Times are changing, and it seems that having overseas relatives is no longer a secret.

However, the atmosphere in the Northeast is different from that in Guangdong and the South. People in the Northeast are relatively conservative and don't have many overseas relatives. Therefore, Huang Fenglai knew that Song Jia should have overseas relatives, so he warned Bai Liu not to talk about it everywhere.

Bai Liu was not stupid enough to tell anyone, she just wanted Huang Fenglai to know what was going on.

She came back from Guangzhou and bought some gifts for her family, especially various new clothes from Guangzhou.

Lu Pingwan probably regarded Tangdou as his successor, or he told Bai Liu how developed the outside world was.

When Lu Pingwan sent people to buy home textiles from Hong Kong City, they also specially brought her some small household appliances from Hong Kong City, as well as many daily necessities.

It is indeed something uncommon and almost unavailable in the Northeast.

Bai Liu wouldn't doubt her life because of something, and she wouldn't feel ashamed of herself because of the gap in life. It's a joke. If she had low self-esteem, she would have been stunned to death when she saw the luxurious life of the princess and the nobles in the palace.

She admits that there is a gap between the mainland and the outside. She also knows that there are people outside the world and there are mountains outside the mountains.

If Lu Pingwan dares to give, she dares to ask for it. Isn’t it beautiful to share good things with everyone and lend flowers to Buddha?

"Let's see if there are any suitable ones. Wait until my eldest sister comes over after get off work in the afternoon..."

When she came back, she had too much stuff, so the textile factory sent the stuff directly to the factory, and then she and her family brought it back together.

Four people and four bicycles almost couldn’t bring them back.

"You said you didn't feel tired even after you came all the way to bring the clothes." Bai Yang was still out of breath after carrying the clothes package in.

Huang Fenglai then said: "There are so many clothes, even if you don't have to pay a lot of money, I think you don't want to do it in the future."

He said and glared at Bai Liu.

When Bai Liu knew what her mother didn't say: Even if you have overseas relatives, their prosperity does not mean your prosperity. Who knows what will happen to Song Jiaying in the future? What will happen to your life when you and Tangdou are both in school?

She smiled and said nothing.

Could it be that he wanted jelly beans, so he gave them as a meeting gift?

I'm afraid if I say it, I'll scare everyone to death.

"The clothes are cheap over there. I bought some of them, and the other part was given by the other party. It just so happens that everyone has new clothes." She quickly changed the topic, "Mom, wouldn't it be nice to have new clothes to wear?"

"This is free of charge? That's great." Li Xiulan happened to be holding a piece of the most popular style of clothing in Hong Kong City and couldn't put it down. "Such a good dress can be worn by Xiaomai for her wedding in the future."

Zhao Jinfang was worried that Li Xiulan would take them away, so she hurriedly picked through the pile of clothes, mumbling: "Xiao Zao can also change clothes, let her see which one she likes, and she can wear it if she changes it. This one is good, that one is also good." ...My Bai Yang is also the leader of the sales department, so he should dress decently when going out."

The three Bai brothers are relatively restrained, and there are not many styles of men's clothing. There are suits among the clothes in Hong Kong City. They are eager to try them, but they don't know if they are suitable.

Again, the trend of [-] or [-] has not spread across the country. Many people dare not even think about it, let alone do it.

Huang Fenglai vaguely guessed that the people Bai Liu mentioned were the "overseas relatives" who sent the clothes. She looked at Bai Liu vaguely: "Did you and Tangdou stay?"

Bai Liu just asked her sister-in-law to try on some clothes. She turned back with a smile: "Mom is here, we will wear new clothes when we come back."

Huang Fenglai actually wanted to ask her if she could have these clothes, and Bai Liu's answer was yes.

Huang Fenglai nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, then bring me the black one -" Bai Liu stopped: "Second sister-in-law, hand over the dark red dress. Our mother will definitely look good in it."

"I don't want it. I can't wear red at my age. You young people can wear it..." Huang Fenglai was full of resistance. How could an old lady wear such a bright color?
Bai Liu didn't listen to the obstruction at all and insisted on putting it on Huang Fenglai.

"Why can't you wear it? You can wear whatever you want. When I was in Guangzhou, I saw young girls wearing short skirts. Mom, don't be too feudal." She said and put on Huang Fenglai's clothes. Suddenly she felt that there was something missing. Something, "Jelly Bean, look if there is another pack of hair accessories in our room. Go get it..."

Lu Pingwan's assistant is really reliable. She not only bought clothes, but also hair accessories and other small products, which perfectly match the fashionable new clothes.

During the years when Bai Liu was raised as a skinny horse in her previous life, one of the most important things she learned was how to dress herself up.

Even though the old society was different from now, and the fashions were different, beautiful things would never turn ugly no matter how long they were placed. There was nothing to say about her aesthetic ability.

Tangdou Zezaerhuhu came back with hair accessories, and Bai Liu quickly gave Huang Fenglai a new look.In a short time, an ordinary old lady from the countryside became more fashionable than the old lady from the city.

Speaking of which, Huang Fenglai was very beautiful when she was young. Her mother was the personal maid of a young lady in the city, and her father was serving the young master, so her appearance was naturally good.

It's just that Huang Fenglai's life in the countryside these years has been rough and tiring, and he has no time to dress up.

Life is already very tiring, and dressing up as a widow is easy for others to gossip about you.

With this order, he seemed to have become a different person.

The three daughters-in-law of the Bai family were stunned.

Even the three brothers from the Bai family were shocked.

"When my mother was young, she was indeed a flower in the Xiangyang Brigade. My mother did not lie to me." Zhao Jinfang was in a trance.

Huang Meiling is Huang Fenglai's niece who played in the fifth server. She met Huang Fenglai when she was a child, and she spoke more directly: "When I was a child, I always said that my mother was good-looking. My mother and others also laughed at me for not being big, but knowing how to be beautiful and ugly."

Bai Shu is the first child of the Bai family, and his memory of his childhood is already a little blurry. At this time, the old Huang Fenglai collides with his childhood memories, which inevitably brings back a trace of his childhood memories.

Finally, it turned into a sentence: "Mom, you have worked hard these years."

Huang Fenglai was a little embarrassed. She said don't talk nonsense, but in fact she couldn't wait to look in the mirror.

It's embarrassing.

Bai Liu looked at the envious expressions of his sisters-in-law, and consciously rearranged the clothes and hair accessories for the three of them: "It is natural for women to love beauty. There will be more new clothes in the south, so everyone should dress up when they need to."

Huang Fenglai saw how beautiful she looked in the mirror and couldn't wait to run out to show off. She grew up in the Xiangyang Brigade and had many good sisters she had known since childhood. She wanted to show everyone if they recognized her.

When Bai Liu finished his work, he turned around and saw that many people had gathered in front of his house. The three daughters-in-law of the Bai family became the focus of everyone's attention.

She stopped participating and silently retreated into the crowd, looking at everyone's looks of envy or jealousy.

Sure enough, aesthetics also have something in common, women just want to be beautiful.

Tian Yu didn't know when he came to her side and asked a little shyly: "Bai Liu, can you also draw my eyebrows?"

Bai Liu turned around and suddenly found that Tian Yu had also put on new clothes.

"I bought this from Xiangnan. Why don't I look as good as your sisters-in-law when I wear it?"

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