Return to 2000 and become famous overnight from Wenchao

Chapter 377: Number 1 on the list appears

As soon as Ningxia left school at noon, he knew that "Cross Fire" had appeared at the top of the list.

Ningxia was able to know it immediately, of course, thanks to Xia Ke, a social cow.

As soon as the five people entered the competition hall, Xia Ke started to look around. Ningxia knew without thinking that he was looking for No. 1 on the list. Because of the morning competition, the news about the "Crossfire" competition on the campus online relationship had already gone viral. ,
Of course, the name, photo, and department of the student who topped the list were all revealed.

Ning Xia saw Xia Ke stopped in front of a boy, dancing and looking very excited. Ning Xia knew that this person might be the number one "passer" on the most popular list, whose real name is Zhang Weiqiang.

The boy has a gentle appearance, wears black-rimmed glasses, and has a thin build.

When Xia Ke, a familiar figure, came closer, Ning Xia saw the boy hiding back with a frightened expression. It seemed that his character was a bit shy.

Turning around and looking at each other, Xiao Zichen took the lead and walked over.

This person is No. 1 on the most popular list, and the two bosses of "Cross Fire" have to go there and get to know each other.

It’s hard to say, I’ll have to ask for help when the club opens.

Ningxia's original plan was to use this competition to bring all the players on the list into the club.

How could Ningxia miss the opportunity given by the right time, right place and right people?

Otherwise, she would not have organized competitions in major universities.

In particular, bonuses have been set up, and No. 1 can get 5 yuan.

This is the purpose of spending so much money.

The e-sports club didn’t have any fancy names, it was just called AA Club, which corresponds to the 1+1 gaming company.

It has been nearly two years since Zhang Weiqiang entered university, and he has not received as much attention as he does today.

He was already uncomfortable being looked at by the people around him, and Xia Ke's sudden appearance really startled him.

While chatting with Xia Ke with a stiff mouth, he saw a fair-skinned beauty walking towards him from the corner of his eye. Everyone loves beauty, and Zhang Weiqiang is certainly no exception.

But after seeing who it was, Zhang Weiqiang's ears turned red.

Zhang Weiqiang's grades in the past two years have always been in a state of not failing. Because he looks ordinary and doesn't know how to dress up, he is just a passerby who can't be found in the crowd at school, let alone a woman.

At this time, I was sure that what I saw was really the school beauty Ningxia, and when I saw the person getting closer and closer, I was sure that this person was really coming towards me.

In an instant, he didn't know how to place his hands and feet.

When he first saw Ningxia, Zhang Weiqiang's first reaction was to lower his head and turn away. But when he saw the person getting closer and closer, and really coming towards him, he instantly jumped up.

Ning Xia did not expect Zhang Weiqiang to have such a big reaction. At this time, she could not go or leave.
With the corners of her mouth raised, Ning Xia waved her hand to Zhang Weiqiang and turned to leave.

Xiao Zichen glanced at the boy who was relieved and understood why Ning Xia left. He nodded to the boy and followed Ning Xia back to the rest area.

The boss left, and the other two didn't stay.

Lu Jiadong followed Ning Xia back to the rest area, but he found that the area where Ning Xia was sitting was very quiet, and the boys were all sitting upright without squinting.

If he hadn't seen the glances that each one of them cast towards Ningxia from time to time, he would have truly believed that these families were all gentlemen who were not close to women.

In fact, Lu Jiadong can also understand,
When he saw Ningxia for the first time, he almost stared straight at her. In fact, Ningxia's appearance and white and shining skin would definitely become the focus of the crowd as soon as she appeared.

But such a goddess can only be seen from a distance, which is really a bit overwhelming.You see, no one dares to look at them openly, they only dare to take a sneak peek.

A few people sat down for a while before Xia Ke trotted back.

Ningxia even doubted that if the game time hadn't come soon, this guy would have been able to chat with her all afternoon.

"Zhang Weiqiang is too stupid. When the seniors greet him, they just say hello and bye."

"I saw a few girls coming over to say hello to him, and the guy's face turned red."

Xia Ke was holding back his laughter, dancing and chattering.

Lu Jiadong sat there and couldn't listen anymore. "Do you think everyone is as shameless as you?"

When Ning Xia looked over, there was a steady stream of classmates greeting Zhang Weiqiang, but he kept his head lowered. Only when someone greeted him, would he look up and show an awkward and polite smile to the visitor.

In her opinion, doesn't this mean that a society is afraid of big boys?

After a morning of competition, several star teams have appeared.
The most popular team is of course Ningxia. After all, they have merged four IDs on the list at once, and the other one is Zhang Weiqiang’s [ABC] team.

In addition to these two teams, ID Erlangshen, the [Come on] team that ranks sixth on the rankings, is also a team that attracts a lot of attention.

Due to the presence of several teams, the competition venue was packed with people, and the excitement during the afternoon game was also unprecedentedly high.

Ningxia also discovered that in just one morning, cheerleaders from all teams came out.

For Ningxia, it can only be said that the game is not a game. After all, her main purpose is not here.

In the afternoon, two people from the newly established e-sports club also came. Although the club's staffing was in place, Mizuki was not the only one participating in the official competition today. The reason why two people were chosen was because they learned that the boss was also participating in the competition.

But what is his full name and what he looks like, the visitor has no idea.

After all, since the establishment of the club, the 1+1 CEO Chang Sheng has been running around, and no one from Ningxia, Xiao Zichen, has appeared in this new company.

It’s not like Ningxia didn’t help at all. Ningxia contributed a three-story small foreign-style building with a courtyard that it had recently acquired.

Although the environment is average and a bit old, it can still be renovated. The main thing is that it has a large area.

When Ningxia learned that she needed to find a spacious place to host a club that would not disturb people, she thought of this house.

Ningxia bought this house because of its topography and the floor space. Both the house area and the yard are half larger than Ningxia's house in school.
Even if it is demolished, you can still pay a lot of compensation.

When I saw the house, I bought it without saying a word.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ningxia also met a second-hand housing agent. During this period, he was still looking for suitable houses for Ningxia.

The requirements for second-hand houses in Ningxia are that the terrain and area are large, and it doesn’t matter whether they are old or new.

In the order of the games drawn in the afternoon, the Ningxia group ranked second to last.

Ningxia paid attention to these famous players all afternoon.

Competitions are also taking place in other cities. Among the first batch of schools holding the "CrossFire" game competition are not only first-tier universities, but also some second-tier universities. (End of chapter)

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