my wife is wonderful

Chapter 250 Meeting

This person was none other than the person Geng Xingshuang had been hoping to show up in time since he left Prince Ping's Mansion.

She is Zhan Pei, Geng Xingshuang is sure of this.

On the morning nine days ago, when she was invited into Prince Ping's Mansion half-threateningly by Nanny Wu and maid Su Ting who were beside Princess Ping, there should have been three people in the carriage following Prince Ping's carriage.

Zhan Pei, Wu Juan and Zhu Yan gave her the guard bamboo sword.

But now there is only one person Zhan Pei, where are Wu Juan and Zhu Jian?

Is it at the back? Or hiding somewhere? Or something happened?

Geng Xingshuang had many guesses in her mind and finished her meal at the same speed as usual.

Just as the fourth bandit said, although the bandit leader allowed them to enter the store for lunch, they would not agree to stay overnight at noon. Even if it was about to snow, for several bandits, the snow never stopped. reasons.

"Ouch!" Geng Xingshuang suddenly covered her stomach.

Jinbao was startled and quickly stretched out his hand to support her, "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"I...I have a stomachache and I have to...go change!"

Geng Xingshuang said intermittently, covering her stomach with her hands and bending her waist, looking like she could not bear the pain.

"I'll help you go!" Jinbao was startled by her girl's movement at first, thinking that she was really hungry, but when her hand was pinched twice by Geng Xingshuang, she immediately reacted Yes, the girl is just pretending.

As for the purpose, naturally he wanted to meet Zhan Pei and have a few words.

The store was not big, and the latrines were relatively far away. Jin Bao helped Geng Xingshuang walk in the direction pointed by Xiao Er.

"Brother, do you want to go and have a look?" Bandit Three asked.

The leader of the bandits glanced at the third bandit. The third bandit understood and immediately followed him.

Naturally, he would not follow her to the latrine, but would find a place with a good view outside to keep an eye on her.

If they were ordinary women, they actually didn't need to worry at all. After all, in this cold winter in the unfamiliar Northland, if two weak women wanted to escape, they might as well follow their brothers, although they were instructed to kill these two The women were sent to Xie Kun, the governor of the two cities in the West, but at least they could guarantee their safety on the way.

If he escaped, he might be captured in a short time, and his fate would be obvious.

But now there are some differences between the two women. Although Geng Xingshuang is more knowledgeable and courageous than the average daughter, she is still delicate and frail. However, Jinbao is not an ordinary maid. From her walking posture and some movements, she is almost... The fourth bandit, who was the worst in martial arts among the bandits, also discovered that this maid was skilled in martial arts. As for the level of martial arts, the fourth bandit felt that if he fought alone, he might not be his opponent.

But if he faced anyone from the top to the third bandit, Jin Bao would not be his opponent.

Therefore, although Boss Sha and others saw that Jin Bao had martial arts, they did not pose a threat to them, so they did not take special precautions. However, when the master and servant ran to a place some distance away together, they were still a little worried. I was worried that they would escape with their martial arts skills, so I didn't dare to take it lightly.

After all, although this kidnapping was not of their own free will, it was related to the lives and fortunes of a large group of people in the village behind them.

Geng Xingshuang and Jinbao naturally knew that they were being watched, and she was not prepared to escape.

Shortly after Geng Xingshuang left, the young man next door also stood up, paid the bill, and left the restaurant.

Geng Xingshuang and Jinbao stood in the smelly hut and waited for a while before hearing footsteps outside.

Jinbao looked outside and saw a woman wearing a blue coat and skirt. Jinbao was a little disappointed when he suddenly found that the woman's face was familiar, but she seemed a little whiter.

"Sister Zhan?" Jinbao called out in surprise, his voice low.

Zhan Pei, who had changed into women's clothes and even put a layer of makeup on her face, nodded to her.

"Girl!" As soon as Zhan Pei saw Geng Xingshuang, he wanted to bow to her.

Geng Xingshuang hurriedly stopped her and said helplessly: "Sister Zhan, the smell here is a bit unpleasant, and there are a few gangsters watching outside. Let's keep the story short."

Zhanpei nodded and said, "Girl, come with me." Geng Xingshuang and Jinbao followed Zhanpei out of the hut and to a woodshed not far away.

"This is the woodshed of the garment shop in front. If you talk here, those people won't be able to find you."

Geng Xingshuang nodded, the woodshed is better than the latrine.

