Chapter 196 Xiyuan Race (22)
Chen Qi went crazy, the earth spirit came out desperately, and the soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground causing white smoke.Shangguan Linyuan finally gave up his struggle and let Chen Qi drag him, bumping and rubbing against the ground.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Cui Tianxiao, no matter how fierce he was, realized that he was in trouble. He raised his bow and was at a loss: "What, what is going on!"

Li Xing gave him a sudden shock: "Those are not tumbleweeds, they are vampire vine seedlings. Elemental attacks are useless, but will make them evolve into a super speed state!"

Cui Tianxiao was shocked. It turned out that this was the blood-sucking vine, the most ferocious plant in the desert. No wonder Chen Qi's face turned green with fear.

"Then, what to do then?"

"Pull them up!"

Cui Tianxiao, Ye Qingting, and Qi Ming pulled Chen Qi and the others onto the back of the red-armored scorpion, while Li Xing returned to the scorpion's head and threw a Yuan Yuan Dan into its mouth. .

After the elixir entered his stomach, Dahong's consumed physical strength was instantly full.

The red-armored scorpion roared, and its speed increased a lot. Even though the load was doubled, it still managed to keep the distance between it and the blood-sucking vine.

"Big Red, work harder and rush up that sand dune!"

Although the red-armored scorpion has never seen a blood-sucking vine, high-level star beasts have a sixth sense for predicting danger.

Since the red-armored scorpion can live for more than 300 years, it is a leader in seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.Although these thorn balls look inconspicuous, the red-armored scorpion has a firm belief in his heart that he must not let the thorn balls touch them.

Therefore, without Li Xing's special urging, the red-armored scorpion ran forward desperately, and finally reached the bottom of the sand dune Li Xing mentioned before being overtaken by the blood-sucking vine, and climbed up at the same time.

This sand dune is extremely steep, with an angle of nearly [-] degrees to the ground. The vampire vines cannot roll up and can only surround the dune.

The red-armored scorpion, which finally reached a safe area, landed on its belly with a loud bang, spreading its legs and gasping for air.

Li Xing made three thousand lotuses turn into a ring of fire and surrounded the red-armored scorpion in the middle to prevent it from hypothermia and freezing to death. Then he jumped off the scorpion and stood on the sand dune to carefully observe the blood-sucking vines.

On the back of the red-armored scorpion, the Special Administrative Disobedience Team and the Desert Boat Team each occupied one end. The atmosphere was not harmonious, but it was peaceful.

Chen Qi poked Shangguan Linyuan and whispered: "Yuanzi, how do you think they tamed the red-armored scorpion? Can we get one too?"

The red-armored scorpion has a wide back, so even if it is running for its life, it will not feel bumps. It is simply an excellent means of transportation for walking in the desert.

Moreover, since ancient times, there has never been a precedent for taming a star beast. Chen Qi felt infinite glory and pride from the moment he stepped on the scorpion's back.If there was a way for him to tame a red-armored scorpion, he would never let it go.

Shangguan Linyuan was dragged on the ground by Chen Qi, and a piece of his face was rubbed off. It was dripping with blood and looked very scary.

Hearing that Chen Qi was about to cause trouble again, Shangguan Linyuan reprimanded him with a cold face: "I advise you to be honest. What makes so many great people in history fail to do it, why do you think you can do it?"

Chen Qi was dissatisfied: "Damn! If I can't do it, why can't I just rule the team and not obey the team? Aren't we all the same Yuanling practitioners!"

"Let me tell you why you can't do it!" Shangguan Linyuan pointed to the circle of flames surrounding the red-armored scorpion and continued: "Do you know what that is?"

"I know, Yuanhuo. There is only one Fire Yuanling who specializes in treating disobedient troops, so that is Li Xing's Yuanhuo."

"That's right. The reason why the red-armored scorpion can appear in the desert is entirely because Li Xing used Yuanhuo to simulate the heat of magma and keep the red-armored scorpion warm, so that it can run energetically."

"The Earth Lung Area is six to seven hundred kilometers away from here. Even if the Red Armored Scorpion runs at full speed, it will take more than five hours to get there. I am also a Fire Origin Spiritualist, but I ask myself, if I am allowed to control the Origin Fire for five consecutive hours I can't do it within a temperature range that doesn't burn the red-armored scorpion but also makes it feel comfortable."

