Generally, the mother beast would not stay too far away from her cubs. Han Qingqing was afraid that the mother beast would come back and play with them all, so she hurriedly did as the little residual dragon said and stayed away from this place as soon as possible.

Xue Ji and the other three were very embarrassed by the cub. When the cub came down with its claws, they couldn't stop it with all their strength. They were pushed around by it. If they didn't move, they would use their claws to push them away. If they ran away, they would be picked up by the claws. When they came back, the three demons were all defeated. Xue Ji, who was knocked out by the cub's palm, lay down and happened to see Han Qingqing shushing her. Her eyes suddenly lit up, but she thought that she was actually being raped by a After the cub was tortured, she suddenly felt sad. She was in such a bad state. It was all the fault of Xu Heng, the two culprits!

Han Qingqing handed the spiritual spring water to Xiao Canlong, then gestured to Xue Ji, pointed at Xiao Canlong, then pointed in the opposite direction, then pointed at the three of them, and then pointed in the direction of her own side.

Xue Ji lay on the ground pretending to be dead and watched Han Qingqing's movements. She immediately understood that she was asking the Lord God to use spiritual spring water to lead the cubs in the opposite direction, and then the three of them ran in the direction of Han Qingqing. She expressed that she had received it, and then He nodded, and after being pushed back by the cub, he told the little vine demon and the two of them this.

In an instant, the little residual dragon appeared in front of the cub, then he unscrewed the bottle and poured out a little spiritual spring water and sprinkled it on the ground. The breath of the spiritual spring water suddenly floated in the direction of the little residual dragon.

The fairy beast cub was attracted by the fragrance, got up from the ground, forgot about Xue Ji and the others, and walked slowly towards the little residual dragon.

The three of them took this opportunity and ran towards Han Qingqing. Han Qingqing instantly put the three of them into the space and then tried their best to avoid other fairy beasts.

When Xiao Canlong saw Han Qingqing walking away, he threw the bottle and disappeared.

As the bottle fell to the ground, many fairy beasts were attracted to it. Listening to the fighting, roaring, and screaming of the fairy beasts in the distance, Han Qingqing continued to move forward. Anyway, the little residual dragon would catch up on its own.

After escaping from the danger zone, Han Qingqing released the three demons. They still looked embarrassed. When they came out, Zhu Yeqing was still in shock. Xue Ji came from the God Realm, and the little vine demon couldn't see it at all. Show the opponent's strength.

While Han Qingqing was waiting for the little residual dragon to come back with three herbs, she asked about the situation at the base. Xue Ji and the little vine demon had both left the base, and there were no people from the Jindan stage at the base. Han Qingqing was still there. Rather worried.

"Don't be afraid, little fairy. Did you know that Brother Xiucai and Sister Wang Xue have both broken through the golden elixir, otherwise I would not have left the base with my ancestors!" The little vine demon is really diligent and considerate. After entering the space, it discovered The weeds in the space and the land dug by Han Qingqing were piled up in a mess. He quickly entered the space to sort the herbs for her.

Xue Ji and Zhu Yeqing followed suit and shoveled the ground together. They would use these medicines later. If the quantity was not enough, they might not be able to take it. If the quantity was large, they could still get some. "Yes, Sister Wang Xue's power is a light power. This is an extremely rare spiritual root. It is very suitable for being a monk!"

Monk Hua didn't realize it at the time. It was a parallel import! "Is there nothing serious going on at the base?"

When Xiao Canlong came back, Xue Ji and Zhu Yeqing were working hard to dig up the Purple Heart Bamboo. "No, there are too many people in the base now. With the arrival of people from the Kyoto base, plus those from other scattered bases, the population of Baiyun Base has almost exceeded 2500 million."

Han Qingqing was immersed in digging for herbs and inquiring about the base. When she turned around, she found Xiao Canlong staring into the distance in a daze. She suddenly remembered that the purpose of their coming in was not to dig for herbs, but to get soul fragments.

"Where is the soul fragment?" Han Qingqing put down the shovel in her hand and called it.

Then he turned back to Zhu Yeqing and Xue Ji and said, "You guys keep digging, there won't be this store after this village."

Little Canlong nodded and found a correct direction.

After Han Qingqing and the others entered the secret realm, the red dot on the map stopped moving. They still had to rely on the little residual dragon's own induction.

"Over there!" After saying that, he walked in that direction.

After hearing what he said, Han Qingqing asked Xue Ji and Zhu Yeqing to return to space first, and then followed Xiao Canlong.

As Han Qingqing walked, she collected all the fairy grass and fairy fruits along the way and put them all together into the space for the little vine demon to plant.

They came to a cave. The cave was blocked by huge rocks, and various lush herbs grew in the gaps between the rocks. The little residual dragon stopped at the door of these huge rocks. "What's wrong? Could it be that your remnant soul is in this?"

"Not bad!" His hand touched the boulder, "It should be inside!"

"It doesn't look like it's easy to get in. If we make too much noise, the nearby fairy beasts won't be able to escape."

"Let me try!" Xue Ji came out of the space. "This is not an ordinary stone, but a formation!"

Han Qingqing, "Do you know how to use formations?"

"Yes, I learned from some people, but I'm not very good at it!" Xue Ji looked around at the random boulders. In fact, they were not placed casually.

Xue Ji comes from the God Realm and is well-informed.

This seemingly simple but actually complex formation, after looking at it for a while, I felt like I couldn't figure it out for a while.

The little vine demon ran to Xue Ji at this time and said, "Old ancestor, why should I do it?"


"Yes, I can dig my roots in and explore!" Her limbs turned into thick roots and penetrated along the gap.

After a while, the little vine demon turned to everyone and said, "The boulders over there are very thick, but I can drill holes along the gaps and I should be able to get through."


Han Qingqing took the little residual dragon into the space, and then the little vine demon took her to dig into the hole alone and reached the other side of the boulder in a short time.

The space here is very large, but it's dark here. Even if it has supernatural powers, it looks dark because everything here is black, black walls, and black plants.

"Little fairy, these plants are so weird, they don't even feel the vitality!" The little vine demon let go of Han Qingqing after arriving.

Little Canlong himself came out and walked in one direction, "Go forward, it's still ahead."

The three of them continued forward. As a plant demon, she hated the black plants here.

It was silent here, except for their footsteps, there was no sound at all,

As she was walking, something suddenly flew over from behind. Xiao Canlong protected her behind him, "Be careful!"

That thing seemed to be a kind of bird. It grabbed the little vine demon with its sharp claws, and then continued to fly with the little vine demon. The little vine demon left the ground and suddenly screamed.

It flew into the sky with the little vine demon, and only then did Han Qingqing see clearly what it was.

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