Chapter 181 The Crazy Scholar Catching Fish

Mo Lingwei took it over and looked at it, and it was really accurate.

He stared suspiciously: "Concubine Rong..."

Shen Ningning's voice was waxy: "Brother, since Qing He is dead, let's check on Concubine Rong, maybe she has something to do with my family."

Mo Lingwei thought about it.

Concubine Rong was born in a third-rank family, and her father was a scholar-bureaucrat, an official of the Qing School.

I heard that in her family, Concubine Rong is the eldest sister, and there are three younger brothers under her, other than that, there are no other female relatives.

Mo Lingwei nodded and wrote down: "I will help you to pay attention, but this Ruyi also needs to be checked, the craftsman will definitely have an impression that two identical things can be made."

Shen Ningning thought so too, her watery eyes sparkled: "Brother, are you going to the city to investigate? Take me with you."

"Tomorrow, let's go to the jewelry store in the city and ask, how about it?"

Mo Lingwei raised his eyebrows, and let out a chuckle from his thin lips.

"No," he refused resolutely, "I'll take you there after you recover from your illness."

Shen Ningning curled her mouth in frustration: "That's good."

In order to get better quickly, for the next ten days, whenever the little guy is free, he will go to soak in the lotus pond.

Take the spirit spring water and pour it vigorously, and take a warm bath in the spirit spring water at night.

Even the water for boiling medicine must use Lingquan.

Grandma Qin cooks meals for the little guy to regulate his body in different ways every day.

One day, when Grandma Qin came back from outside, an unexpected person followed behind her.

"Ningning, your friend is here."

Shen Ningning was curling up her little feet on the recliner, holding a volume of books in her left hand and a piece of cantaloupe in her right hand.

Hearing this, she tilted her head and looked into the courtyard with her big curious eyes.

"Lu Shaoyuan?" The little guy was surprised: "How did you find this place?"

Lu Shaoyuan was holding the gift box in both hands, and he probably climbed a lot of mountain roads, so he was out of breath at the moment.

"I just met Grandma Qin, so I asked her to bring me here. I heard that you were seriously ill, so I came to have a look."

He had actually been waiting in Xiangyun Village for two or three days.

I heard that Shen Ningning fell ill after leaving the violent room, and the prince even lost his temper with the emperor when he returned to the palace.

Lu Shaoyuan couldn't stay at home, so he simply found Xiangyun Village.

However, the villagers were united and refused to tell him when Shen Ningning would come to the village.

He didn't know the way to Langshan, so he had to wait at the entrance of Xiangyun Village every day for a long time.

Today, I was lucky enough to meet Grandma Qin who went to the village to chat with Granny Chen.

Only then can we follow up the mountain.

Shen Ningning stepped on her little shoes and walked over: "Thank you, I'm fine now, please sit down."

She dragged a small stool, and Lu Shaoyuan sat down dutifully.

Grandma Qin brought delicious sweet water, and he quickly got up again, taking it with both hands respectfully.

The Black Wolf King squatted not far away and squinted.

Lang San was next to it, whining softly.

Why did Mo Lingwei leave, and another brat came?

In the next few days, Mo Lingwei, Xie Mingxu and Lu Shaoyuan came to visit in turn.

No matter how calm the Black Wolf King was, he couldn't help saying coldly after they left: "It's so annoying!"

The third wolf screamed: "Look, you are annoying my wolf father, talking human words!"

The black wolf king slapped him with one paw, pressing Lang San to the ground.

It howled fiercely and severely, reprimanding the third wolf.

These days, it gets a headache when it hears those brats talking, and Lang San is still learning human language by its ears!

The third wolf was beaten, and after the black wolf king left, he put his paw on his eyes aggrievedly.

"Wow~" it cried out sadly, full of accusations.

Obviously it was Father Wolf who spoke the human language first, and it followed suit!

A few days later, Shen Ningning finally recovered almost. She looked whiter and tenderer than before she got sick, and seemed to be a little taller.

Feeling better, she thought about going to visit the crazy scholar.

I haven't gone to study at his spot for nearly half a month, I'm afraid the crazy scholar will be in a hurry again.

However, when the little guy arrived at the door of his house, he saw the crazy scholar wearing a long washed white gown with his trousers and sleeves rolled up.

He also carried a fishing basket and a wooden fishing rod in his hand.

Shen Ningning was surprised that the crazy scholar didn't study at home!
"Master, are you going to catch fish?" The little guy ran over.

When the crazy scholar saw her, he quickly bent down and checked Shen Ningning's small face back and forth.

"Grandma Qin said you were sick, are you well now?" he asked.

Shen Ningning nodded, her pink face trembled twice.

"It's alright, I'm stronger than a calf now!" She raised her small fist and jumped up with two heys.

The crazy scholar smiled and patted her head: "Go, I will catch fish and make soup for you, Master."

As he spoke, he took the lead in carrying the fish basket and walking ahead.

Shen Ningning opened her watery eyes behind him, feeling incredible.

"Master, as long as he is awake, isn't he always reading? It's so strange to go down the river to catch fish!"

The little guy said, and hurriedly chased after him: "Master, wait for me~"

She didn't forget to hook her little foot and close the door.

Five miles south of Xiangyun Village, there is a small river named Moon Crescent.

It is famous for its shape like a wide crescent.

When there was no drought before, the Yuewan River was the main source of water for nearby villagers.

Not only the villagers of Xiangyun Village will come here to carry water and wash clothes, but even the villagers of Xitai Village not far away will come here.

When Shen Ningning and the crazy scholar arrived, many villagers from Xitai Village had already gathered by the stream.

There are many wells in Xiangyun Village, and it is convenient to store water, while Xitai Village is not as good in comparison, so they can only come to Yuewan River to carry water.

After Shen Ningning ended the drought with his own efforts, the small river returned to its former sparkle.

The creek is rushing and flowing, very clear.

Go around a few village women who are washing clothes by the big rocks downstream.

When they saw Shen Ningning, they all discussed in a low voice——

"Look, that's Fu Nu, the daughter that the old Wu family wanted to recognize before, Shen Ningning."

"What old Wu's family, how can his family have such a blessing? Didn't you hear the clarification from the government later? Shen Ningning is not his daughter at all. The real Wu girl was hacked to death by robbers long ago."

"Oh, it's pitiful, but after all, Shen Ningning set up a grave for the Wu family. He is a child who talks about feelings. Shall we go up and say hello?"

However, when the two of them raised their heads, the little guy had already followed the mad scholar far upstream.

The water upstream is slightly deeper, if Shen Ningning stepped in, the water would spread to her calf.

The crazy scholar found a cool place to sit down, with a big tree above his head, and he took out the fishing rod with ease, and put on the steamed buns and fish food he made.

On the opposite side sat a few men from Xitai Village, not far away from each other, all holding fishing rods in their hands.

When they saw the crazy scholar, they immediately laughed: "Crazy scholar, you haven't caught a single fish for three days in a row, why are you still here?"

The crazy scholar didn't get angry with them either, his handsome face looked flat.

"Kung fu pays off, as long as you persist."

Even one piece is enough to make soup for his student Shen Ningning.

The little guy rested his chin and looked at the sparkling water.

"Master, the Moon Crescent River has just resumed its flow, so there probably won't be any small fish?"

(End of this chapter)

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