The next day, Lu Huayin got up early.

Her mecha was broken, and now she had to buy materials to repair it.

Interstellar's logistics industry is very developed. Except for some special materials, most items can be delivered on the same day.

From that day on, Lu Huayin spent most of his time in the maintenance room.

When he arrived at his own maintenance room, he just released the Silver Star. Seeing its miserable condition, Lu Huayin felt heartbroken again.

Most of the mecha's fuselage was damaged, the shell was beyond recognition, parts were missing, and the ends of wires were even exposed in some places.

That's just the outside, she hasn't seen the inside situation yet.

The cockpit was deflated, and the hatch looked shaky.

Lu Huayin entered the cockpit to check the situation inside.

There was blood inside the cockpit, which should have come from when she was injured.

I can't see any other problems. The driver's seat and operating console inside still look good.

She thought it was the hatch that had withstood most of the damage, so the inside didn't look so miserable.

Lu Huayin stepped forward and tried to see if the mecha could be turned on normally. The result was obvious that the mecha was currently in a dead state.

But this shouldn't be the case. S-class mechas shouldn't be that fragile.

She checked the mecha again, and finally found that the mecha couldn't turn on because it ran out of energy.

After all, if you want to deal with such a powerful explosion, how can you do it just by relying on the strength of the mecha itself? You must open the protective cover of the mecha.

Sitting cross-legged in the cockpit, Lu Huayin reflected on the battle at that time.

In fact, when fighting against Lalu, Lu Huayin had a contemptuous attitude when he felt his strength.

She didn't use all her strength during the fight. If she had fought quickly, this would never have happened.

Alas, it turns out that actual combat is the best teaching.

No matter how good you are in normal times, it's useless. If you can't catch the enemy in battle, it's nothing.

After reflection, the work that needs to be done still needs to be done.

Lu Huayin spent most of the day cleaning the mecha and dismantled everything that needed to be dismantled.

These are relatively basic and simple things. The most difficult thing is to install the various parts of the mecha made of materials.

Silver Star is a customized mecha, which has the distinctive features of its designer.

There are levels of mecha manufacturers, and their most significant difference is the change in the internal molecular structure of the mecha materials.

The molecular structure of a standard mecha is fixed. As long as the mecha master learns this molecular structure and uses it skillfully, he can create a mecha.

However, this fixed molecular structure formula has long been an assembly line project, and it has completely realized mechanical automation.

The first performance of a mecha manufacturer is to design a molecular structure alone and apply it to the mecha.

Lu Huayin never asked who the maker of Silver Star was, but she could guess it based on the name.

This should also be the work of Master Fenglan, but it is completely incomparable to Silver Moon.

The difference between the two is probably that one is a work of casual practice, while the other is a meticulously crafted and perfect work of art.

However, even so, it is difficult for Lu Huayin to restore Silver Star to its original appearance.

She has never participated in the mecha manufacturer level assessment, so she doesn't know where she is now, but when she was in school, it was not difficult for her to repair A-level mechas.

Lu Huayin squatted on the ground, picked up an arm that was removed from the mecha, and inserted it with his mental power.

The molecular structures inside were intricate and many were damaged. Lu Huayin could only barely make out a few.

These are what she saw in Master Fenglan's notes.

She tried to imitate the trajectory of the molecular structure, but failed at the beginning.

After the failure, a small area of ​​the mecha arm in her hand seemed to be even more tattered.

It seems that her ability is not yet up to the level of an S-class mecha master. Lu Huayin is not disappointed. After all, this is a long-term learning process and you cannot become a big fat person in one sitting.

Throughout the afternoon, Lu Huayin was thinking about how to successfully restore it.

The damaged parts need to be re-purchased with materials, but the parts that Lu Huayin removed can still be reused.

Although the money lost by the Star Guard was enough to buy new materials, Lu Huayin thought that he could save a little.

She is not short of money, but there is no need to spend it randomly.

After a whole afternoon of immersive practice, Lu Huayin successfully repaired the molecular structure of a place.

