His eyes were dark and deep, like an abyss with no bottom.

The moment he saw Shen Ningning, disappointment seemed to flash through his thin eyes.

"Shen Ningning, do you know that this man is the son of the enemy who killed my mother?"

Before the little guy had time to speak, the crazy scholar raised his head with blood foam hanging from the corner of his mouth.

He was pale, but fearless: "She doesn't know!"

"I kept my name anonymous and pretended to be crazy. No one knew who I was. Not only Shen Ningning, but the entire Xiangyun Village was innocent."

"Kill His Highness the Prince if you want. I no longer love the world. I am like a walking corpse every day. I will die when I die. But please don't anger others."

Mo Lingwei pulled out his sword and put it against his neck: "Do you think I don't dare?"

"No, brother, no!" Shen Ningning rushed over, almost sitting on the ground, blocking the sharp blade.

Afraid of hurting her, Mo Lingwei subconsciously deflected his sword, but it landed on her delicate shoulder.

He frowned fiercely: "Get out of the way, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Shen Ningning had tears in her big black eyes: "How can it be irrelevant? The crazy scholar taught me for four whole months, and I called him teacher so many times."

"I inherited his talent and learning, and I was taught by him. Now, I know that I am inseparable from this matter, and I don't want to shirk responsibility."

"Brother, I beg you not to kill him, leave him alive."

Dai Yuheng's hand grabbed the little guy's sleeve: "Ning Ning, let's go... don't plead for me, please leave quickly!"

But Shen Ningning seemed unable to hear, looking at Mo Lingwei longingly with tearful eyes.

As for Mo Lingwei, there seemed to be patches of frost accumulating in his eyes.

He was traveling these days, and rarely slept in order to rush back to celebrate the New Year with Shen Ningning.

Now his eyes were red and bloodshot, and his whole temperament was gloomy and harsh.

He spoke slowly, his cold voice carrying the final temptation: "You know how my mother was killed by Dai Qu, and you still want to plead for the Dai family?"

"Shen Ningning, please think carefully before speaking. Don't be in a hurry to answer me."

The little guy choked with tears and looked back at Dai Yuheng.

He was lying on the ground, covered in dirt. He had probably been beaten just now.

The eyes that had been treated for two months looked gray again.

But he was still pushing Shen Ningning, telling her to leave quickly.

The little guy looked away and nodded with sobs: "Please, brother, let him live."

There seemed to be something broken and collapsed in Mo Lingwei's eyes, and even the slightest bit of light gradually disappeared.

Just like the sky at this time, the radiant clouds were gradually eaten away by the night, leaving only the dark black orchid.

He said angrily in a cold voice: "Please beg me to let him go. Who was willing to let my mother go? Everyone in the Dai family pushed her to a dead end!"

"Mrs. Dai advised her to be magnanimous and virtuous. Her brother Dai Qu knew that his mother was restless at that time, but when she needed her father's care the most, he sent beauties to the palace to consolidate the family's power."

"Including the person behind you, Dai Yuheng, who was once my only friend and the person I admired the most, so what? He helped the family conceal this matter about me. Only when Concubine Li was favored did I know that it was my family who sent her as a gift. Entering the palace!"

"My mother was burned alive in the palace. Every member of the Dai family is guilty."

"But Shen Ningning, I told you about my painful past, why can't you even stand on my side now? Why should you plead for such a person!"

As he spoke, with a flick of his wrist, the sword edge grazed the corner of Shen Ningning's clothes and was nailed to the ground.

It makes a vibrating sound.

Shen Ningning's eyes were filled with tears: "Brother, I'm sorry, I..."

Mo Lingwei didn't want to look at her anymore, turned around and walked to the door, tilting his head slightly, his eyes red and cold.

"Dai Yuheng, for Shen Ningning's sake, I will let you live in the end."

"But I will never forgive the grudge between the two of us."

After that, he walked away.Shen Ningning chased after him: "Brother!"

She lost her footing and fell down, but when she raised her head again, the prince's car was already far away.

The little guy's sad tears fell down his face. The prince's personal guards got on their horses and Juechen left.

Only Chen Ye and the villagers dared to come and help Shen Ningning and Dai Yuheng up.

The old village chief made a quick inspection and found that the crazy scholar had been kicked and one of his ribs had been broken.

He sighed repeatedly: "Quick, Sanwa, go and ask the doctor to come."

The crazy scholar coughed up blood and kept looking at Shen Ningning, muttering: "I'm sorry for you, Ningning, I hurt you."

The little guy fell into disgrace, with light scratches on his round face.

Her big eyes were dim, but she still said to the crazy scholar: "Crazy madam, take good care of yourself and don't think too much. I'm going home first."

Shen Ningning stood up, drooping her head in a daze, and walked slowly up the mountain.

Jiang Zhi was a little worried and kept following her.

Seeing that the little guy almost hit a big tree twice, she quickly grabbed Shen Ningning.

"I'll carry you home!" Jiang Zhi said, carrying her on his back.

He did not forget to comfort him: "Sister Ningning, don't take it to heart. These noble people in the capital are so ruthless. They will not understand your situation at all."

Shen Ningning's choked voice came from her shoulder.

"No...my brother has always been considerate of me, but I let him down this time."

Mo Lingwei hoped that she would stand by his side, but she interceded for the person who had hurt his mother.

This time, she did it wrong.

Jiang Zhi sent her home, Shen Ningning threw herself into Grandma Qin's arms and started crying.

The anxious Black Wolf King and a group of wolves were surrounding him.

After learning what happened from Jiang Zhi, Grandma Qin frowned.

"This... Ning Ning is just a child, and she values ​​love and justice so much. She is in a dilemma, so we can't blame her."

The Black Wolf King cradled Shen Ningning's little body with his head.

It whined and whined.

Isn't it just that brat Mo Lingwei who just ignores people?Then let’s ignore him from now on!

It just so happened that he couldn't stand other brats getting close to his petite Ning Ning.

Several little monkeys heard the cry and ran to a nearby tree to observe.

Seeing Shen Ningning crying so hard, she spread the word in the forest -

"Chirp!" our little monkey king cried!
Soon, the entire forest, including tigers, brown bears, elk and other animals, all knew about it.

The good people who usually raise them are sad.

So, all day long, when Grandma Qin opened the door of her house, she could always see the "sympathies" sent by the little animals.

Sometimes it's round pine cones picked by squirrels, or the fur from the nest that little rabbits picked themselves, brown bears put a few fish in, flowery wood branches brought by birds, and bird eggs stolen by flower snakes.

There was even a tiger that took a stunned elk in its mouth, and there were countless other small animals expressing their feelings.

Shen Ningning finally calmed down a little.

However, at night, Liu Sanwa's shouting was heard in the village: "No! The crazy scholar fell into the well!"

He held up a piece of cloth, and on it was a blood letter written by Dai Yuheng.

He said it was not a pity for him to die, but asked Mo Lingwei to forgive Shen Ningning.

That day I saw a message from a reader named "xiaoxiao" and guessed that the crazy scholar was the son of our uncle Xiao Mo. I thought wow, how smart, but I couldn't admit it, so I could only secretly smile...

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