"Okay, watch the surveillance!" The parent of the classmate who was beaten by Jiang Yun replied without showing any weakness.

The parents of both parties were at a stalemate with each other, and the head teacher had no choice but to lead them to the monitoring room.

This time she can finally prove that she did not lie.

After entering the monitoring room, Jiang Yun looked forward to seeing what happened in the class these days.

In fact, when she was being scolded by her classmates for several days in a row, she had expressed that she wanted to watch the surveillance, but the teacher refused to take her to watch it because it involved the privacy of the classmates.

Well now, you can see the monitor right away.

Jiang Yun and her mother stood behind the chairs in the monitoring room, staring closely at the video played on it, for fear of missing something.

Jiang Yun's mother was furious, staring at the video, and glanced at the other parent's parent from the corner of her eye, as if you were waiting for me to watch.

The video started playing on the day when Jiang Yun said that she first heard someone scolding her. According to the frequency of her being scolded by her classmates these days, it should be broadcast to the time when she was scolded for the first time.

The head teacher sat in front of the console, watched the long playback line, and kept clicking to fast forward.

Jiang Yun's mother standing behind her stared at the video, but her expression changed.

With the fast forward, the time soon came to the day when she was scolded.

That would be recess time.

Some students were resting, some were doing their homework, and some were lying on their desks to read. Jiang Yun was also lying on her desks to do her homework.

Suddenly, in the originally quiet class, Jiang Yun suddenly stood up from her seat. She rushed to a place not far away and asked the classmate loudly why she scolded her. After the two argued for a while, the surrounding students also began to persuade .

Jiang Yun's mother's face was a little pale.

She could see and hear clearly just now, the class was very quiet, and no one scolded Jiang Yun.

No one even glanced in her direction.

"Hmph, this is the first time this little girl has found fault. This little classmate is doing well there. She has to go up and say that he scolded her. What am I going to say?" The parent of the classmate who was beaten looked at the video, Said displeased.

The head teacher didn't speak.

There was silence in the air, and the few people continued to watch the video, fast forwarding to the scene where Jiang Yun hit her classmate today.

"Why didn't you yell? Didn't you say you were going to send my child to the police station? Hmph, you dare to beat your own child if he has a problem, class teacher, such a child with mental problems stays in the class, if it affects What can the other students do? It will be terrible if they hurt other students someday."

Class teacher, "Yes, what you said makes sense, and I will report it to the school properly." Originally, he thought it was just a small conflict between the children, and he didn't take it to heart. After watching the video, he felt that this matter might indeed be serious.

Could this Jiang Yun be really crazy?
With a livid face, Jiang Yun's mother silently pulled her out of the classroom and left the school.

After returning home, she told her husband about Jiang Yun's strange incident, and the two quickly took her to the hospital.

As a result, the hospital checked and said that there was no problem for the time being.

So her parents took her back home.

She was forced to suspend school.

After staying at home for a week, she was quite normal at first, but her parents looked at her very strangely. Slowly, she found that her parents scolded her behind her back, and she completely collapsed.

Crying and asking them what they did wrong, they want to treat her like this.

Unexpectedly, her parents stared at her strangely, and left chattering.

Not long after, she was sent to this psychiatric hospital. The doctor at the hospital said that she was under too much study pressure, so she started to think wildly and needed to be treated here.

The parents only said one sentence to treat the illness well, and then left.

But she knew that she was not sick, so she kept trying to escape.

However, every time he escaped, he would be caught back.

Not only that, those doctors also judged that her illness was getting worse, and they didn't believe that she was a normal person at all.

Until a few days ago, she heard a lunatic named Dr. Wang in the next bed mention a person named Master Lin in front of her many times, saying that it was this person who caused him to become so miserable.

He also said that this master Lin is very good at fortune-telling and is said to be able to catch ghosts.

As if she had caught a glimmer of hope in the dark, she secretly took away the doctor's cell phone from the hospital, ran away quietly, and found Lin Mumu in the live broadcast room.
(Jiang Yun's memories end)
After listening to Jiang Yun's words, the water friends in the live broadcast room fell into a brief silence.

[It means that you always feel that someone is scolding you, but the people around you say that you are not scolded. To be honest, I also think it is your problem. Maybe you have a disease that you don’t even know about. 】

[What am I expecting? I’ve heard a lunatic talking about it for a long time. It’s obviously your problem. It’s impossible for your parents to lie to you. There must be something wrong with your brain. Alas, but the pressure from students is too high now. It’s really big enough. Not long ago, there was a child in my relative’s class who failed a monthly exam and wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building. Fortunately, the head teacher found it in time and hugged him. Unfortunately, he also went home and suspended school. . 】

[Maybe the pressure is too much, don't think too much, there are not so many people scolding you, you should obediently receive treatment in the hospital. 】

【Didn't you realize that Master Lin hasn't spoken since the beginning?I think this matter is definitely not that simple. 】

[Maybe Master Lin doesn't want to provoke her, but there are people in the mental hospital who know Master Lin. 】

【I also think, Master Lin, do you think this young lady is crazy after all? 】

Lin Mumu glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and asked, "Do you still remember what happened to you two months ago?"

[Look, I just said that this incident must be unusual. When did Master Lin encounter anything normal? 】

[This young lady was not really sent in by her family and classmates. 】

Jiang Yun froze for a moment, then tilted her head to think about it.

Nothing special happened two months ago. She is on the line at two o'clock every day. Except for studying at school, she studies at home and rarely goes out to play.

Her life has always been monotonous, because the high school curriculum is very tight, in order to be able to be admitted to the ideal university, she didn't even make a few friends.

Seeing that she didn't remember, Lin Mumu kindly reminded, "Love letter."

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