Chapter 228 Fang Lao San Is A Lazy Bastard

"Bah, unfilial son"

Fang Meiyun's eyes were full of joy when she heard the discussion around her. As long as she showed weakness and changed her way of speaking, the people around would be able to see through her uncle's thoughts.

"No, my uncle is very kind to my grandma. Every time I distribute food, my uncle brings it to my grandma."

The people around snorted again.

"If Fang Laosan is filial, then our whole brigade will not find a single one who is not filial."

"Who doesn't know that Fang Laosan is a lazy bastard, not filial, and now he wants to take advantage of his nephew's absence to date his niece?"


When the women's director saw Fang Meiyun say this, the little girl thought too simply.

"Send her back, go to Fang's third family, and tell him not to get Xiaoyun's ideas, otherwise, next year, I'll let them pick up shit." Captain Zhao frowned slightly.

When Fang's second son and his wife had an accident, Fang's boss and Fang's third son and the married girl of the Fang family had a fight, so he and the branch secretary had to deal with it.

The women's director responded, "Well, after I send Xiaoyun back, I'll go to Fang Laosan's house. I want to marry my daughter-in-law. What does it have to do with my niece?"

Fang Meiyun also said that it was her own fault, and she kept saying that my uncle and the others were good, saying that it was my uncle who took care of the two brothers and sisters these years, otherwise they would have starved to death, and now it is time for them to repay.

He also said that although the uncle took away all the good things at home, they are elders, and those things were given by their younger generations to honor their elders.

But Grandma Fang is the elder, and Fang's youngest dared to snatch things from Xiaoyun's house, which made the commune members feel ashamed.

After Fang Meiyun was sent back by the women's director, she comforted her along the way.

He turned around and went to Fang Laosan's house.

"Fang Lao San"

"Director, why are you here?"

Did someone say something to her?
"Mr. Fang, you two are not allowed to have Xiaoyun's ideas. If Xiaoyun has anything, we will be the first to find you. Don't think that I say this to scare you. You can do it yourself!"

The women director left.

Uncle Fang and Aunt Fang looked at each other.

"Did that dead girl go to the captain?"

Now this is indeed the case.

I never expected that dead girl to go to the captain, and now the captain is going to deal with this matter.

"Daughter-in-law, what should we do now? But it's all agreed."

I have already received a deposit, and if I don't marry that dead girl, I will return the deposit.

They don't want to do such a thing.

"I'm going to find out what happened."

It is impossible for them to return the money.

Dead girl, still a worthless girl.

If it wasn't for their support these years, how could the two of them be alive?

Just dreaming.

Now that she has grown up, she doesn't know how to be grateful.

Aunt Fang went out to inquire.

Someone could see her coming and look at her with contemptuous eyes.

"Some people's hands are really stretched out, so they're not afraid of being slaughtered?"

"What are people afraid of, as long as they have a thick skin."


Aunt Fang was even more puzzled, but she couldn't help cursing at the thought of that dead girl acting as a demon outside.

Women are going to marry after all.

As uncles and aunts, they found her a good partner, but they didn't know how to thank them, so they still hated her.

Do not know good and bad things.

It deserves to beat the father and the mother.

(End of this chapter)

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