"it is good."

Although I don't know why it takes a month, maybe Mr. Gu needs a sufficient sense of ritual?
"A-Ning, let me marry you."

An Ning raised her eyebrows, married?

Gu Qingzhao continued to say seriously: "You don't need to move to a new environment for me. Although the prime minister's mansion is under maintenance, I think it's better to stay in the general's mansion."

An Ning smiled, and she stretched out her hand to rub Master Gu's messy hair again.

"Master Gu, this is not marriage, this is going home."

The General's Mansion was originally his home.

They were nothing more than natural and man-made disasters.

The smile on the corner of An Ning's mouth gradually faded, yes, thinking of the first life.

In the first life, she had no memory and was manipulated to marry the prince, so what about Mr. Gu who kept the memory in the first life?
Where is he and what is he doing.

"Brother Qingzhao, if you say that I didn't recover my memory and I chose to be with another man, what would you do?"

Looking back on these years, in fact, on many occasions, she seemed to have met her family, Mr. Gu, intentionally or unintentionally, but she chose to ignore it whether it was in her eyes or in her mind.

In her memory of the first half of her life, there was only one person, and that was the prince.

What would he do if she could never remember him...

An Ning grabbed a corner of Gu Qingzhao's sleeve, her eyes were slightly moist, she looked at Master Gu who was a little lost in thought, and asked again: "If I really choose someone else, you will let it go."

Even asking me to leave, he can make this kind of effort.

When An Ning saw her family, Mr. Gu, she turned her head, her eyes were red but the corners of her mouth smiled lightly.

"If I do my best, within the range that I can still restrain myself and not hurt you, I can't... make you look at me again."

I will leave and wish you happiness.

It's just this sentence, now he can't say it.

In the past, in countless nights, insomnia, depression, forbearance, and heartache, he thought about this situation countless times.

He was thinking that if that day really came, he would not see his beloved woman with someone else.

The world only knows that Gu Qingzhao is as gentle and moist as jade, but they don't know that Gu Qingzhao is paranoid and dark.

He also thought that even if he tried hard, he would still want her to look at him again.

However, when he thinks that he will hurt her, when he thinks that she will hate him, when he thinks that she will be unhappy.

All his emotions seemed unimportant.

No matter how desperate he is, it's just his own despair, how can he bring his own desires to the girl he loves.

If one day he can't restrain himself anymore, he thinks...
An Ning knew it from his eyes.

He will die.

Maybe in the wilderness, maybe by some river, anywhere.


What is the meaning of life for?
For relatives, for friends, for lovers, and more importantly, for yourself.

An Ning lowered her head and shed a tear.

Her Master Gu, who was supposed to have a smooth life, died in a certain wilderness. Since then, his name has been obliterated, his name has been obliterated, and all traces of his existence have been obliterated.

Those he remembered did not know him, but those who remembered him were nowhere to be found.

In this world, in the eyes of his loved ones, he has become transparent.

In this world, the scariest thing is not death.

Because killing a person's body, how can it be considered death.

To erase the traces of his existence is the real death.

What did her Master Gu do when she was not around?

An Ning turned her head to the side, feeling sore in her heart.

There was a gentle smile on the corner of Gu Qingzhao's mouth, and he reached out and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

His voice was very soft, "Ah Ning, don't cry, how can I make you cry because of me, huh? Nothing you imagine will happen, because we are together, we will not be separated."

Fingers intertwined.

An Ning hugged her family, Master Gu, with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, I won't cry, it won't happen, what I imagine, I will protect you."

"it is good."

His girl, as always.

In fact, there was a paragraph later, but he didn't dare to say it.

Everything has passed, like dust and smoke, it will disperse as soon as it is blown.

After they woke up, they hugged for a long time.

They seem to be licking each other's wounds like calves.

Both of them smiled very gently, but they couldn't see the bottom of each other's eyes, but they were so deep that they couldn't see the bottom of the sea.

When it was Sishi, the moonlight came in and asked An Ning to eat.

Seeing the figures of the two on the bed, she immediately blushed and turned her head to the side and said in a panic, "I'm sorry, miss, I don't know."

After speaking, he hurried out.

An Ning shook her head and said with a smile, "I forgot to tell her."

It was very late when she came back last night, so she let Yueguang go to bed first.

Maybe Moonlight thought that someone had arranged a guest room for Gu Qingzhao, but who knew that he actually slept in her own lady's bed.

Gu Qingzhao hugged An Ning and leaned his neck on her neck: "Sorry, Aning."

An Ning sighed softly, her family Master Gu liked to apologize to her too much.

"No sorry, don't have those etiquette between us, I said, don't be so restrained in front of me, huh?"

He smiled, "OK."

The two got up, and Gu Qingzhao dressed An Ning one by one.

His eyes were very clean, as if he was doing a sacred thing.

An Ning wanted to call Moonlight in while she was posting, but Gu Qingzhao stopped her.

"I'll come, Aning."

An Ning laughed and said, "Okay."

Gu Qingzhao skillfully rolled up her hair and combed it bit by bit.

He combed and explained:

"When I was young, I saw the moonlight combing your hair, and I remembered it. I thought that one day, I would comb your hair."

An Ning: "If Mr. Gu is not too annoying, he can comb my hair every day from now on."

Gu Qingzhao: "How can I be annoyed, I can't ask for it."

After combing, he took out a hairpin.

It was black jade, pitch black without any impurities, and there was still a trace of dark green light in the sun.

Compared with Baiyu, An Ning prefers Moyu.

An Ning turned her head.

"Do you know why I like Moyu?"

The corners of Gu Qingzhao's lips curled slightly, "I know, because Moyu looks like me."

When he was ten years old, Mr. Gu had already become a handsome gentleman with a spotless demeanor.

The color of the ink is fragrant.

It was her unintentional words after being amazed by accident.

He remembered it for a long time, but fortunately, she remembered it too.

An Ning touched Moyu on her head, her tentacles were as cold as snow.

"Master Gu polished it himself? I'm afraid this hairpin belongs to Master Gu's entire family, huh? A betrothal gift?"

"Oh, no, since Mr. Gu wants to go home, I should also be hired."

Gu Qingzhao bent down and leaned against An Ning's face, "Well, with all the wealth, my girl has become a wealthy businessman now, please take care of her in the future."

An Ning laughed out loud, she is indeed a wealthy businessman now. (end of this chapter)

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