Peter's face was dejected, as if he couldn't bear the trouble anymore.

After hearing this, Sang Luo began to murmur in his heart. This destined person's fortune was obviously an upward trend, so how could he end up with failed investments every time?

"One fate, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulated yin virtues, five readings, six seven phases, eight respects for gods, nine friendships with nobles, and ten health care. There are many and complex factors that affect the fortune of life. Your fate and luck are both good.

For such a good fate to end up like this, maybe there is something wrong with the feng shui in your home.

Let's do this. You tell me the community where you live, and I will use the surrounding mountains, rivers, terrain, and road planning to see where the problem lies on the map. "

Sang Luo thought for a long time and felt that the feng shui problem in his family's balcony must have caused Peter to end up in such a mess.

Peter waved his hand, "Master, it can't be a problem with Feng Shui! My house is a villa with a large garden and lawn that I bought on the outskirts of the city.

I spent a lot of money to build that house under the guidance of Liao Changlun, a famous Feng Shui master in the country.

Not to mention the feng shui of Yangzhai, the feng shui of my family's cemetery is all about spending a lot of money to buy a mountain and build a family cemetery.

What I said is that I believe this the most. I have moved our house, ancestral graves, and graves to positions with excellent Feng Shui, just because I hope that one day I will be world-famous and my company will have a place in the global business community.

So the problem will never arise in Feng Shui. "

[Can you actually afford Master Liao Changlun? ? ? ! ! I didn’t expect you to be quite rich even though you look so miserable! 】

[The villa taught by Master Liao Changlun, that must be right! This is a great master in Feng Shui, and his status is equivalent to Einstein in the physics world. 】

[The Wei'an Palace in our Ice City was also built under the guidance of Master Liao Changlun]

[The entire city center planning of Yangcheng is unfolded in the style of Tai Chi Bagua diagram. Liao Changlun is the Feng Shui consultant of Yangcheng urban planning]

[Yes, Master Liao Changlun is also our consultant for urban planning here]


Netizens heard about Master Liao Changlun and began to popularize Master Liao's achievements and status in the Feng Shui field in the live broadcast room.

After Sang Luo came to the human world, he actually read the "Feng Shui Manual" written by Liao Changlun.

Although Liao Changlun is still a little behind compared to a Feng Shui fan like her who has studied it for thousands of years, he is indeed at the top level compared to other Feng Shui experts in the human race today.

Even if such a master goes underground after his death, he will be recruited by the underworld to help build a ghost town.

If Peter's Yin Zhai and Yang Zhai were both made after Master Liao, there would indeed be no problem.

Peter saw netizens in the live broadcast room asking how he found Master Liao for help, looking like he was unlucky.

He chuckled, "To be honest, my career has been going smoothly in the past seven years from the age of thirty to thirty-seven!

Friends who are successful in business should know that if good luck comes, a person will undergo earth-shaking changes in just one year.

In those seven years, I am not bragging. I made seven or eight small goals at least, so I spent a lot of money to hire Master Liao.

However, starting from two years ago, I started to have bad luck frequently, and everything went wrong! Not to mention losing the money I made before, I still owe money to the bank.

I recall my glorious appearance a few years ago, and then look at my declining appearance now, I can only sigh:

When the time comes, heaven and earth all work together, and the heroes are not free when they are transported! "

When Sang Luo heard Peter's words, he couldn't help but shake his head, "No, your luck has not gone yet. Your good luck will last at least twenty years! There is no problem with the feng shui of your home and ancestral graves. Maybe the problem lies with you. company's position.

Now go to the window and let me see the environmental landscape structure near the company. "After Peter heard Sang Luo's words, he hesitated for a moment, but then he thought that he had looked for all the problems in the past two years, but he had not paid attention to the Feng Shui near the company.

Perhaps the problem really lies in the company's position.

So, he stood up from the leather seat and walked to the window with his cell phone.

When he first renovated his office, he specially installed a large wall of floor-to-ceiling windows for himself.

Therefore, looking down from his office to see the surrounding scenery is very intuitive, and it feels like you can see the mountains and small mountains at a glance.

Sang Luo could see through Peter's mobile phone camera that there was a big river in front of his company building, and there was a green space around the river, and the scenery was very nice.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with the feng shui outside your office building. This is what everyone often calls the "anti-gong evil". If a shop or office building is built in such a feng shui position, you will lose money if you do business!

If a house is built in such a location, it will affect the relationship between husband and wife and family harmony. "

Peter looked at the river downstairs through the window and saw a winding river flowing in front of the office building. Under the sunlight, the water surface was sparkling and very beautiful.

He raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose, "Master, what is the reverse bow evil? I have also learned some Feng Shui knowledge on my own. How do I remember that it is good Feng Shui for buildings to be built around water?

When buying a house, don’t you pay attention to having water? Water is wealth, why does it become evil in your mouth? "

"Because rivers must pay attention to the pattern when they flow around a building. Look at the river downstairs. It has many twists and turns. When it just flows to the front of your office building, the river bulges out. .

This raised section of the river is facing your buildings, pointing at you like a bow and arrow. This constitutes an anti-bow evil.

Generally speaking, a river needs to surround a house to be an excellent Feng Shui location. "

After listening to what Sang Luo said, Peter traced the river downstairs on the window glass with his fingers. After tracing it, the mark on the glass turned out to be like a curved bow, facing the office building.

"Oh! It really is like this! When I look at the river now, I feel like there is an invisible big hand on the other side of the river, drawing its bow and aiming it at our building."

Peter was very happy. He felt that he had finally found the reason for his continuous investment failures.

He was just about to consider moving his office, but he soon felt that something was not right.

"No, Master, if the feng shui here is not good, then why are the other companies in this building doing well?" Peter questioned.

Sang Luo: "Well, I just saw a compass on your desk. You can take it downstairs and test it for me to see. Because your floor is high and I can't see the whole picture, I may make a mistake in judgment."


Without stopping, Peter ran downstairs with the compass and walked around the river.

Sang Luo: "The river did form a backlash, but the developer of this building should have deliberately avoided it when building the house and tilted the building slightly.

Therefore, the river only affects the right-hand offices on floors 7-15 of this building. "

"But my office is on the left?" Peter was extremely confused.

Sang Luo fell into distress again. This was the first time she encountered such a hot potato.

What kind of power can actually make a boss with excellent destiny and feng shui live like this?

Could it be that there is a villain around? (End of chapter)

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