"Switching to selling furniture?" Lu Pingwan was surprised at how quickly their goals changed.

The day before, I had a posture of not hitting the wall and never looking back. I was about to go all the way down the puppet toys. Today, I have turned into furniture. This——

"Did you make a decision at once?" Lu Pingwan was not angry, but she felt that they were too childish. "I might as well put it more bluntly. My husband and I have seen the determination of the country to open up. After the opening up, Under the premise of a market economy, state-owned enterprises are responsible for their own profits and losses, and no one in a state-owned enterprise may be able to cover up the whole situation.”

"I suggest that we do market research and a business plan first, and it is best to learn some business management experience."

She is willing to help Red Star Textile Factory for various reasons, but she cannot help without restrictions. She does not help idiots. This is her principle.

Lu Pingwan's attitude was obvious, making everyone present blush.

They really made a decision on the fly. Market research and planning documents were too unfamiliar to Red Star Textile Factory.

For a moment, they admitted that they were really rigid in their thinking.

"We have practical basis, and I believe what I see with my eyes is also the truth." Bai Liu also knows that everything must be struck while the iron is hot, and explained specifically, "After coming to Guangzhou, I changed a lot of my ideas. In terms of life, I have been married in the past two years. There are more and more people, and opening up will definitely mean population circulation.”

"When farmers no longer have the only option of farming, they will choose to work in the city. They are not sure whether to buy a house next, but they must have a place to live...Furniture is a necessity. There is a big difference between the furniture in the north and the south. I think the furniture in the south More suitable for people in new cities.”

She rarely expressed her opinions at such length, but this time it was different. What she saw and heard in Guangzhou suddenly made her want to express herself more.

It has to be said that Bai Liu saw many places where she could make money, but she felt that she was not suitable to be a businessman.

It is not difficult to talk on paper. When it comes to interpersonal communication and various human relationships, that is not something that anyone can do. She is self-aware.

Lu Pingwan gradually understood the secret, and she looked at Bai Liu calmly, with admiration in her eyes.

A sense of the market can be cultivated, but currently few people in the mainland can see this. If anyone discovers business opportunities, this is a gift.

Gao Yongchang waited for Bai Liu to say something similar, and after the atmosphere eased, he said: "We are not changing our profession to making furniture. We are more inclined to make part of the supporting furniture, such as cushions, etc., and in general, various mattresses..."

The mainland market is extremely large. In the past, due to the extreme shortage of materials, people's purchasing power could only be limited through planning.

But as long as a big country wants to be rich, it will never become rich.

Lu Pingwan understands it so well, she even knows how to maximize her own interests in this.

This was one of the reasons why she had a special regard for Bai Liu. Others didn't know it, but she naturally knew that Bai Liu had money.In the past few years, she continued to send money to Song Jiaying, and for a long time it went directly to Bai Liu.According to her inquiries, Bai Liu had a job in the past few years and must have saved some money.

The expenses in the mainland are relatively small. If Bai Liu has money, she can start her own business, but there is no greed in her eyes.

This is not a businessman, but he is also a good person.

Only people like Bai Liu can make Song Jiaying die.

Lu Pingwan suppressed the incomprehensible thoughts in her heart, and when she lowered her head slightly, she suddenly found Tangdou looking up at her, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Children always make people inexplicably soft-hearted. Lu Pingwan sighed when she thought of the past. She could tease and use Song Jiaying, and she could also ignore the two former sisters, but they were children after all.

Tangdou looks like the three sisters when they were young, and it always reminds her of the unrestrained time in those days.

"Are you okay, Tangdou?" Lu Pingwan's voice also became kind.

Tangdou said nothing, she turned to look at her mother.Bai Liu didn't know what she wanted to say, but after all, the child was curious, so she nodded to Tangdou with encouraging eyes.

Just say what you want to say, anyway, nothing will break the world.

She hopes her daughter can be more wanton, and being bold is not a bad thing.

Tangdou looked at Lu Pingwan again and asked curiously: "Grandma, what does the plan look like? Can I see it?" She was a little shy, "I know it may be inconvenient, but I have never heard of these things. A business plan?”

A little girl over ten years old was interested in company management matters, which immediately made all the adults present dumbfounded.

In fact, Bai Liu and the others were also curious about the market research and planning document Lu Pingwan said, but they couldn't ask, and Tangdou was more frank.

Lu Pingwan laughed when she heard this, and looked at the jelly beans with smiling eyes.

Jelly Bean still has the same harmless curly hair. He is not timid at all because of the adults' smiles, and his eyes are still stubborn, as if he must get an answer.

"This thing about blood ties." Lu Pingwan murmured.

Because Bai Liu had just answered Lu Pingwan's question, he was standing closest to her at this time, and her hearing was relatively good, so she heard this sentence clearly.

Then he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. There were no brothers in the rich family, and Lu Pingwan didn't seem to have any contact with his sisters. Could it be Song Jingyun?
It seems that the relationship between Song Jingyun and Song Jingzhang is even worse.

It's probably just because I'm getting older that I feel a little nostalgic for the stories of my old friends.

"Grandma?" Tangdou looked at Lu Pingwan as if he didn't want to answer, but why didn't he speak?
"Jangdou—" Bai Liu stopped Tangdou from continuing to ask.

A mother knows her child well, and Tangdou always has a kind of admiration for powerful women. Just like Gu Xiaohui's arrogance before, it easily aroused Tangdou's liking and became Gu Xiaohui's "year-old friend".

Lu Pingwan is obviously more powerful and easier for Tangdou to look up to.

This kid doesn't know who he learned from to be so strong. It's even hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Jangdou asked me to ask the right person," Lu Pingwan interrupted Bai Liu's obstruction and said gently to Tangdou, "How about I go to the room with grandma later and I invite you to see our market research and planning document? "

Tangdou's eyes lit up, and his heartbeat was clearly evident.

"Okay, okay~"

White willow supports the forehead.

What kind of child is this? Other people's abduction and trafficking of children requires at least candy to trick them away. It's better for her. What are market surveys and planning documents?
I don’t usually see how much Tangdou loves learning. Is it just because he can make money?

After a small episode, Lu Pingwan's attitude toward Gao Yongchang and the others became much better.

Bai Liu struck while the iron was hot and asked to learn about the styles of furniture in the port city. Lu Pingwan readily agreed and even directly said that he could transport samples for them and take them with them when they return.

Does this count as loving the house and the bird?
Gao Yongchang and Xiang Guilan felt that they had taken advantage of Bai Liu, thinking that Lu Pingwan wanted to help Bai Liu for the sake of relatives.

Bai Liu was extremely confused. She felt that Lu Pingwan was more interested in jelly beans.

Jelly beans are really awesome.

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