The vampire vine seedlings, which look as dry and craggy as tumbleweeds, are undergoing startling changes.

White, slender rhizomes emerge from the thorn balls like magic and plunge into the sand, anchoring the seedlings to the ground.

Then the spherical seedling twisted and rotated in a strange way. From a distance, it looked like a twisted and tangled ball of thread, which was quickly untied by an invisible hand and twisted into a soft long vine.

The appearance and color of the vines are not exactly the same as those of the seedlings. They have absolutely nothing to do with them.The long vine feels as soft as aquatic plants. It is green all over, and its surface is covered with yellow leaves the size of a fingernail and shaped like fish scales. It looks soft and beautiful.

Dozens of hundreds of long vines cover the small desert in front of you, rising and falling without wind, giving people the beautiful illusion of being in a grassland.

Qi Ming rubbed his eyes and exclaimed: "Sister Xing, what kind of magic did you cast?"

"It's not magic, I just accelerated the growth of vampire vine seedlings so that they can develop into adult plants now."

Since the vampire vine seedlings were chasing them like flies biting eggs, Li Xing would find a way to prevent them from running away.How to avoid running away, of course, is to take root.

Chen Qi was stunned: "This damn thing has grown up, and it looks pretty good."

The effect of one pill was not enough to make all the vampire vine seedlings develop, and the next wave came over again.

The brown thorn ball, the size of a fist, had not yet figured out what was happening in front of it. It jumped on the adult vampire vine and rushed towards the big guy that smelled of food.

Feeling something on its body, the adult vampire vine instantly stood upright from its fallen state, its fish-scale-like leaves spread out, as sharp as the iron teeth on a mace.The vampire vine twists its body like a python, violently wrapping up, squeezing, and crushing the spherical seedlings.

In just the blink of an eye, the vampire vine seedlings that could not be burned by fire or cut with a knife were chopped into tiny pieces by their own kind, and together with the juice and the star beast corpses that had not had time to digest, they became nutrients for the strong.

The red-armored scorpion was controlled by Li Xing and stopped not far from the blood-sucking vines.The teenagers on Scorpion's back all looked horrified when they saw the scene of cannibalism in front of them.

Chen Qi, who had praised the beauty of the vampire vine just now, now had his mouth wide open, as if someone had cast a restraining spell on him - this kind of reversal was really hard for him to accept.

Damn it, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is, such as vampire vines and Li Xing!

Such hard seedlings were crushed to pieces in an instant, and the vampire vine was simply a crusher in the plant world.If a person fell in, he would probably be crushed into a meat pie in an instant!

Everyone was horrified by the fighting power of the vampire vine, but Bai Ling was impressed by Li Xing's unpredictable pharmaceutical skills.

During the Tianyi competition, inspired by Li Xing, Bai Ling also improved her medicine refining skills, no longer limited to medicines with only therapeutic effects, which was quite fruitful.

When she was surrounded by vampire vine seedlings, Bai Ling had not thought of using medicine to deal with them.

In her opinion, the most feasible way is to refine a kind of poison that will cause the vampire vine seedlings to lose their vitality and completely dry up and die after being exposed to it.

But while simulating the effects of the medicine in her mind, Bai Ling could never find a way to make the poison only damage the blood-sucking vines and not harm people.So she gave up the idea of ​​using poison.

When Li Xing said she wanted to make an elixir to solve the problem, Bai Ling was actually a little unconvinced.

Bai Ling is the one among the younger generation of healers who is most likely to reach the heavenly level. She is very proud in her bones.She thought that even with her brains and strength, she couldn't come up with a complete medication strategy. Li Xing, a healer who only officially entered the profession at the age of 16, and whose level was not as high as hers, could do anything good.

Even if Li Xing made the vitality pills, Bai Ling did not pin all her hopes of escape on those few pills.

But it turned out that Li Xing, a healer who used ancient methods to refine medicine, was much better than him in terms of brains and skills.

People like Li Xing are bound to leave their names in history. Compared with her, he is as insignificant as a firefly in front of the moon.

Bai Ling sighed, and then felt relieved - even if she was a firefly, she would be the brightest one.

"Li Xing, others say that I will be the next healer to advance to the heavenly level, but I think you will achieve it faster than me. You are a powerful and excellent healer. I am lucky to be in the same era as you. . I hope to have the opportunity to discuss pharmaceutical technology together in the future. I have many questions to ask you."

Li Xing revealed two small pear holes: "Sister Bai is not ashamed to ask, what else can I hide? I must tell you everything I know."

"Thank you! Let's learn from each other's strengths and learn from each other's strengths!"

The adult vampire vines have strangled many vampire vine seedlings, but the number of seedlings is too great to kill. The seedlings that escaped from the gaps in the roots once again gathered into a tide and rushed towards the red armored scorpion.

Li Xingsu raised his hand lightly and took out the second vitality pill. The same plot happened again, with the seedling taking root, branching, sprouting, and then turning into a beautiful killer.

By the time the third Vitality Pill is used up, all the vampire vine seedlings will either become adults or become nutrients. The desert in front of everyone is already a medium-sized oasis.

Looking at the emerald green in front of him, Ye Qingting said with emotion: "The green plants in the desert mean that they are delicious and juicy, and they are fatally attractive to herbivorous asteroids. This patch of blood-sucking vines will probably become a nightmare for nearby asteroids."

Shangguan Linyuan said: "This is the law of nature. We can't change it, we can only adapt to it."

Bai Ling: "Although vampire vines are cruel, they are not useless. They can solidify sand, improve soil, and guide liquid water deep underground to the surface."

"Don't look at the fact that there is only one plant here, vampire vine. In a few years, the environment here will be able to support more types of plants. By then, this place will become a real oasis and the home of the desert star beasts."

Live live.

Zou Huali couldn't restrain his excitement and took the lead in applauding: "Brilliant! I can't believe that they actually got rid of the vampire vines in this way. Li Xing's mind and methods are really eye-opening!"

Lin Zhi'an also nodded in agreement: "Li Xing's ancient medicinal techniques are so flexible and surprising that even geniuses like Bai Ling are outclassed by her! Master Zou, I think the Healer Association should re-investigate ancient medicinal techniques. When making an evaluation, you can’t just look at the shortcomings and ignore its advantages.”

Zou Huali nodded: "Master Lin is right! When the competition is over, I will immediately convene a council meeting to study this matter."

Maybe they are all wrong. The ancient medicine method is the orthodox thaumaturgy that can make the magic medicine that can defy the heaven and change the destiny. The person who took the detour may never have been Li Xing.

Without the pursuit of the vampire vine, the red-armored scorpion was finally able to run with a normal heart.Five kilometers later, Li Xing dropped the Desert Boat team near a small oasis and said goodbye to them.Zhu Zhi refused to join the team and continued to ride the red-armored scorpion towards Yaochi.

An hour later, the white fish belly appeared in the east, the fiery red sun rose from the horizon, and the cold earth quickly warmed up under the sunlight.

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