Chen Qi was silent. Shangguan Linyuan was right. He only saw the scenery of riding a red-armored scorpion who was dedicated to controlling disobedience, but he didn't know that behind his scenery, there was absolute strength supporting him.

"Now that they allow us to stay here, let's rest and regain our strength quickly. Don't think about what we have and what we don't have." After saying that, Shangguan Linyuan put on his clothes and lay down, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Although Chen Qi almost died from running just now, compared to Shangguan Linyuan who had worked hard for more than ten hours, he was full of energy and couldn't rest at all.Bored, Chen Qi turned to Bai Ling again.

"Captain, isn't Ye Qingting an Ice Yuanling? Why hasn't he been affected by the Yuanling's shackles?"

Shangguan Xianyu turned on the temperature-regulating talisman to the highest level and even used Chen Qi's six energy stones, but she was still greatly affected.

Logically speaking, Ye Qingting's situation would only be worse than Shangguan Xianyu, but he seemed to show no signs of being shackled, which was unreasonable.

Bai Ling pursed her lips at the flirty display board and said, "Didn't you see that advertisement? Li Xing has invented a new drug again."

"Qingfeng Powder?" Chen Qi curled his lips: "Isn't it that magical?"

Bai Ling ignored him, got up and walked towards Ye Qingting.Ye Qingting also noticed Bai Ling's movements. The two were both captains, and they were not in a competitive relationship at the moment, so there was no need to make the atmosphere so tense.

So Ye Qingting went up to him and took the initiative to speak.

"Senior Bai Ling, are you looking for me if you need something?"

"Captain Ye, I would like to ask if the Qingfeng Powder is as effective as it says on the brand?"

Ye Qingting smiled. "Senior sister, Ah Xing never jokes about medicine-related matters. If you still have doubts, you can take a look at my status."

Ye Qingting did not use the elemental power in front of Bai Ling, but the aura emanating from his body showed that he now had enough energy and was in excellent condition.

The remaining doubts in Bai Ling's heart disappeared.

"I want to buy medicine."

As soon as Li Xing climbed back on the red armored scorpion, she heard Bai Ling say that she wanted to buy medicine. She was overjoyed and immediately ran to Bai Ling, rubbed her little hands and asked:

"Sister Bai, you have good taste! I don't have much left of this medicine. I only sell it to people who are destined to be destined. I wonder how much Sister Bai wants?"

"Uh... let's have a bottle first."

"Okay. 32 star coins, you have my communication number, just transfer it directly!"

After the beep of "Clang--", Li Xing happily took out a porcelain vase not much thicker than her little finger and handed it to Bai Ling.

Chen Qi stood behind Bai Ling and watched the excitement. When he saw Li Xing taking out such a small vial, he immediately became anxious: "Damn, such a small amount of medicine is sold for more than 30 yuan? Are you selling it to someone with a destiny, or someone with a Yuan Dynasty?" ah!"

Star Guardian Cui Tianxiao immediately taunted: "One bottle is enough medicine for one person. Do you think I can give you half a catty? You can eat it as a meal!"

Qi Ming couldn't bear others' criticism of Li Xing, so he retorted: "After taking Qingfeng Powder, you don't need to open the temperature-regulating runes anymore. How many energy stones can it save for you? Isn't this a good deal?"

Chen Qi didn't give up. Qi Ming was right. If this medicine can really replace the temperature-regulating runes, then the price of 10,000+ is not only not expensive, but also very cheap!
Li Xing: "Mountains are not high, immortals are famous. Medicines are not many, but effective are spiritual. You and I are not destined, we are all connected by medicine. Buy it and cherish it. It is too expensive now. If you see it again in the future, maybe you will stick to it. I can’t afford it!”

Chen Qi snorted with disdain and cursed the profiteer in his heart.

A few years later, when Qingfengsan was offered 2000 million star coins per gram in the Hong Kong Coliseum, Chen Qi regretted not investing more in the game.

Bai Ling fed Qingfeng Powder to Shangguan Xianyu.The cool powder turns into a breeze upon entering, sweeping through the limbs and driving away the heat energy accumulated in the body.

Shangguan Xianyu felt that Yuanling, which had been stagnant for a long time, started to move quickly again, and he couldn't help but open his eyes in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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