"Where are Wu Juan and Zhu Jian? They are here too? Where are they now?"

Zhan Pei's expression darkened, "They didn't come. That night there was a mutiny in Ningdu City, and Prince Ping's Mansion was surrounded. There were guards from Prince Ping's Mansion inside and soldiers from the guard station outside. The three of us had to retreat, but we were discovered in the end. Ran away."

Zhan Pei's words were very brief, almost passing by, but Geng Xingshuang could imagine that the night for the three of them was actually much more thrilling than that of himself and Jinbao trapped in Prince Ping's Mansion.

As for why Zhanpei hasn't shown up these days, it's because she was injured that night. But because there were soldiers everywhere in the city, and loud shouts of killing came from the direction of the palace, the ordinary people in the city didn't know what happened. , was so frightened that she closed the doors and windows tightly. Zhan Pei even knocked on the doors of several medical clinics, but couldn't get in. Fortunately, she used to be a guard, so she always had medicine for injuries.

He simply treated the injury, but it took time to recover. Under such circumstances, Geng Xingshuang and Jinbao were still locked up in Prince Ping's Mansion, and they didn't know what would happen next. Zhan Pei could only stay close to Prince Ping's Mansion with his injuries. place, and later found out that Geng Xingshuang and Jinbao were taken out of Prince Ping's Mansion, out of Ningdu City, and headed north.

"Because I was injured, I didn't dare to follow him too close. I was worried about being discovered by Boss Sha and others, so I always followed him from a distance."

Zhanpei explained.

Especially when she walked to an uninhabited wilderness, she could only stay farther away.

Jinbao couldn't help but hit his head, "Sister Zhan, it's my fault. I should have contacted you earlier."

Zhan Pei shook his head, "Even if I saw the mark you left before, I couldn't show it."

She was still injured at that time, and if she was discovered by Boss Sha and others, she would have no chance of winning.

"Sister Zhan, how is your health?" Geng Xingshuang looked her up and down, "You have lost a lot of weight."

At first she thought she was thin on purpose for disguise.

"I've recovered 70% to 80%, but I'm not too sure about dealing with Boss Sha. I heard about Boss Sha's name when I was in the North. He learned all his kung fu from Dao Shizuo, and Dao Shizuo is one of the best in the world. Although it was later heard that he was kicked out of the school by Toujitsu because of his limited talent and his inability to devote all his energy to martial arts, he was able to stay with Toujitsu and was taught by him for several years. People, I..."

Zhan Pei said, shaking his head with a wry smile, "Don't talk about me, even Commander Xin of Canghan Guard can't guarantee that he can beat the disciple who is second best in swordsmanship. It is said that he is not only good at leading troops, but also The martial arts skills are unrivaled by Canghanwei."

Geng Xingshuang had never heard of "Knife Second". She felt that Zhan Pei's short words seemed to have brought her into a world that was completely different from the bustling Ningdu City.

It was a completely unfamiliar world that she had never set foot in before.

Jin Bao's eyes widened when he heard this.

"Second is the swordsman. It is said that he is a master with the same reputation as Nie Changkong. However, I heard that his temperament is much more surly than Nie Changkong's, and he is not as chivalrous and magnanimous as Nie Changkong."

Zhan Pei nodded, "In fact, his martial arts should not be comparable to Nie Jianxia, ​​but the two of them have never competed, and the sword is second best. Zeng Yan, in his life, he has only admitted that his martial arts is not as good as his master, so he calls himself The knife comes second.”

"Who is his master?" Geng Xingshuang was curious.

Zhan Pei shook his head, "I don't know. I heard he was a reclusive master and he should have passed away now."

Zhanpei's description made Geng Xingshuang and Jinbao know that Boss Sha did have some strength. With Zhanpei and Jinbao's martial arts, there might be no problem in dealing with the second to fourth bandits, but Boss Sha, they see There is no difference. If we go head-on now, once we fail, there will be no room for change.

Moreover, Geng Xingshuang also suspected that Zhu Yan had also been kidnapped and had already walked ahead of them, so the three of them discussed and stayed put for the time being.

Zhan Pei took a few steps forward to inquire about Zhu Yan.

When we get to Taocheng, we will move from Taocheng to Fengcheng in the west, and then we will think of a solution.

After asking Zhan Pei some things about Ningdu City, Geng Xingshuang and Jin Bao returned to the restaurant where they had just eaten, while Zhan Pei walked forward first.

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