but she can't drop out of school forever.

Two little girls of similar age have a good arrangement. They study together in the morning and play at home in the afternoon.

Their learning progress is different. Tangdou dug out the fifth grade textbook from nowhere and showed it to Wan Xiang. If Wan Xiang encountered knowledge that he didn't know, she would explain it, while she studied the books left by Lu Pingwan.

She said she was playing in the afternoon, but in fact she only played with jelly beans. She would tinker with various small things in her east wing, and she had already broken two radios these past few days... while Wan Xiang helped clean up the house.

Bai Liu has recently returned to work at the Friendship Store as normal. From time to time, he also goes to Xinghuo Publishing House to check the publication status of the exercise book, and asks friends he knows to inquire about the school.

She still didn't give up the idea of ​​sending jelly beans to the High School Affiliated to Beijing University, but everyone told her that it would be troublesome, but she still refused to give up.

It would have been easier to send Jelly Bean to a regular school, just a little further from home.

She is confused.

When she came back from outside in the afternoon, she carried the rice she brought back from the cafeteria. Tang Minghui had recently brought a lot of cooked food. It was too hot to put it away, and she was not one to search for it.

Therefore, the food from the canteen and the cooked food at home are enough.

Not to mention the poor food, Wan Xiang's face was already full of flesh in just a few days. This child's life was really bad before.

Children in rural areas can only eat meat and fish during festivals. Even for a family with good conditions like the Bai family, they can only satisfy their craving every month.

Wanxiang lived in a foreigner's house, and the food was much better than at home. She felt psychologically uncomfortable, so she worked harder.

As soon as Bai Liu opened the door, she saw Wan Xiang carefully cleaning the soil in the flower garden.

She advised: "Stop sweeping this place. Tang Minghui said there will be construction tomorrow, and then there will be mud again."

Wan Xiang smiled and said, "Aunt Bai, I have nothing to do, so I won't bother you."

Seeing this, Bai Liu didn't say much. She was not a mean person, and she wouldn't rush to leave after Wan Xiang stayed for a few days.If Wanxiang does housework to help her feel less guilty, then just do it.

But now that school is about to start, she will definitely be able to arrange a school for Tangdou before the school starts. She doesn't know what Cai Juan plans to ask Wan Xiang to do.

"Wanxiang, ask your mother to come over. You can't be at home all the time." You should go to school.

If it were anything else, she wouldn't mind it, but reading was different from other things.

Wan Xiang's face turned pale, apparently mistakenly thinking that she wanted to drive her away.

"Aunt Bai, I——"

Bai Liu waved his hand: "I'm asking your mother about your plans for going to school. Don't think too much."

Wan Xiang nodded hurriedly and ran out to find Cai Juan.The house is not far from the school. She has been there several times in the past few days and already knows this road.

Bai Liu watched Wan Xiang run out absentmindedly and sighed.

Others always say that children from poor families become masters early and become sensible early. In fact, she doesn't think this is a compliment. At least as a mother, she feels heartbroken every time she hears such words.Children should behave like children, and children will grow up one day. Education should not be forced or even oppressive, but should be gradual.

Parents' weakness often leads to children taking more detours.

She turned back to close the door, but just as she turned her head, she heard a car horn.

Tang Minghui sometimes drives here. Xuefu Hutong is a recently built alley. The alley is relatively wide and easy to enter.

But Tang Minghui knows that they like to keep a low profile and usually don't honk the horn in a big way.

Feeling slightly confused, she stuck her head out and looked outside.

Isn't she dazzled? Why did she seem to see Lu Pingwan?

"Jangdou, Tangdou, come out quickly!" She realized that she had read correctly, it was really Lu Pingwan.

Tangdou didn't know why, but he ran out quickly and happened to catch Lu Pingwan's sight as he got out of the car and looked over.

"Hello, Second Aunt," Bai Liu welcomed Lu Pingwan with a smile.

In fact, she had already guessed that she would come, but she didn't expect that she would come so early and so quickly.

At this time, should she prepare dinner?
Lu Pingwan nodded to her, and the next second her eyes fell on Tangdou who ran out. The grandfather and grandson hugged each other, and then Lu Pingwan looked at Tangdou's clothes and frowned.

"Didn't you tell me that I will take care of Tangdou's future clothes? Why are you still wearing these clothes?" Lu Pingwan looked at Tangdou and said to Bai Liu.

Bai Liu: ...

It's really baffling that she has to take care of such a trivial matter. Could it be that Lu Pingwan wanted to use the topic to say that she was incompetent as a mother?
Fortunately, Tangdou reacted quickly enough and said immediately: "I'm cleaning my room. I don't feel bad if my old clothes get dirty, and they are comfortable and convenient for work. Grandma, let's go in first. Do you want to try the scented tea I recently created?" "

Lu Pingwan did not continue the topic, and said while walking with Tangdou: "Let Tang Minghui do any work, but my room is relatively private, so it is right to do it, but you, a child, don't show off..."

Bai Liu realized later that she seemed to have been disliked by Lu Pingwan just now?
is not it?Not sure, such a strange feeling.

It was as if a mother-in-law always had to be picky when seeing her daughter-in-law... She quickly shook her head and gave up this very scary idea.

Tang Minghui, who was following behind, closed the door and she walked quickly to catch up with Lu Pingwan and Tangdou.

Lu Pingwan did not go directly to the living room. Accompanied by Tangdou, she looked around the entire courtyard before finally sitting down.

"... It's enough to live casually. Tang Minghui, you can bring the missing appliances and check the wires and other safety issues. I think you need a nanny, otherwise it will be too inconvenient for all the big and small things in life." Lu Pingwan glanced at a corner, " There is a little girl living in the guest room? The nanny lives there—"

"Second aunt, Aunt Lu," Bai Liu couldn't help but stop her, "Jiangdou and I don't need a nanny. We usually only need to wash clothes and buy food from the canteen."

Why hire nannies and mobilize troops?

Lu Pingwan nodded and directly told Tang Minghui: "Then arrange for someone to deliver meals every day and come over every other day to do laundry and housework. Don't live here."

Bai Liu frowned. Is this another compromise by Lu Pingwan?

Tang Minghui immediately went out to arrange dinner after receiving the order, leaving only the three of them in the living room.

Lu Pingwan put down the teacup and said in a gentle voice: "I'm not a bad mother-in-law. Why are you so out of sight? Come here, let's discuss Tangdou's schooling."

Is it true that my mother-in-law is late?

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