When she completely restored the molecular structure of the place, its exterior became completely new.

The previously bumpy areas have become complete and smooth, which is pleasing to the eye.

Standing up and stretching, Lu Huayin was considering whether she should go have a meal and then come back, or whether she should never leave.

Before she could figure it out, Lu Hualan had already made the decision for her.

Yesterday, Lu Hualan received a gift, which was new clothes, so she invited her plastic sisters to go out and show off.

Unexpectedly, she received news today that a little sister held a banquet at her home and invited her there.

Generally, banquets are held with advance notice, but it is not unknown to others that Lu Hualan is back.

This time she invited people to a party. The host of the party knew about it and immediately sent her an invitation.

Naturally, she couldn't go through such a good thing alone. Lu Hualan was going to drag Lu Huayin to see the world.

"Sister, I don't have time now."

Lu Huayin held a mecha material in one hand and opened the door with the other hand.

She stayed here all afternoon, so she looked gray all over.

"Just this once, come with me to see things and gain experience."

Lu Hualan stretched out his finger and shook it, and then continued: "And you can't always refuse to attend this banquet. Go and recognize people now so that you won't make a joke later."

As descendants of the Lu family, they had to attend some banquets.

Participate in more ordinary ones now so that you can have experience when you meet the big ones.

Seeing that Lu Hualan said it so sincerely, Lu Huayin thought it was the same, so she agreed.

If she really becomes the heir of the Lu family in the future, she will really need to attend a lot of banquets.

After all, banquets are sometimes not just about eating, drinking and having fun; their main function is to make connections.

Lu Huayin nodded, and Lu Hualan immediately pulled her and ran away.

Now there is not much time left, they have to quickly style and stun the audience.


At this time, many people had gathered in the banquet hall, most of them were young masters and ladies from various families.

"I heard that Lu San is back. Why didn't she come over? It couldn't be that she was too rough from being exposed to the wind and sun outside, so she didn't dare to come out to meet people."

A pretty woman covered her mouth and laughed.

The Lu San she calls is Lu Hualan.

Since there are only a small number of direct descendants of the Lu family and Lu Huayin, they are all ranked together.

Lu Hualan is the third in age, so everyone likes to call her Lu San.

"I don't know. Anyway, I sent the invitation to her." Surrounded in the middle is the host of this banquet. She is the most favored eldest lady of the Weller family.

Shelia has the signature blond hair of the Weller family. She looks charming and beautiful. Since this is a banquet hosted by her, her dress is even more luxurious.

She was surrounded by everyone, like a sparkling princess.

But as soon as the words come out of her mouth, you can feel her arrogance.

The relationship between Xilia and Lu Hualan is not good. The main reason for inviting her here this time is to see her jokes.

Although there is no obvious concept of male superiority and female inferiority among the stars, among the major families, men still occupy a dominant position.

Except for some relatively open families, in most families, the existence of daughters is to marry into other families, regardless of whether their talents are high or low.

These girls, who are trained by major families to be used as vases, their biggest hobby every day is to compete with each other.

They often hold parties to compare clothes and jewelry with each other.

When there are many girls, it is easy for things to happen. Either she secretly speaks ill of her, or she secretly covets her fiancé.

Of course, the fact that they covet their fiancés is not because they like her so much, but because everyone likes to find someone with more promise.

Compared with marrying a good-for-nothing playboy, it will naturally bring more benefits to oneself when there is still a future.

As soon as she entered the door, Lu Huayin heard people belittling Lu Hualan and promoting themselves.

"If you ask me, she will have to find someone to marry in the end. I really don't know what's the benefit of hanging out with those bumpkin now."

"Maybe this is her hobby, haha."

"Oh, who asked her to learn such a useless medical major? She might as well follow us."

Listening to their sarcastic voices, Lu Huayin didn't even need to stand up for her. Lu Hualan just went up and slapped the two big ears.

"What am I following you for? I'm following you here to learn how to talk and gossip!"

"After all, you are also ladies from well-known families. Why do you do things that only shrews in the market can do?"

