Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 264 Stop 1 of the Terror Train

Many students have already arrived in the laboratory.

The expressions on every student's face are very rich, including expectation, excitement and a little bit of fear.

"This is the first time we have done a human experiment class since we entered school. Why am I not afraid at all and a little excited?"

A girl with a bun haircut looked disgusted when she heard this, "Huh? You are too perverted, but I can't get excited at all.
  If I had known better, I wouldn't have listened to my mother and applied for this crappy medical school. It’s okay to forget that this school is haunted, but it actually dissects human bodies.”

At this time, another boy spoke:

"You girls are really timid. Isn't it normal for medical students to dissect the human body? Let's hurry up and draw lots to divide into groups."

Several students were discussing at the door of the classroom. After talking, they went to a small box on the front desk to draw group numbers.

After Sang Luo understood the rules, he followed them to the small box on the podium and took out a small note.

After she opened the note, she found a number written on it: 2. She should have been assigned to the second group.

So, she walked to the experimental table numbered 2.

There are six people sitting on an experimental table, and three students have already taken their seats.

One of them was the girl with a round head who was scared to death at the door of the classroom just now.

After seeing Sang Luo, the girl with a round head looked confused, "Are you also in Group 2? Why haven't I seen you before? Are you new here?"

Sang Luo remembered what the principal had just told her not to reveal their true identity to anyone.

"Yes, I just transferred here." Sang Luo lied.

The other two students whispered, "Didn't it say that you can't change departments after enrolling?"

"It must be a related household."

"The school is really disgusting. I have wanted to transfer to internal medicine for a long time, but they never let me transfer."

"Hey, it's hard to move forward without relationships in this society."

Sang Luo sat on the small stool, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"By the way, I heard that this school is haunted. Do you know what it is?" In order to relieve the embarrassment, Sang Luo pretended to be a gossip and got closer to several other classmates.

She came here to catch ghosts, so now she must find a way to find out the truth behind the school's haunting and strive to get the maximum reward of [-] million.

"I have also heard that the three religions are haunted, and many people have died. Now the three religions have been sealed with iron gates. But every school has rumors of being haunted, and I don't know if it is true."

When the girl with a round head heard this topic, she found a resonance. She was very sure that this school was haunted and said excitedly:

"It must be true! Our school is so strict that we close the dormitory door at ten o'clock in the evening and only open it at seven in the morning. And we are only allowed to go out of school on weekends.

I finally made it to the weekend and wanted to go out for some fun, but the school closed at nine o'clock in the evening. No one is allowed to enter the school after nine o'clock.

You think, if it weren't for the school being haunted, would they be so strict in management? "

At this time, another girl with a high ponytail also gave her a positive look:
  "That's right, when I first entered the school, I was wandering around the school with my roommates, and accidentally wandered to the third teaching.

Guess what? Several security guards took electric shock batons and beat us away. It was very vicious! "

After listening to it for a long time, Sang Luo felt that something was wrong, "Oh, then, it is possible that the school is haunted. But what is the reason for the haunting?"

"I heard that there was a teacher who was doing an experiment with his students, and accidentally made a mistake, so he burned down the laboratory. Half of the third teaching building was burned down, so the laboratory was moved to the second teaching building. From then on, the third teaching building was burned down. It’s haunted.”

Sang Luo was not very satisfied with this answer, so she continued to ask: "Shouldn't it be? It's just a medical experiment. As for burning down the entire laboratory building?"

The girl with a round head moved the bench closer to Sang Luo and whispered: "I saw on the Tieba forum that past seniors said that in fact, the building was not set on fire by an experiment at all. Instead, it was a murder of love!"      In addition After the two girls heard this, their eyes widened, "Love murder? Then isn't this teacher and student having a teacher-student relationship?"

The girl with a round head immediately made a shushing gesture, "I only saw it on the forum, please don't spread it. I heard that the principal hates it when students and teachers spread it.

Previously, a teacher was fired for discussing this matter in the office. "

The other two girls shut their mouths immediately, and no one dared to discuss the matter again.

"Is this the second group?"

A delicate girl came.

Sang Luo took a look and found out it was the female star Jiang Yueyue.

Jiang Yueyue and she were both students, so they were arranged by the principal to attend the same class here.

Sang Luo nodded, "Yes, you can sit inside."

She dragged a round stool to Jiang Yueyue.

"Are you new here too? Why did our department suddenly transfer two new students?"

"Wow! You are so beautiful. You are such a beautiful sister. I feel a little familiar, like a certain female star, but I can't remember who it is."

"Sit down quickly!"

Jiang Yueyue tucked the hair behind her ears and sat down with a smile.

"Didn't you come to the experimental class wearing Bai Da Gua? There are some spare clothes on the wall over there. I'll go get them for you and put them on."

The girl with the high ponytail took down two white coats from the wall and asked Sang Luo and Jiang Yueyue to put them on.

After about ten minutes, it was time for class.

As soon as the bell rang, a professor walked in.

He directed a few boys to move in several bodies of teachers.

The moment the general teacher placed it on the experimental table, Jiang Yueyue was so frightened that she wanted to turn around and run away.

But when she thought that all her actions were now under the surveillance of the camera in front of the classroom, she sat back again.

But she kept her eyes closed the whole time and didn't dare to move her fingers.

[I thought students were the most comfortable characters, but I didn’t expect them to be so perverted! 】

[Currently, it seems that the most interesting character is the cafeteria aunt]

[It’s too scary to be a student, right? They wouldn’t be able to dissect the bones of the two people who died ten years ago, right? 】

[That would be too exciting, I don’t dare to look at it]

Sang Luo was used to seeing dead people. She had seen all kinds of death methods and was not afraid.

But what puzzled her was, “Why does this general teacher have no head??”

Isn’t Xiangyong Medical College famous for its brain department? How can a general teacher who does human experiments publish academic papers on brain science if he doesn't even have a head.

Several other girls at the same experimental table turned around and looked at the general teachers at other experimental tables.

"It seems like the guy at our table is the only one without a head."

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