Seven kilometers outside the northern suburbs of Xiangcheng, there is an abandoned building.

A black car stopped in front of the building, and two young women and an old Taoist wearing monk's robes walked out.

"This is Zhenren Qingyu who was specially hired by our team from the capital. He is well-known throughout the country. He is now a full-time consultant of our Paranormal Events Special Management Bureau."

Su Yu stood between Sang Luo and Qing Yu, helping them get to know each other and learn from each other.

Sang Luo took a look at the face of Master Qingyu. His eyes were pure and upright, his earlobes were parallel to his mouth, and his nose was fleshy and not poisonous. He was indeed a Taoist who practiced seriously and had some cultivation.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu pointed at Sang Luo with her palm and introduced to Master Qingyu: "This one is the master of Sang Guan Yu of Cangyun Temple, a famous temple in Rongcheng. Moreover, she helps people all over the country tell fortunes and solve problems through live broadcasts online. Various supernatural events have already attracted tens of millions of fans, and it can be said to be a pioneer in integrating Taoist culture into the Internet era."

After listening to Su Yu's introduction, Master Qingyu's eyes lit up and he asked with a little excitement: "Oh? Are you the very popular Master Yunze? I've heard of you! Your reputation in our metaphysics community is now That’s what everyone knows!”

"You young people are really powerful and have great ideas. If I were a teenager, I would definitely learn how to shoot videos and broadcast live broadcasts. You can help countless people solve problems without leaving home. That is a merit. Infinite."

Master Qingyu looked at Sang Luo with eyes full of appreciation.

Although he is a traditional sect, he is not a closed-minded person. In his eyes, as long as he can help countless people struggling in suffering to point out the way forward and escape from the sea of ​​suffering, that is a meritorious deed.

There is no need to cling to the pedantic idea that all great scholars hide in the mountains and forests.

"No, no, no, the capital city is a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. This Master Qingyu is the full-time consultant you invited from the capital. His skills must not be simple. Later, we will see Master Qingyu take action to deal with this person who is doing evil everywhere. Well, the most I can do is help the real person and play second fiddle."

This was the first time Sang Luo was so humble, and it wasn't really because Qing Yu's cultivation level was higher than hers.

Instead, she smelled an unusual smell from the abandoned building in front of her. The smell seemed to come from the sky.

Although she has already become a god, the most powerful among the three realms is the heaven.Therefore, the status of heavenly immortals is always slightly higher than that of earthly immortals.

The relationship between the heaven and the underworld was very tense tens of thousands of years ago, and they often fought against each other. It is only in the past few hundred years that the relationship has eased slightly.

Now the gods from heaven are coming to the lower realm to kill people everywhere. She doesn’t know why, but she knows that she should stop meddling in the affairs of the heaven.

When Master Qingyu heard what Sang Luo said, he didn't pretend to be polite. He twirled his beard and said with a serious face:

"Xiao Su, tell me what happened here?"

Su Yu led Sang Luo and Qing Yu into the abandoned old building while telling the story of the incident.

"Half a month ago, a new Taoist stranger suddenly appeared in Xiangcheng. It is said that his abilities are extraordinary. As long as someone with a grievance in his heart comes to him and asks for his help, he will do anything he can and will not charge any fees. As a result, he soon attracted many followers."

When Master Qingyu heard this, he felt a little confused.

"Isn't it a good thing that this Xuanmen stranger can selflessly help those who have been wronged and suffered to solve their problems? Why do you still ask me to arrest him?"

Su Yu shook her head, "You don't know something, real person. If that Xuanmen stranger is like our Master Yunze, who can help people solve their troubles through the right channels, we will be very encouraging."

"But he acted too recklessly. He always beat up those who did bad things, and even killed several people. Isn't this a bandit's behavior? This method of using violence to counter violence is really unacceptable. Pick."

"The state has national laws, and families have family rules. Even if those bad guys are at fault, we should punish them with legal means instead of beating people to death indiscriminately."

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