Lu Hualan's mouth was like a machine gun. He kept jabbing, making people blush and want to hide their faces and run away.



They looked at you for a long time and didn't know what to say. Finally, they finally managed to say, "We don't care about a bandit like you."

"Ha, you really want to argue with me. Can you beat me?"

Lu Hualan sneered slightly, looking down on them.

Of course, she wasn't pretending, Lu Hualan really looked down on these people.

They usually think of themselves as ladies from famous families, but in the end they do some messy things.

In fact, these people were jealous of her, jealous that she could do whatever she wanted without being troubled by her family.

"Okay, okay, everyone is looking at my face, let this matter be over."

Seeing that the banquet was about to begin, Shelia stepped forward to be the peacemaker.

"You only stood up after watching the play. Why didn't you say anything when they were beaten just now?"

Seeing that it was Xilia, Lu Hualan, who was about to end it, rekindled his fighting spirit.

However, she was not talking nonsense, but consciously passed the matter onto Shelia.

Xilia thought that Lu Hualan would give her, the host, some face, but she actually started taunting her directly.

"It's not like I didn't react. You were too fast."

Compared to these aristocratic ladies who need to stay elegant every day, Lu Hualan's fighting ability simply crushes them.

"And I don't care if you come up here and take action indiscriminately. What else do you want now?"

Xilia meant that Lu Hualan was making trouble unreasonably.

"Don't you know why I did it? I think you said it very happily."

Shelia didn't expect that Lu Hualan heard what she said. She was standing facing the door. It was obvious that she didn't see Lu Hualan coming before she said it. Why was she still heard? She couldn't be deceiving her. Bar.

"I can't understand what you are talking about."

Regardless of whether you heard it or not, just pretend you don’t know.

I had known for a long time that Xilia was shameless, but I didn't expect that she could still break through her lower limit.

"Okay, you are the host, you have the final say, I won't argue with you."

Lu Hualan acted like you can do whatever you say. I only gave in to you because of your status as host.

Xilia was holding her breath very hard, knowing that this Lu Hualan would be up to no good.

Fortunately, the farce on their side did not last long, otherwise it would definitely attract a large number of people to come over.

Xilia turned her head and took a look, and was relieved when she saw that no one was paying attention.

Xilia was dressed very eye-catchingly, but the little sisters stood in a less conspicuous position in order to whisper, and the banquet hall was noisy, so no one paid attention to it.

At this time, someone spotted Lu Huayin following Lu Hualan.

She asked loudly: "Who are you? How did you get in!"

Since Lu Hualan came in very quickly in order to teach others a lesson, there was some distance between the two, which resulted in no one recognizing her identity.

"Yeah, who is this?"

"I do not know either."

Those who were not hit began to talk about Lu Huayin, trying to change the topic.

Xilia looked at the person everyone was talking about. The person was standing not far from Lu Hualan. The position was somewhat backlit, but this did not affect everyone's ability to see her face.

Her face is fair and delicate, she is wearing a beautiful dress, and she also has valuable jewelry around her neck and ears.

But these exquisite accessories are now reduced to her foil. This is the most beautiful girl they have ever seen.

Today's protagonist, Miss Helia, is less than one-tenth of her.

Helia's face turned blue and white, and sometimes it was very dark.

Who brought this person here? Isn't this deliberately causing trouble for himself?

She glanced around the crowd and found that most of them were confused, only Lu Hualan was smiling.

She understood immediately that she had brought him here.

"Lu, Hua, Lan."

Helia called out her name word by word.

"You brought this person here."

"Are you deliberately causing trouble for me?"

Today was almost her blind date party. In order to get an excellent fiancé, Xilia got up early in the morning and dressed up.

But now that such a beautiful person appears, who can see her!
She felt that Lu Hualan did it on purpose, because everyone knew tacitly why the banquet was held.

No matter how well everyone dressed up today, they didn't look past her.

Lu Hualan was really wronged. She only received the invitation today, so there was no time to find out why she held the banquet.

But bringing Lu Huayin here did mean to cause trouble for Xilia.

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