All seven uncles dote on me, and the koi will be rewarded by fortune-telling

Chapter 221 Mother Lu is in critical condition and enters the hospital

Chapter 221 Mother Lu is in critical condition and enters the hospital

As long as Xiao Xin calls him back, even if there is only one phone call, even if the phone only rings for one second, he will call her back immediately.

Unfortunately, Qin Huai waited for a long time before the phone rang.

It was getting late, already eight o'clock. Mengmeng held a baby next to her. She rolled up a quilt, lay down on the sofa, and prepared to go to bed. Seeing Qin Huai still sitting there, she raised her head and asked, "Uncle Six, what are you doing?" Are you not sleeping?"

Qin Huai's mouth twitched, "'s only eight o'clock now, why should I sleep?"

Even if he is hospitalized, he doesn't go to bed until ten o'clock.

"But I always go to bed at eight o'clock," Mengmeng said, "Grandma won't let me go to bed too late, saying that I won't grow taller."

This is true.

"Then you go to bed first." Qin Huai refused to give up and wanted to wait a little longer.

"But I can't sleep with the light on," Mengmeng, like Qin Huai, has to turn off the light to sleep. As she said this, her face bulged, "And didn't you ask me to sleep with you? I'm already sleeping now, you Still not sleeping yet.”


"I'm going to complain to grandma," Mengmeng got up, touched her phone, and said angrily, "I came to sleep with you, but you don't sleep with me now."

"Okay, okay, sleep, sleep, sleep now," Qin Huai raised his hands, let the bodyguards come in, helped him to the hospital bed, and then turned off the bedside light, "Is the head office ready now?"

At worst, he secretly plays with his mobile phone under the covers.

"No," Mengmeng shook her head, "The phone must also be turned off."


"My dad taught me this," Mengmeng said matter-of-factly. "My dad always turns off his mobile phone when sleeping. He doesn't like others to disrupt his plans. He also said that he can sleep better this way. It can grow up to two meters."

"Your father lied to you," Qin Huai said, unwilling to turn off the phone, "If it's really so good, why didn't your father grow to two meters?"

"Yes, that's what I asked him too," Mengmeng replied, "He said that he was ignorant when he was a child and didn't even know that he could grow taller by turning off his phone. If he had known earlier, he would be two meters tall now!"


Just listen to your father's nonsense.

He seriously suspected that Lu Yanshi was too lazy to explain so much to her, such as his habits, his plans, etc., so he just gave up the reason casually.

However, Qin Huai's mood was also very complicated. He didn't expect that a famous leader of a leading company would deceive his daughter in such an unambiguous way. With his ability to speak human words to others and lie to his daughter, no wonder he could He has brought the group to prosperity.

"Uncle Six, please turn off your phone too," Mengmeng said, "We will grow taller together."

"I may not be able to grow taller." Qin Huai was still struggling, "So I'd better forget it."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Mengmeng said, "My dad is still trying now. If my dad is taller than you, just wait and cry... No, my dad is already taller than you."

The little girl tilted her head and thought about it for a moment, then affirmed: "You are still much taller! Uncle Six, if you don't turn off your phone, you will become as short as me. When the time comes, you will be very pitiful..."

"...Okay, okay, stop talking. I'll turn it off. Isn't it okay if I turn it off?" Qin Huai finally figured out that he couldn't turn off this phone today.

"Watch it," Qin Huai turned off the phone in front of Mengmeng and threw it into the drawer, "It's already turned off."

"Well," Mengmeng was very happy, "Uncle Six, believe me, you will definitely grow very tall."

"Go to sleep."

Qin Huai tucked in the quilt and planned to take out his phone while Mengmeng fell asleep. However, not long after lying down, after his body came into contact with the soft bed and quilt, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in warmth, and he felt comfortable all over. got up.The dark room itself made it easy to feel sleepy, and coupled with the fatigue after training, Qin Huai fell asleep directly.

Mengmeng didn't even know when she got up secretly and made a phone call.


A familiar, low voice came from the other side of the phone, vaguely and with clear tiredness.

"Dad," the little girl held the phone and looked at Qin Huai over there, her voice low, "I put Uncle Six to sleep, I can go and sleep with you."

When Mengmeng said sleep, she naturally meant going back to Lu's house to sleep.

She calculated that Uncle Six would not wake up tonight, as long as she came back in the morning.

"I'm not at home right now."

There seemed to be some hurried sounds over there from Lu Yanshi, the ticking of medical equipment, messy footsteps, noisy shouts, mixed with weak anxious shouts,

"No, call the doctor quickly. The patient's breathing has stopped."

"I still have something to do here," Lu Yanshi said in a deep voice, "You stay there first..." Unexpectedly, he changed the topic and said, "I'll have someone pick you up."

"Okay," Mengmeng got up from the sofa and asked, "Dad, did something happen to grandma?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanshi didn't intend to hide it from her, just as he had originally wanted her to stay with Qin Huai, but suddenly changed his mind, "She may be dying. Come here and see her one last time."

"Okay, Dad, I'm coming here now. You don't need to ask someone to pick me up, I will go there by myself."

Mengmeng got off the sofa lightly, put the doll she had brought to bed next to Qinhuai's pillow, then grabbed her schoolbag and ran out.

This hospital is the most expensive and best hospital in the entire capital. Lu’s mother is also in this hospital, but it’s not in the same building. As soon as Mengmeng went downstairs, she received the news and hurried over from outside. Lu Yanli.

Accompanying him was Xu Shixu.

"Uncle, uncle!" Mengmeng waved her little hand hard towards them, "Take me with you, I want to see grandma too."

The situation was urgent and there was no time to ask more questions. Xu Shixu drove over and asked her to get in. Lu Yanli's fingers were trembling over there. He asked Lu Yan:
"Brother, wasn't mom fine before? Why did she suddenly become so sick?"

In the afternoon, he also heard Mengmeng say that Lu’s mother went to buy gifts for his “favorite”. How could it be that it had only been so long ago...

Lu Yanshi: "It's Chen Linlin."

Lu Yanli was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, "What did she do?"

Lu Yanshi said calmly: "She told mom that you like men."

"Why do I like men and I don't like men? That's a misunderstanding!"

Lu Yanli blurted out, realizing something, and subconsciously glanced at Xu Shixu who was driving. The hospital was very big, and there was a long distance between the buildings. Lu Yanli looked over and could only see Xu Shixu's tight jawline and tight lips. thin lips.

"I really don't like men, brother, you know me, you believe me." Lu Yanli lowered his voice.

Lu Yanshi said calmly: "I don't care about you, you can like anyone."


(End of this chapter)

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